Boils Remedies - Natural Herbal Home remedy for Boils Treatment

Boils are acute inflamed and infected area on the skin, often in a blocked hair follicle. If a number of Boils occur together, they may produce a large inflamed hump with several pus-filled heads and are termed a carbuncle. The medical term for a Boil is a furuncle, if they are recurring then you are suffering from furunculosis. A stye is effectively a boil occurring in the base of an eyelash.

Home remedies for Boils
Aromatherapy -

Herbalism -

Homeopathy -

Naturopathy -

Treatment for Boil By Natural Home Remedy
Apply a poultice of crushed fenugreek seeds which have been boiled in water for 10 minutes to treat boil.

Swab an incipient boil with iodine three times a day to stop it developing further. Paint around a boil with rubbing alcohol or iodine to bring it to a neat head and prevent infection.

Soak bread in boiling water (you can add 1 good teaspoon of mustard powder if you like) until it is soft and apply still hot but not boiling as a poultice. This is a genuinely effective method of bringing a boil to a head.

Another effective remedy for boil treatment is to take equal quantities of honey, fresh lemon Juice, fresh orange juice and cod liver oil mixed and taken three times a day is an excellent tonic when You are feeling tired and run down.

If you are prone to boils take sulphur regularly.