Natural Home Remedies for Allergies

There are many simple home remedies for you allergy symptoms using some of the everyday objects in your kitchen. Before you invest in some expensive antihistamines, consider using tea or table salt on your aching skin and sinuses.

Home Remedies From the Cupboard

Baking soda. One-half cup baking soda poured into a warm bath is an old New England folk remedy for soothing hives (red, itchy, raised areas on the skin). Soak in the bath for 20 to 30 minutes.

Tea. Allergy sufferers throughout the centuries have turned to hot tea to provide relief for clogged-up noses and irritated mucous membranes, and one of the best for symptom relief is peppermint tea. Peppermint's benefits extend well beyond its delicious smell; the essential oil acts as a decongestant, and substances in peppermint contain anti-inflammatory and mild antibacterial constituents.

To make peppermint tea: Place 1/2 ounce dried peppermint leaves in a 1-quart jar. Fill two-thirds of the jar with boiling water, and steep for five minutes. (You can inhale the steam for added benefit). Let cool, strain, sweeten if desired, and drink. (Note: Peppermint tea should be used with caution in children, as the menthol in peppermint may cause them to choke.)

Home Remedies From the Freezer

Ice. Wrap a washcloth around ice cubes and apply it to your sinuses for instant relief and refreshment.

Home Remedies From the Refrigerator

Milk. Milk does the body good, especially when it comes to hives. Wet a cloth with cold milk and lay it on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes.

Wasabi. If you're a hay fever sufferer who also loves Japanese food, this remedy will please. Wasabi, that pale-green, fiery condiment served with many Japanese dishes, is a member of the horseradish family. Anyone who has taken too big a dollop of wasabi (or plain old horseradish) knows that it makes sinuses and tear ducts spring into action. That's because allyl isothiocyanate, a constituent in wasabi, promotes mucus flow.

The tastiest way to get those allyl isothiocyanates is by slathering horseradish on your sandwich or plopping wasabi onto your favorite sushi. Another option -- although harder to swallow -- is to purchase grated horseradish, and take 1/4 teaspoon to alleviate allergy symptoms.

Home Remedies From the Spice Rack

Basil. To help ease allergy symptoms such as hives, try dousing the skin with basil tea, a traditional Chinese folk remedy. Basil contains high amounts of an anti-allergic compound called caffeic acid. Place 1 ounce dried basil leaves into 1 quart boiling water. Cover, and let cool to room temperature. Use the tea as a rinse as often as needed.

Salt. Nasal irrigation, an effective allergy-management tool that can be done at the sink every morning, uses a salt water mixture to rid the nasal passages of mucus, bacteria, dust, and other gunk, as well as to soothe irritated passageways. All you need is 1 to 11/2 cups lukewarm water (do not use softened water), a bulb (ear) syringe, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Mix the salt and baking soda into the water, and test the temperature.

To administer, suck the water into the bulb and squirt the saline solution into one nostril while holding the other closed. Lower your head over the sink and gently blow out the water. Repeat this, alternating nostrils until the water is gone. Nasal irrigation isn't a pretty sight, but it works wonders on sore noses.

Home Remedies From the Stove

Steam. Breathing steam refreshes and soothes irritated sinuses, and it helps rid the nasal passages of mucus. While it takes some time, it will make you feel wonderful! Boil several cups of water and pour into a big bowl (or a plugged sink). Lean carefully over the bowl, and drape a towel over your head. Breathe gently for 5 to 10 minutes.

When you're finished breathing steam, use the water for a second purpose: Let the water cool until warm, saturate a washcloth, and hold the cloth on your sinuses (to the sides of your nose, below the eyes, and above the eyebrows).

Regardless of the type of allergy you have or the symptoms you're experiencing, we have a home remedy that can help bring you relief. Feel free to pick and choose among the home remedies that we have provided for you, but -- keep in mind -- if your symptoms become severe, see your doctor right away.