Flatulence - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Flatulence Treatment

Flatulence is a common digestive problem. The accumulation of gas in the stomach or intestines can occur as an isolated event, for instance after a meal containing particularly wind-producing foods, or can be a constant, chronic sign of a digestive problem. In the latter case, it may indicate a condition such as diverticulitis or irritable bowel syndrome, and these will need to be addressed in order to sort out the causes of the flatulence.

Home remedies for Flatulence

Many essential oils have a carminative action, which means that they help to shift gas out of the digestive system (up or down, depending where it is!) and also reduce bloating and spasm that can go with the wind. It may be most appropriate, however, to use the aromatic herbs from which the oils are extracted. Oils such as Caraway, Chamomile, Fennel, Majoram and Peppermint could also be used as a warm compress over the abdomen to help relieve the symptoms; use up to 5 drops in a small bowl of warm water.


A number of herbal teas are excellent at relieving flatulence, but do remember that if this is a major problem to get professional herbal treatment. Choose from Catmint, Chamomile, Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) or Peppermint (Mentha piperita) if the problem is in the stomach; any of these plus Dill (Anetbum graveolens) or Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) if the small intestines seem to be affected, and Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) or Peppermint (Mentha piperita) for bowel flatulence, although there are several others that may be useful depending on the problem (see other remedy in this section).


Several remedies featured elsewhere in this section may help try to look beyond the flatulence to deeper causes and seek the remedy for those. Initially, pick from Chamomilla, Carbo Veg, Nux Vomica for flatulence brought on by eating too rich or too big a meal.


Often flatulence can be caused by eating too heavy a mixture of foods - consider reducing the fat content of your diet, and restricting the combinations of proteins and carbohydrates you eat. It this helps a lot, and then you might want to consider exploring the Hay system of eating.

One reason for flatulence can be after administration of antibiotics, as the intestinal bacteria have been decimated; these can be encouraged to multiply by taking plain "live yoghurt, or possibly more concentrated supplements such as acidophilns tablets/powders. Some flatulence is quite natural, if not exactly sociable. It is often better to change the diet more gradually to ease the problem.

Eating Habits and Flatulence
A useful starting point for self- treatment of flatulence is to look at eating habits; are you eating very quickly, while tense, or grabbing a bite to eat "on the run"? This is likely to lead to swallowing gas with the food; inadequate digestive enzymes may be produced and the meal can ferment in the intestines rather than be properly digested. This leads to more gas being created and flatulence gets worse. Also, take care not to do a lot of bending, or sitting curled up on a low sofa, immediately after a meal, as this encourages a gas build-up with bloating and colicky pains.