Home Remedies For Corns - Warts

How to Cure Corns / Warts with Natural Treatments

Rub the inside of a banana peel on warts - by R.Lorena
Pick a fig leaf or a ficus leaf, squeeze and apply the liquid on the blister.
Soak a cloth with apple cider vinegar and tie around the foot; leave for 24 hours.
Slice garlic clove into big slices, put the slice on the wart and cover with a plaster/ bandage. The next day, smear Dead Sea mud on the wart and cover with a bandage. Then garlic the following day and so on until it's gone.
Apply some of the fig's white liquid on the wart.
Smear castor oil on the wart.
Put banana leaves on the wart and bandage. Repeat every night before you go to bed.
Mix 50gr of turmeric to 3 teaspoons of olive oil, smear on the wart (colors the skin).