Home Remedies for Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease - What is it?
Alzheimer's Disease is a disorder of the central nervous system. It usually affects older individuals and is characterized by the negative impact on the person's mental and physical functions.
Slowly, the disease would destroy one's memory, language, and logical thoughts. Patients of Alzheimer's disease tend to forget simple tasks such as combing one's hair and eating.
Right now, there's no cure for Alzheimer's disease just yet.
And the moment it develops, there's no way to stop the disease from advancing.

However, it is possible to manage the effects and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Here are the different home remedies that can help the patient:

Home Remedies For Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease Home Remedies with Sesame Oil:

Sesame oil is a holistic food item that is actually the basic ingredient of most herbal medicine originating from India.
Studies have shown that sesame oil can relieve the depression associated with Alzheimer's disease.

To use sesame oil for Alzheimer's, heat a small amount of oil using a tablespoon over a burner or a candle.
Apply three drops of the warmed sesame seed oil in both the patient's nostril twice a day.
Natural Cure For Alzheimer's Disease with Soy Products:
Soy products are rich in isoflavones. And this nutrient is best for women suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
It helps in protecting them from postmenopausal syndromes. Several studies can back up this finding.

Soymilk can be added on cereal served during breakfast. Soy meat substitutes and tofu treats can be added to the main dish in replacement of beef or poultry. Around 20-25 grams of soy protein is suggested per day.
Homemade Remedies for Alzheimer's Disease with Curry Powder:
This spice is a good anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curry comes from curcumin, a type of tumeric that can prevent Alzheimer's disease.
India is the world's biggest consumer of curry power and incidentally, they have the lowest rate of Alzheimer's disease in the world.

Curry power is normally added to dishes as a form of spice.