Natural Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Bronchitis refers to the inflammation of the mucous membrane
lining the bronchial tubes within the lungs. Bronchitis may be
acute or chronic. In chronic cases, the disease is of long
duration and more serious.

Due to inflammation in the bronchi, large quantities of mucus
are secreted and expelled as phlegm. This phlegm is sticky, semi
fluid and may even be purulent. The patient suffers from fever,
experiences some difficulty in breathing, and has a cough.
Other symptoms are hoarseness, pain in the chest and loss of

An important cause of bronchitis is smoking. Excessive smoking
irritates the bronchial tubes and lowers their resistance, so
that they become vulnerable to germs breathed in from the
atmosphere. Other causes are living or working in a stuffy
atmosphere, use of drugs to suppress earlier diseases, and
hereditary factors. Changes in weather and environment hasten
the onset of the disease.
Bronchitis Treatment with
One of the most effective
home remedies for
bronchitis is the use of
turmeric powder. Half a
teaspoon of this powder
should be administered with
half a glass of milk, two or
three times daily. It acts
best when taken on an
empty stomach.

Bronchitis Treatment with
Another effective remedy for
bronchitis is a mixture
comprising of half a teaspoon
each of the powder of
ginger, pepper, and cloves,
three times a day. It may be
licked with honey or taken
as an infusion with tea. The
mixture of these three
ingredients has also
antipyretic qualities and is
effective in reducing fever
accompanying bronchitis. It
also tones up the metabolism
of the patient.

Bronchitis Treatment with
Onions have been used as a
remedy for bronchitis for
centuries. They are said to
possess expectorant
properties. They liquefy
phlegm and prevent its
further formation. One
teaspoon of raw onion juice,
first thing in the morning, is
very beneficial in such cases.
Bronchitis Treatment with Asparagus
Pour 1 can of asparagus in the blender. Liquefy and refrigerate.
Drink 1/4 cup every morning and before retiring to bed. Add
water to make a hot drink if desired. You should notice quite an
improvement in chronic bronchitis in a few weeks.

Bronchitis Treatment with Bee Pollen
Allergy related bronchitis is best treated with bee pollen. One
teaspoon of pollen granules should be taken daily. During an
attack, vitamin C should be taken in doses of 1000 mg every
hour. Vitamin C has an anti-infection action and will help the
immune system to regain balance, enabling it to fight the

Bronchitis Treatment with Castor Oil and Turpentine
Mix together 1/2 cup of castor oil and 1/4 cup of rectified
turpentine. Warm it before rubbing on the chest at bedtime.
Cover with a flannel cloth to keep the area warm. Drink plenty
of fluids.

Bronchitis Treatment with Onion Poultice
Fry onions and apply to the chest after rubbing the chest area
with olive oil. Cover with a flannel cloth to keep the area warm.
Place a hot water bottle over the chest area to break the
congestion fast.

Comfrey Bronchial Infusion
Put 1/4 ounce of comfrey leaves in 2 cups of boiling water.
Cover and steep 30 minutes. Strain and sweeten with honey.
Drink at least 2 cups per day.
Bronchitis Treatment with
An emulsion of almonds is
useful in bronchial diseases,
including bronchitis. It is
prepared by making a
powder of seven kernels of
almonds and mixing the
powdered kernels in a cup
of orange or lemon juice.
This emulsion may be taken
once daily at night.

Bronchitis Treatment with
A hot poultice of linseed
should be applied over the
front and back of the chest
This poultice may be
prepared by mixing one cup
or sixteen tablespoons of
the seeds with a quantity of
hot water, sufficient to
convert them into a moist
mealy mass. This should then
be applied carefully.
Turpentine may also be
rubbed over the chest.

Bronchial Treatment with
Heat 1 cup of milk, add 1
tablespoon dried bee balm
to the milk, and allow to
steep 15 minutes. Strain and
reheat. Drink several
glasses a day until
improvement is noticed.

Bronchitis Treatment with
Fifty grams of fresh leaves of
spinach, and 250 ml of water
should be mixed with a pinch
of ammonium chloride and
one teaspoonful of honey.
This infusion is an effective
expectorant in the
treatment of bronchitis.

Special Treatment for Bronchial Cough

Mix 1 tablespoon each of Irish moss, comfrey, lobelia, wild
cherry bark, verbena, and aniseed in 2 cups of water. Boil down
to half
the liquid. Strain and add 2 cups of honey. Bring to a boil again,
then lower heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat
and add 3 tablespoons of raspberry vinegar before mixing well
and storing in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon as needed for

Other Effective Remedies

Another effective remedy for bronchitis is mixture of
dried ginger powder, pepper and long pepper taken in
equal quantities, three times a day. It may be licked
with honey. The powder of these three ingredients
have antipyretic qualities and are effective in dealing
with fever accompanied with bronchitis. They also tone
up the metabolism of the patient.

The liberal use of Vitamin C rich foods has been found
valuable in the prevention and treatment of bronchitis.
Vitamin C is considered cell protective antioxidant.
Food rich in this vitamin can therefore help protect
the lungs from damage and consequent debilitating