Bronchitis Remedies - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Bronchitis Treatment

Acute bronchitis, which typically follows an upper respiratory infection such as a heavy cold or influenza, produces a painful dry cough as the infected bronchi become inflamed. This leads to lots of mucus being produced and the cough becoming looser. The condition can recur and chronic bronchitis is known as the English disease, due to its frequent occurrence in England.

Home remedies for Bronchitis
Bronchitis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Essential oils, used primarily in steam inhalations (see below), are an excellent way to treat bronchitis. In the acute stage using powerfully antiseptic oils such as Lavender, Eucalyptus, Thyme or Tea Tree will be very useful. This can be backed up by gently rubbing a little diluted Lavender oil on to the chest - use 5 drops in 5ml (1 tsp) of olive oil or similar vegetable oil.

For more chronic symptoms choose from of the following oils which are derived from gums or resins, or simply combine all three in an inhalation.

Benzoin: is most famous as the ingredient in Friar's Balsam; it has a warming and relaxing effect on the bronchi, and aids expectoration of the thick mucus.

FRANKINCENSE: another expectorant, which slows and deepens the breathing as well as being a good antiseptic agent.

MYRRH: strongly anti-infective, helping to loosen the sticky mucus and shift it off the chest.

Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Bronchitis
There is a whole treasure chest of herbal medicines for different stages or states of bronchitis; if in doubt do seek professional advice. At the beginning, where there may be a feeling of chill, a tea from fresh Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) with perhaps a pinch of Cayenne pepper added will give warmth very quickly. Painful, harsh coughs can be soothed with infusions of Marshmallow leaf (Althea officinalis), Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and Thyme (Thymus vulgans), or else use White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare), an anti-spasmodic and expectorant remedy. A regular intake of garlic, ideally fresh, not only helps to stimulate the removal of excess mucus in chronic bronchitis, but is one of the most powerful anti-infective agents there is, helping to build resistance to all respiratory infections.

Homeopathy and Bronchitis Treatment
In the acute phase, look at these remedies, but seek qualified treatment if symptoms persist or chest pains set in.

ACONITE: for use in the early stages, with painful, dry cough and much restlessness, with a slight fever.

BRYONIA: for a dry, hacking cough which is made worse by changes in temperature, such as coming into a warm room.

IPECACUANHA: for a spasmodic cough with much rattly mucus on the chest, and a tendency towards vomiting.

PHOSPHORUS: for a hoarse voice, even, going altogether, and a dry tickly cough, with a tight feeling like a band around the chest.

Naturopathy - Natural cures for Bronchitis
Reduce mucus-forming foods: these are primarily dairy products, and also refined carbohydrates such as cakes and pastries. If the weather is damp or foggy, stay indoors, but also avoid rooms being too dry and hot. In chronic cases walking or other exercise in good weather will improve breathing. Hot and cold compresses will really stimulate circulation through the lungs and help breathing.

Treatment for Bronchitis by Home Remedy
Chop 6 cloves of garlic very finely and place them in a bowl over a pan of simmering water with the contents of one small jar of white petroleum jelly (vaseline).

A few drops may be used in hot water as an inhalant. Do not use undiluted on the skin or on a handkerchief where it will be transferred to the nose and thus helps in treating bronchitis.

A tobacco made from Coltsfoot herb was used to relieve bronchitis and asthma but it is in your best interests not to smoke at all.

Drink a mixture of honey, lemon juice and alum.