Neuralgia is a sharp pain originating along the course of one or more nerves and may come about from a variety of causes. Both sciatica and shingles give rise to forms of Neuralgic pain. Facial Neuralgia affecting one of the trigeminal nerves in the face which can give intense pain and may relate to stress, migraines or dental problems.
Home remedies for Neuralgia
Using warm compresses, including analgesic oils, over the affected areas can give much relief. Choose from Chamomile, Lavender, Marjoram or Rosemary oils - alternate the oil used for recurrent pains, or blend them together for greater effect.
An infusion of Lavender (Lavandula vera) flowers, Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) and Rosemary (Rosmannus officinalis) leaves can be very helpful, not only to ease the pains but to ease tension and tone the nervous system. This mixture can also be used as a warm compress directly over the area.
VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis): a relaxant and nervous tonic, very helpful when neuralgia is related to being generally run-down and exhausted.
Homeopathy In the short term, try the following:
ACTAEA RAC: for facial neuralgia with pains into the cheekbone and as if piercing the eyeball. Pains ease at night.
BELLADONNA: for a hot. burning and flushed face, with morly right-sided neuralgic pains and twitching muscles.
Gelsemium: for pains radiating from the neck into the face, possibly with some nausea; migraine-related neuralgia.
Naturopathy - Simply using alternating hot and cold compresses, 3-4 minutes hot and a maximum 1 minute cold, repeated a few times, can ease the pains. For chronic sufferers a Vitamin B complex supplement can help to nourish the nervous system. In addition, look at ways of reducing stress such as relaxation or yoga classes.