Natural Home Remedies for Cystitis

At some point in life, most of us will experience a urinary tract
infection (UTI), commonly referred as a bladder infection or

The term 'cystitis' refers to inflammation of the urinary bladder.
The recurrence of cystitis may, in some cases, be associated
with kidney troubles.

The patient complains of an almost continual urge to void and a
burning sensation on passing urine. There may be a feeling of
pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen. The urine may become
thick, dark, and stringy. It may have an unpleasant smell and may
contain blood or pus. Some pain in the lower back may also be
felt in certain cases. In an acute stage, there may be a rise in
body temperature. In the chronic form of cystitis, the symptoms
are similar but generally less severe and longer lasting, and
without a fever.

Cystitis may result from infections in other parts connected with
or adjacent to the bladder such as the kidneys, the urethra, the
vagina, or the prostate gland. There may be local irritation and
inflammation in the bladder if urine is retained there for an
unduly long time. Cystitis may also result from severe
constipation. Other conditions like an infected kidney, stones in
the kidneys or bladder, or an enlarged prostate may also lead to
this disorder.
Cystitis Treatment with
Cucumber Juice

Cucumber juice is one of the
most useful home remedies
in the treatment of cystitis.
It is a very effective diuretic.
A cup of this juice, mixed
with one teaspoon of honey
and a tablespoon of fresh
lime juice, should be given
three times daily.

Cystitis Treatment with

A quantity of 100 ml of fresh
spinach juice, taken with an
equal quantity of tender
coconut water twice a day,
is considered beneficial in
the treatment of cystitis. It
acts as a very effective and
safe diuretic due to the
combined action of both
nitrates and potassium.

Cystitis Treatment with

Lemon has proved valuable in
cystitis. A teaspoon of lemon
juice should be put in 180 ml
of boiling water. It should
then be allowed to cool and
60 ml of this water should be
taken every two hours from
8 a.m. to 12 noon for the
treatment of this condition.
This eases the burning
sensation and also stops
bleeding in cystitis.

Cystitis Treatment with

Half a glass each of barley
gruel, mixed with buttermilk
and the juice of half a lime,
is an excellent diuretic. It is
beneficial in the treatment
of cystitis, and may be taken
twice daily.
Cystitis Treatment with Sandal wood Oil:
The oil of sandalwood is also considered valuable in this disease.
This oil should be given in doses of five drops in the beginning
and gradually increased to ten to thirty drops.
Herbs for Cystitis

Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi), sometimes called bearberry, has been used by cultures as
diverse as the Native Americans and the Chinese for treating urinary tract infections. Uva ursi
contains a natural compound called arbutin, which is transformed in the urinary tract into
hydroquinone, a potent urinary antiseptic that is effective against the E. coli organism. Uva ursi
also has diuretic action and helps to cleanse the urinary tract. The antibacterial component of
uva ursi seems to be most effective in an alkaline environment, so it may be helpful while using
the herb to avoid cranberry juice, citrus, tomatoes, and other foods that might acidify the urine.
Uva ursi has an astringent but not unpleasant flavor. Make a tea by pouring one cup of boiling
water over two teaspoons of dried leaves. Steep for ten minutes, strain, and drink three cups a
day. As an alternative, take one-half teaspoon of liquid extract or two capsules three times a day.
Although uva ursi is safe when used in recommended amounts, don't exceed the recommended
dosage or use it for more than two weeks, because in high doses it can cause nausea and irritate
the kidneys. Do not take uva ursi during pregnancy.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is also a potent antimicrobial that contains a natural antibiotic
called berberine that is effective against many strains of harmful microorganisms, including E. coli.
In addition, goldenseal has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that help to soothe
inflamed mucous membranes. As with uva ursi, the natural antibiotic in goldenseal is most
effective in an alkaline environment, so avoid eating acidifying foods while you are taking the
herb. Pour one cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of powdered herb. Steep 10 minutes,
strain, and drink three cups a day. Goldenseal is extremely bitter and is easiest to take as a liquid
extract or in capsules. Take one-half to one teaspoon of extract or two to three capsules three
times a day. Because it is a uterine stimulant, goldenseal should not be used during pregnancy.

