The change of life, when periods cease, can be a tremendously variable experiences. For some women there is very little disturbance to their lives, except for the relief of no longer having monthly bleeding. For others, symptoms, such as hot flushes, anxiety, insomnia, heavy periods, depression or severe vaginal dryness make their lives thoroughly miserable for a long time. Each person is different, do not hesitate to get advice.
Home remedies for Menopausal Problems
Aromatherapy - During the pre or peri-menopausal phase, which may last for years leading up to the point when ovulation finally stops, the periods may become quite erratic (see also Menstrual Problems. Useful oils to think of include Geranium and Rose, both of which seem to have a regulating, balancing effect on the female hormone cycle. Also, uplifting oils such as Bergamot, Neroli or Jasmine can help a at deal with the emotional swings that may occur - other life changes, such as children growing up and leaving home for the first time can often coincide at this time, so there may be a general sense of upheaval and loss.
For all these oils, either use a few drops in the bath, or dilute to 1 per cent in a base oil and massage into the skin. Try ringing the changes with the oils too, so that you do not use one exclusively for more than a couple of weeks. While it may not seem scientific, if you are drawn towards the scent of a particular essential oil, then it is most often what you need at the time!
Conventional treatment has now focused on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and while this has helped ease the symptoms for a lot of women, others react badly to it and it is very clearly not suitable for everybody. There are other ways of helping the process, some of which are described below.
Herbalism - Many herbs have quite powerful hormonal effects - the contraceptive pill itself was originally derived from a species of Mexican Yam - and professional treatment may be needed here. A common herb which can often improve many problems such as hot sweats, depression and irritability, is Sage. Not only is this a tonic for the nervous system, and reduces excess sweating, but it has oestrogenic activity and can ease the dramatic drop in hormone levels that upset the whole system. Take 2 small cupfuls of an infusion for a month to see if it is helping.
Another herb with hormonal effects is Chaste Tree. The berries are used, and act via the pituitary gland to encourage the ovaries, and seem to have a more progesterogenic effect (see also Pre- menstrual Symptoms). This herb may be taken as a tea or in tablet form (up to 300 mg per day); do not overdo the dosage as this can induce an itching sensation on the skin, and as always if there is no improvement, then seek professional advice. Simple relaxants like Chamomile and Lime Blossom may help to reduce some of the emotional swings that may happen during the menopause.
Homeopathy - The emphasis of all these natural therapies and remedies is to assist the normal changes that occur with the stopping of menstruation, without trying to interfere to any great extent. Homeopathic treatments will similarly aim to encourage the physiological and mental adjustments. On a self help basis, you may find some relief from excessive symptoms with remedies such as the following:
PULSATILLA: for hot flushes with a lot of sweating, perhaps giving a musty odour. If cold drinks generally ease symptoms, then this may be a suitable remedy. SEPIA: for sudden hot flushes, with a feeling of faintness, reddened face and probably some sweating. Warmth may actually help to ease the discomfort and may be inclined towards anxiety or irritability.
Naturopathy - Keeping to a healthy diet can do wonders for overall vitality and this in turns helps to give you greater resilience against any problems during the menopause.
It is essential to continue to do some exercise, such as walking, cycling or even jogging which also helps to maintain calcium levels as well as strengthening the heart and lungs.