Home Remedy for Varicose Veins Treatment

Swollen veins most often occur in the lower legs, but can happen elsewhere. The veins in the legs contain one-way valves that allow blood to flow back up towards the heart. If the cell muscles weaken, for example after prolonged standing or the valves start to work less efficiently from other causes such as pregnancy, obesity or poor nutrition then blood collects in the veins and they swell.

Home remedies for Varicose Veins
Aromatherapy - All the natural therapies are likely to recommend both periods of rest, especially with the feet raised above the level of the thigh to let gravity assist venous return, and exercise to improve muscle tone.

Massage above the area of varicose veins in an upwards direction towards the heart, will reduce the congestion. Essential oils of prime use here are Cypress , Chamomile and perhaps Juniper; use diluted at 2 per cent in vegetable oil.

Homeopathy - CARBO VEG: for a sluggish circulation leading to blueness of the skin, cold extremities and painful varicose veins.

HAMAMEUS: for swollen, congested veins with a purplish blotching under the skin and tired, aching legs; may also have piles.

PULSATILEA: for painful veins, blue in colour; may be associated with pregnancy; pains in legs eased with walking about and in cool, fresh air.

Naturopathy - Use hot and cold bathing of legs or spray cool water up the legs at the end of a shower. Walk more: also look at yoga and swimming as good forms of exercise. Reduce alcohol intake; if very overweight try to lose weight steadily.

A supplement of Vitamin E together with Lecithin granules daily can ease the swelling and pains by improving the elasticity of the blood vessels. Another helpful substance is Vitamin C in treating varicose veins. In the long term just take plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and keep fats to a lower level.