Juniper (Juniperus communis) berries contain an aromatic oil that has antimicrobial and diuretic
properties. It steps up the fluidfiltering rate of the kidneys, which increases urine output.
Juniper has a sweet, pungent, and astringent flavor. To make a tea, pour one cup of boiling
water over one teaspoon of crushed berries, cover, and steep for 20 minutes. Strain, and drink
up to three cups a day. Overuse of juniper can irritate the kidneys, and the herb should not be
used for more than four to six weeks at a time. If you have kidney disease or are pregnant, do
not use juniper.

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) is a gentle diuretic that has mild immune-enhancing properties.
While it won't fight infection as do uva ursi or goldenseal, it makes a soothing tea that helps to
cleanse the bladder. Marshmallow has a pleasant, sweet flavor. Simmer one teaspoon of chopped
dried root in one cup of boiling water in a covered pot for five minutes. Remove from heat and
steep an additional ten minutes. Strain, and drink three to four cups throughout the day.
Bladder Cleansing Tea

3 teaspoons marshmallow root
2 teaspoons dandelion leaf
2 teaspoons crushed juniper berries
3 teaspoons nettle
4 cups water

Simmer marshmallow root in water in a covered pot for 5 minutes.Remove from heat
and add dandelion leaf, juniper berries, and nettle. Cover, and steep for 15 minutes.
Strain and drink 3-4 cups throughout the day.

Infection-Fighting Formula

1 ounce uva ursi extract
1/2 ounce goldenseal extract
1/2 Ounce echinacea root extract

Combine extracts in a dark glass bottle and shake well. Take 1 teaspoon four times a day in a small
amount of warm water.

How to Make Herbal Preparation
Aroma Therapy for Cyctitis

Aromatherapy essential oils can be added to baths, compresses, and massage oils to help to relieve urinary tract
infections. Sitz baths can ease the pelvic pain that sometimes accompanies an infection. Add five drops each of
juniper and sandalwood essential oils to the tub.

Juniper is a potent detoxifying oil with diuretic properties and is specifically an antiseptic for the urinary tract. It has
a pungent, sweet, woodsy fragrance. Do not use juniper during pregnancy.

Sandalwood is also an antiseptic and diuretic and is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for treating urinary tract
infections. It has a complex, rich, woodsy and sweet scent.

Tea tree is a potent antiseptic that directly kills the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. If' you suffer
frequently from this infection, add two drops of tea tree oil to one cup of warm water and use regularly as a genital
wash after bowel movements and following intercourse. Tea tree oil has a pungent, camphor-like scent.
More about Aroma Therapy
Aromatherapy Bath

2 cups Epsom salts
1 cup baking soda
6 drops sandalwood essential oil
4 drops juniper essential oil

Fill bathtub with comfortably hot water, adding
Epsom salts and baking soda while the tub is
filling. Add sandalwood and juniper essential oils
just before entering the tub. Soak for 15 to 20

Massage Oil

1 ounce almond oil
7 drops sandalwood essential oil
5 drops juniper essential oil
1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil

Combine oils and store in a dark glass bottle. Use as a
massage oil over the abdomen and lower back.

A few simple precautions to avoid urinary tract infections.

Good hygiene is essential for preventing UTIs. Always wipe from front to back to keep bacteria
away from the urethra.

Don't use scented toilet paper, perfumed or deodorant soaps, bubble bath, or feminine-hygiene
sprays, all of which dry out the delicate vaginal tissues and make you more prone to infection.

Wash thoroughly soon after sexual activity, and if you are prone to frequent urinary tract
infections, rinse with a solution of one cup of warm water with two drops of tea tree oil to kill

Drink plenty of fluids, especially pure water and herbal teas.

Your need for fluids varies according to your diet, your level of activity, and the climate and
season, but a good general guideline is to drink enough so that you need to urinate every
couple of hours. This keeps your bladder cleansed and free of trouble-causing microorganisms.