Stress - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Stress Treatment

Stress is one of those rather vague terms that is very difficult to define. It is also important to sat that stress is not in itself harmful and a certain amount can be necessary to get us motivated and enjoying life, only when the amount of Stress is too much for our system to cope with does it become a problem. people have a marvelous capacity to adopt to and cope exhaustion sets in, they can become seriously ill.

Symptoms of Stress
Symptoms of stress vary, see also Anxiety and Depression, but if you experience some or all of the following, you may be over-stressed:

Constantly on edge, with a very short fuse and ready to explode from real reason.
Feeling on the verge of tears much of the time.
Difficulty in concentrating, decision-making or with memory. Always tired even after a full night's sleep.
Sleep itself is disturbed and un refreshing.
A feeling of not being able to cope, it's all too much.
Poor appetite, or else nibbling without hunger.
No sense of fun or enjoyment in life.
Mistrustful of everybody, unable to enjoy company.
Always fidgeting or having a nervous habit such as biting your nails or chewing your hair.
Problems in relationships, no interest in sex.
Home remedies for Stress
Aromatherapy - Many oils are of value in helping to reduce the impact of stress. The best way of using them is probably diluted in a vegetable oil and used in massage , but if you do not have a willing, and trained, partner then use them in the bath.

For more uplifting effects choose from Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium or Rosemary, while Lavender or Marjoram are more relaxing. Three luxurious, although expensive, oils which have excellent de-stressing properties land smell wonderful!) are Jasmine, Neroli (or Orange Blossom) and Rose - use sparingly as they are very concentrated. Jasmine is relaxing and almost euphoric, Neroli is an anti- depressant and is refreshing, and Rose is calming and relaxing.

Herbalism - For the more agitated aspects of being stressed, choose relaxing infusions such as Lavender (Lavandula vera), Lime Blossom (Tilia curopaea) or Lemon Balm (Meizssa officinalis), or for acute tensions try Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) — since this tastes disgusting, it may be better to buy it in tablet form. When exhaustion has set in, infusions of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Vervain (Verbena officinalis) or Betony (Stachys hetonica), or a mixture of all three, will act as a tonic. Oats are helpful to add to the diet, as a nourishment for the nervous system.


aconite: for acute anxiety and mental confusion, with thought whizzing round in the head and much restlessness.

Chamomilla: if everything and everybody seems to irritate, and it is

Stress Treatment
The first step to improving the situation is to recognize that you are stressed, and to know what your limits are. Taking active steps to reduce the amount of external stress will of course be helpful, as well as looking at the methods below for easing the effects of the stress on you system. Other steps might include trying a class in relaxation technique: or yoga, T'ai Ch'i and so on, or having professional massage treatments. Getting regular breaks from a stressful lifestyle will help you to cope better and avoid the situation reaching a crisis point.

Naturopathy - A good plan is to look at basics; overhaul the diet, cutting out all the stimulants such as coffee, tea or cola drinks which only serve to leave you more exhausted when their effects wear off. Also reduce alcohol; it may help you to relax in small amounts but it easily becomes a dangerous habit and has a depressant action in any quantity.

Try to get some exercise; this not only helps to use up excess adrenalin but builds up physical and mental stamina. Deeper breathing will also supply more oxygen to the brain, which is the first essential nourishment it needs. It may be useful to add a multi- vitamin and mineral supplement to the diet for a while, as the body uses up nutrients faster when under stress.