Visiting your doctor is an important step to treating whatever type of dermatitis you are experiencing. But dermatitis sufferers looking for more answers beyond traditional medicine can consider the following alternative home remedies.
Add some nutritional therapy. Dermatitis sufferers may benefit from adding essential fatty acids, which promote healthy skin. In one study, a group of Italian researchers treated two- and four-year-olds suffering from atopic dermatitis with daily doses of primrose oil (rich in essential fatty acids). After four weeks, the children's symptoms dramatically improved. After 20 weeks, they experienced the same results with no adverse side effects. And, supplementation with vitamin A, vitamin E, and zinc can also be useful in some cases of atopic dermatitis.
Skin Care Tip
If you need to soothe inflammed skin, try the following home remedies:
Dip a chamomile tea bag in comfortably warm water. Hold the tea bag on the lesion for a couple of minutes. Reheat and repeat if needed.
In cases in which the dermatitis covers a large area, chamomile extract in a cream form may be easier than using the tea bags.
Try hebal medicines. Herbal medicine practitioners think some parts of the body -- such as the liver and the nervous system -- may need strengthening and tuning to head off a case of dermatitis. Several herbs can assist in cleansing the body and getting rid of toxins.
Burdock, for example, is a liver tonic; when the liver is working well to filter toxins from the blood, the skin is generally healthier. Similarly, red clover is a very effective blood purifier. Other herbs like licorice root, calendula (marigold) flower heads, and especially ginkgo all have potent anti-inflammatory effects when used topically.
Practice meditation. Regular meditation is useful for stress reduction and deep breathing, which both are important to a well-rounded dermatitis treatment program.
Consider traditional Chinese medicine. The menu of treatments can include herbal medicine, acupuncture, or dietary recommendations. A traditional Chinese physician tailors the therapy to the needs of each dermatitis sufferer. For example, two people with the same condition won't necessarily take the same herbs or follow the same exercise routine.
A dermatitis treatment might call for a daily herbal tea, made by boiling and then simmering dried herbs for an hour and a half. Because traditional Chinese medicine's remedies are individualized, it is necessary to contact a qualified practitioner or obtain an accurate diagnosis and a specific prescription for your condition.
No matter what type of dermatitis is making your skin itch, there are many home remedies for you to soothe your skin. The key is trying not to scratch and finding the right medication or at-home remedy to ease your symptoms. Hopefully these home remedies have given you some helpful suggestions on overcoming this skin condition before the itching becomes unbearable.