Many people get occasional bouts of acid dyspepsia, usually related to a temporary problem such as having eaten rich, spicy foods or having eaten too quickly when feeling rushed and stressed. If the Acidity symptoms happen very regularly, you may need to look more carefully at what you eat and how fast you eat it. If there is persistent discomfort, seek professional treatment.
Home remedies for Acidity Heartburn
Aromatherapy - Using hot or warm compresses over the abdomen, with up to 10 drops of oils such as Chamomile or Lavender in a small bowl of water, can give relief from the inflammation and spasm that accompany excess acidity. These oils, diluted at 2 per cent in base oil, can also be gently massaged into the abdomen if the discomfort is not too great.
Acidity and Heartburn Symptoms
When excess acid leaks back up into the gullet, this inflames and irritates the lining of the oesophagus and the feeling of heartburn is produced. Taking antacid tablets regularly may not only mask underlying problems, but can also be counter-productive as the stomach tries to compensate by creating more acid.
Herbalism - Digestive disturbances generally respond very well indeed to herbal treatment, and acid dyspepsia can be improved considerably. For a temporary problem choose from the suggested herbs and use as warm teas; for repeated acid or heartburn symptoms use stronger, as infusions or as otherwise directed.
CHAMOMILE (Chamomilla recutita): a relaxant and anti-inflammatory remedy that helps the whole digestive tract; if acidity or heartburn symptoms are related to stress and over-eating of rich foods, this herb makes an excellent choice.
LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis): another excellent herb where the condition is caused by stress; if available, use the fresh leaves for a much finer flavour.
MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula ulmaria): although chemically related to aspirin, Meadowsweet is soothing for an inflamed stomach (but may need to be avoided if there is a hypersensitivity to salicylates such as aspirin) and reduces acidity.
Homeopathy - As usual, individual characteristics will determine proper prescribing of remedies for acidity and heartburn, but initially choose from:
CARBO VEG: for a burning feeling in the stomach, and acid reflux with water brash (gas being brought up into the mouth with acidic fluid and sometimes nausea; symptoms often caused by over-eating or drinking.
LYCOPODIUM: for definite heartburn, much wind and a feeling of fullness after only a little food.
Nux VOMICA: when taken too much rich food, alcohol and coffee leading to nausea and acidity but also an empty hungry feeling in the stomach.
Naturopathy - Often a glass of milk is suggested as a temporary measure to neutralize the acid. This is not always suitable, and certainly not on a regular basis, as dairy produce can create its own digestive problems. It may be helpful to avoid solids for up to 24 hours after a bad bout of acid heartburn. Using a hot compress over the abdomen can relieve pains. Avoid coffee, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, pastries or spicy foods for at least a couple of days, and if prone to this complaint, then try to slowly cut them out.