Diarrhoea - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Diarrhoea Treatment

In Diarrhoea, Loose, frequent bowel movements can happen as a short-term reaction to infection, inflammation or food poisoning, and as such are quite a positive, cleansing action. A common experience is holiday diarrhoea, and this is usually a response to exposure to unfamiliar bacteria.

The majority of people who suffer from acute attacks of diarrhoea usually do so abroad and this is borne out by the following names given to this problem are from 'Tangiers trot' to 'cruise blues'.

Home remedies for Diarrhoea
Aromatherapy - Massage of the abdomen with antiseptic and relaxing oils like Chamomile, Lavender and Neroli can ease diarrhoea caused by minor upsets and also by anxiety and nervousness. Eucalyptus can be used in the same way if an infection is definitely suspected as the cause. Add Fennel or Ginger if there are griping pains with diarrhoea. For all these oils, dilute to 3 per cent in base oil.

Causes of Diarrhoea
Some foods have a laxative affect naturally, for instance prunes or figs, so over-indulgence will give temporary diarrhoea. Stress and anxiety often increase peristalsis and hurry bowel contents through. Repeated diarrhoea may indicate more complex digestive problems and should be treated professionally.

Prolonged diarrhoea, especially in young children, can be quite serious as it causes dehydration; ensure adequate fluid intake and seek professional advice. A simple yet dramatically effective rehydration drink can be made by dissolving 5 ml (1 tsp) salt and 15 ml (1 tbsp) sugar in 600 ml (1 pt) of boiled water. Keep in the refrigerator in a screw-topped bottle and give small amounts frequently. Use this for a short time only.

Herbalism - If mild food poisoning or infection has upset the bowels, as well as a choice of infusions listed below, try eating garlic as a natural gut disinfectant.

AGRIMONY (Agrimonia eupatoria): astringent and healing to the inflamed and swollen membrane lining the gut, helpful in mild gastro enteritis.

Chamomile: calming and anti-inflammatory, reduces the impact of tension on the digestive tract. This is one of the first herbs to think of in many digestive disorders.

MEADOWSWEET: this will help to settle an acidic stomach, see Acidity and Heartburn, as well as being mildly astringent.

RIBWORT (Plantago lanceolata): this has excellent toning, soothing and healing properties for use in diarrhoea from many causes, where there is inflammation.

THYME (Thymus vulgaris): this will fight infections and improve digestion generally, settling churning, loose bowels and killing harmful bacteria.

Homeopathy - Many homeopathic remedies feature diarrhoea in their symptom "picture"; three generally useful remedies are:

ARSENICUM ALBUM: typically for diarrhoea from food infected with bacteria; the stools tend to be burning to the skin, dark, greenish brown and smelly.

Nux VOMICA: diarrhoea alternating with constipation, due to over-rich foods, alcohol and so on. Worse after a large meal, any discomfort is relieved by bowel movement.

PULSATILLA: Rich, fatty meals or foods like onions, or excessive nervousness are common triggers for the diarrhoea. The stools are very variable. (Pulsatilla people tend to be gentle, shy, pale and prone to being weepy if ill.)

Naturopathy - Try not to use treatments to stem diarrhoea for at least 24 hours, to allow any natural cleansing process to take place. Take plenty of fluids, especially mineral water or herb teas if warm drinks are desired. Moving on to easily assimilated foods such as soups, fruit or vegetable juices helps replace lost nutrients, speeds up recovery and lets the inflamed bowel settle. Plain boiled rice is one of the best first solids, or possibly dry toast.

It may be useful to consider a multi- mineral supplement if diarrhoea was intense, to replenish the minerals lost. Fruit and vegetables can soon be returned to the diet as well.

Treatment of Diarrhoea by Home Remedy
Crush the flesh to extract the pomegranate juice and drink a spoonful at a time regularly throughout the day. This is an effective diarrhoea remedy from Egypt , where they know about such things!

If an allergic reaction to a food or drug is the cause of sickness and diarrhoea drink 2 glasses of grape juice and water.

Boil the smallest roots of the blackberry bush in a quart of water until it boils down to 1 pint. Cool and strain, take 1-2 tbls 3 times daily. This is a good remedy for treating diarrhoea.