Pre Menstrual Symptoms - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Pre Menstrual Symptoms Treatment

There are a number of symptoms that can occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, that is leading up to a period, due mostly to imbalances in hormone production. These symptoms tend to be lumped together by the medical profession into pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), but not all women experience them in the same combination or in the same way.

Home remedies for Pre Menstrual Symptoms
Aromatherapy - Essential oils can be helpful in reducing fluid retention; this is most effectively done by using them with lymphatic drainage massage so do see a professional aroma therapist if this is a major part of your symptoms. Using oils such as Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper or Rosemary in the bath, and also doing skin-brushing, frequently stroking your limbs up from the extremities towards the heart, are good methods of self-help.

Common Pre Menstrual Symptoms (PMS)
Symptoms include mood changes, with irritability and/or weepiness, headaches and sometimes migraines, fluid retention, tender breasts, and deep aching in the low abdomen or thighs before and at the start of the period, This half of the cycle can also be when creativity and energy, including sexual energy, can be higher so do not automatically assume that the pre- period phase has to be awful.

Herbalism - Probably the most valuable herb for disturbances of the second half of the menstrual cycle is Chaste Tree. The berries are used, and they help to normalize hormone function, particularly in lifting progesterone levels - lowered progesterone is most often the trigger for the symptoms. They can be obtained in tablet form. In very large amounts Chaste Tree can give an irritating sensation under the skin; if this occurs simply stop taking it.

Herbs which have diuretic effects may be useful in giving some relief; try infusions of either Cleavers or Couch Grass - yes, this scourge of gardeners does have important medicinal properties! Two other helpful herbs are Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), both as a diuretic and gentle relaxant, and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) which eases the emotional swings may happen. Any improvement in PMS may take 3-6 months to appear.

Homeopathy - Some possible home remedies are:

Calc Carb: for overweight people who feel the cold easily if only during this phase.

Calc Phos: for cold but drier extremities, pain and cramping with pre menstrual bloating.

Women for whom wither of the above remedies are suited will probably get relief from pre menstrual discomfort by taking a warm bath or using hot water bottle.

Naturopathy - Both diet and exercise can help tremendously in minimizing pre-menstrual problems. Cut down alcohol and coffee during this part of cycle at least.

Regular exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming and running can help reduce the pelvic congestion that may accompany PMS.