If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to see your doctor regularly to make sure that your medications are working to control your blood sugar. In the meantime, here are some home remedies that will help diabetics cope with their disease:
Be a sport. Whether or not you have diabetes, exercise is good for your body. It tones up the heart and other muscles, strengthens bones, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the respiratory system, helps raise HDL ("good" cholesterol), lowers LDL ("bad" cholesterol), fosters a sense of well-being, decreases tension, aids in weight management, enhances work capacity, and can confer a sense of control. However, if you have diabetes, exercise provides even more benefits because it can improve your body's ability to use blood glucose and insulin.
Maintain a regular eating schedule. This will reduce stress on your system and improve your body's ability to anticipate and regulate sugars.
Watch your mouth. People with diabetes must be diligent about oral health. The high levels of sugar in their blood make their mouths extra inviting to oral bacteria, and their decreased ability to fight off infection means they must be especially cautious about preventing tooth decay and periodontal disease. Keep a supply of toothbrushes on hand so you won't have to deal with old, worn brushing aids. Brush and floss without fail after every meal and before bedtime. And see your dentist regularly (every six months at least) for checkups and cleaning.
Check your dentures. Ill-fitting dentures or permanent bridgework can cause sores in the mouth that don't heal. If you notice sore spots in your mouth or find that your dentures are moving or slipping, see your dentist to have the problem corrected as soon as possible.
See your eye doctor. Be sure to visit your opthalmologist at least once a year. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness.
Take charge. The more you know about your disease, the better you can control it. Educate yourself through reputable books, magazines, and Web sites related to diabetes. If you need help understanding what you should do, ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian or a diabetes educator.
Do something nice for yourself. While it's important to learn as much as you can about your diabetes and stay with your treatment regimen, you also need to keep things in perspective. Don't get so caught up in your diabetes that you neglect the rest of your life. Make a list of all the things you would like to do if you had the time, and then make the time to do at least some of them.
Do something nice for someone else. It's hard to dwell on your own problems when you are engaged in helping someone else. Doing volunteer work at a nursing home, hospital, school, or church can help others and can make you feel better, too.
Perhaps the most important step you can take in managing your diabetes is to monitor what you eat. In addition to making the healthy food choices you already know about, we will explain how certain foods can actually be considered home remedies for the diabtetic condition.