Fluid Retention Home Remedies and Treatment

Fluid Retention in the thighs and hips in women is often associated with a build-up of toxins, as in cellulite and a general detoxifying program of diet, exercise and massage will be most effective. Excess fluid in the tissues or oedema can happen in a variety of ways. Local temporary swelling will occur with an injury, for instance a sprained ankle or a large bruise.

Home Remedies for Fluid Retention
Fluid Retention Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
For problems such as Fluid retention linked to cellulite, or temporary ankle swelling due to heat or long flights, massage the legs and thighs in an upwards sweeping movement, with 1-2 per cent dilution of essential oils in a base oil. Beneficial oils are Geranium, Grapefruit, Lemon and Rosemary. Juniper has an even stronger diuretic effect, stimulating the kidneys to excrete excess fluid, but do not use if there is any kidney problem or in pregnancy.

Another essential oil of value in Fluid Retention is Fennel but this has a mild oestrogenic action too, so be careful not to use for long oedema is hormone-related.

Pregnancy is a time when ankles might swell, but use essential oils sparingly, if at all and get professional advice if you are unsure. Do not use Fennel or Juniper, and only use Rosemary later on, from the fifth month of the pregnancy, if ankle oedema is a problem.

Causes of Fluid Retention
Fluid retention is often aggravated during the pre-period phase, especially in the breasts and abdomen. In hot weather most people find that they have some fluid retention, and ankles tend to swell during long plane nights. Drink plenty of fluid (but not alcohol) and move about the plane as much as possible.

Severe ankle oedema is often a sign of kidney and/or heart malfunction and should be treated professionally without delay, as should any unexplained or prolonged fluid retention.

Herbalism: Herbal Remedies for Fluid Retention
In order to encourage the removal of fluid in Fluid Retention, the simplest approach is to use herbal teas which have a diuretic effect. Do not use for more than a week at a time. Long-term stimulation of the urinary system can be tiring and if the swelling has not subsided within a short period, qualified advice and treatment may be necessary.

One of the best herbal diuretics used in Fluid Retention treatment is Dandelion Leaf (Taraxacum officinal), indeed its common name in many languages translates as "Wet-the-bed"! When you pass urine, potassium is lost in the fluid, and with some prescribed diuretics this can lead to a potassium deficiency, which is itself a serious condition. Dandelions are so rich in potassium that counteracted. Make a tea and drink three cupfuls a day initially.

Other common and useful herbs are Chamomile, Fennel, Meadowsweet and Yarrow, all of which are diuretic among their other properties.

For just increasing the amount of urine passed, without strain on the kidneys, the best herb is the creeping rhizome of Couch Grass. In the short term this can be taken as a Decoction.

Fluid Retention Treatment by Homeopathy
Because of the complexity of the causes of fluid retention, and the fact that homeopathic remedies are aimed at the person's constitutional make-up as far as possible, it is much better to seek professional homeopathic treatment for any water retention.

Naturopathy - Fluid Retention Natural cures
Since fluid retention in the ankles and legs is often associated with Circulatory problems like varicose veins, all the general advice given will be useful. Exercise is vital to improve blood flow and hence speed up the removal of fluids.

Massage is most helpful in treatment of Fluid Retention problem, especially gentle lymph drainage techniques for self-massage, lightly and repeatedly stroke the affected areas in movements directed towards the heart. If the swelling is in the legs for instance, stroke the upper legs first in an upwards direction, before repeating the action to the lower legs, so that the fluid has somewhere to drain into from the ankles.

Try to have the legs raised, supported on something soft such as a cushion, to allow gravity to assist in draining fluid back towards the heart. In a similar way, swelling of the wrist can be eased by raising the arm or supporting it in a sling. Continued swelling, in any part of the body, requires medical attention.