There are many situations where some levels of anxiety is perfectly normal and a natural response to a stressful situation. It only becomes problem when the degree of Anxiety is out of proportion to the problem or indeed when there is no objective or external reason for it. Symptoms of Anxiety might include constant feelings of tension, sweating, palpitations, hyper-ventilating and lack of sleep.
Home remedies for Anxiety
Aromatherapy - Natural Home remedy for anxiety treatment
Clary Sage is a relaxing, warming, and almost europhic effect especially helpful when anxiety leads to exhaustion.
Lavender is claming, helping to balance the mind and emotions. It is one of gentlest oils to reduce anxiety
Melissa is a soothing and like lavender gentle to the skin. It is useful when anxiety affects the digestion, and also where hormone imbalance creates tension.
Herbalism - Natural herbal remedy for anxiety treatment
Herbal remedies are best suited to relieving anxiety. Try using one or more of following herbs to treat anxiety
Chamomile is relaxing and good for digestion. Tea bags of chamomile are sold everywhere
Lemon balm can be safely taken over a period of time for mild anxiety
Valerian is a powerful relaxant, relieving mental and physical tension.
Homeopathy -
Long term problem may need professional treatment. The following choices of home remedies might help
Aconite can be used for sudden onset of anxiety or fear, perhaps after a fright with much restlessness
Argenticum nitricum can be used for tension giving rise to butterflies in the stomach and indigestion.
Arsenicum Album if very restless, fearful and no appetite and very finicky after food
Naturopathy -
Apart from recommending activities like yoga or meditation to help reduce the levels of anxiety in long term, gentle exercise and warm baths may be helpful to ease tensions and calm down. The addition of Vitamin B complex in morning and calcium in the evening will help both to feed the nervous system and reduce anxiety .