More Home Remedy Treatments for Weight Loss

When you're trying to lose weight, you want to make sure your refrigerator is stocked with healthy foods that will help you shed pounds. Here are some weight loss home remedies that will support your diet goals.

Home Remedies from the Freezer

Frozen yogurt. Want some ice cream but don't want the fat? Try some frozen yogurt. You can indulge your sweet tooth without worrying about the bulge.

Low-fat frozen dinners. There are loads of healthy frozen dinners on the market these days. Stock your freezer with some in-a-hurry healthy choices, and you won't be as tempted to zip through the fast-food drive-through.

Home Remedies from the Refrigerator

Applesauce. When you're baking muffins or cakes, substitute applesauce for half of the oil, margarine, or butter. If your recipe calls for 1/2 cup vegetable oil, use 1/4 cup applesauce and 1/4 cup oil.

Evaporated skim milk. This is a great cream substitute. You can use it in everything from recipes that call for cream to your coffee.

Extra-lean ground beef. You can shave off some fat by choosing leaner varieties of ground beef. Look for beef that says 85 percent lean or higher on the package.

Fruit. Fruit gives you a natural sweet fix and is loaded with good-for-you vitamins and minerals. Some good choices for your fruit basket include apricots, cantaloupe, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, and strawberries.

Low-fat salad dressing. There are many flavorful, low-fat salad dressings available. And a low-fat version can save you fat and calories.

Sharp cheddar cheese. Using a little of flavorful cheeses such as sharp cheddar in your recipes will help you lose fat without losing taste.

Skim milk. Whole milk has 8 grams of fat per cup, skim milk has none. And you get just as much calcium and vitamin D. If you've been drinking the heavier stuff, it may take a while to get used to the different texture (skim milk is more watery). Try going from whole milk to two percent milk and slowly making your way to skim.

Vegetables. These are near-miracle foods for losing weight and staying healthy. The American Dietetic Association recommends getting at least five servings of vegetables a day. Some smart choices: broccoli, carrots, potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes.

Do's and Don'ts

DON'T try to be Cindy Crawford. Only a very small portion of the population is meant to look like a supermodel. Be sure that you are realistic when you think about weight loss. Aim for a weight that is healthy for you.

DO be patient. Though you wish with all your might that those ten pounds would slough off overnight, it just won't happen. A healthy weight-loss goal for a week is about 1/2 pound. And give yourself time to adjust your habits. It takes time to make a change.

DO be kind. Don't belittle yourself if you indulge in a dessert once in a while. Treat yourself every now and then and those "forbidden" foods won't be so tempting.
DON'T count calories. You'll drive yourself crazy if you keep tabs on every morsel that enters your mouth. Just learn how to make healthy choices and watch your portion sizes.

DO give up the alcohol. The average American gets ten percent of his or her calories from alcohol. Think of the savings if you didn't have a cocktail.

DO eat every meal. Skipping a meal will not help you lose weight. In fact, it may slow down your metabolism and set you up for scarfing down a plate of brownies in a moment of weakness.

DO keep an eye out for fat. Eating less fat is crucial for a healthier diet. It helps keep your weight down and keeps your body healthier, reducing your risk of heart disease and some cancers. Why is fat such a problem for people trying to lose weight? Fat packs in nine calories per gram, while carbohydrates and protein have only four calories per gram. That means the more fat you eat, the more calories you pile on, and the greater chance you have for putting on a few pounds. The American Dietetic Association recommends getting around 30 percent of your calories from fat.

DO seek support. A group of friends or an organized outfit such as Weight Watchers can be vital to meeting your weight-loss goals. They can provide accountability and caring, and they can help you learn how to make healthier choices.

DON'T be fooled by magic cures. There is only one proven way to lose weight -- eating a healthy, low-fat diet, and exercising. If anyone promises that you'll lose a pound a day, that a "miracle" food will help you lose pounds, that you need an artificial food or pill to lose weight, that a diet or gadget can get rid of fat from one part of the body, or says that you have to eat their organization's food to lose weight, don't buy into it.

Keep these home remedies in mind to help keep your diet on track. Remember, there are no magic bullets when it comes to dieting. Stay active, eat a sensible diet, and seek out the help and support you need to stick to your diet goals.