It's just a tiny red bump at the root of an eyelash, but a sty can be mighty uncomfortable -- and mighty unsightly.
A sty occurs when a gland at the root of an eyelash becomes blocked due to an infection. The gland swells and turns red, causing pain and discomfort. It may eventually come to a
head as it fills with pus.
Doctors -- from family physicians to ophthalmologists (eye doctors) -- agree that you can take the first steps in treating a sty at home and in keeping styes from coming back. Read the following home remedies to find out how.
Use warm compresses. Heat increases circulation, so warming the skin near the gland will bring more white blood cells -- which fight infection -- to the scene. Wring a clean washcloth out in warm water -- as warm as you can tolerate, but be careful not to burn the sensitive skin in the eye area. Place it on the eyelid for five minutes at a time. You may have to run the cloth through warm water several times to keep it hot enough. Do this at least two or three times a day.
Do not squeeze, poke, push, or pick at the sty. You risk spreading the infection. Even if the sty has come to a head, don't try to pop it by squeezing it; let it drain on its own.
Skip eye makeup while the sty is present. Otherwise, you risk contaminating your makeup and applicators with bacteria.
Always practice good lid hygiene. To keep styes from returning, try washing the roots of your lashes each day with diluted baby shampoo or mild soap on a cotton ball or washcloth. An alternative is to use the over-the-counter cleanser Cetaphil, which won't sting or excessively dry the skin.
Remove eye makeup. Once the sty is gone and you start wearing makeup again, be diligent about removing it daily. In other words, don't be tempted to go to bed without washing off makeup first. And wash your eyelids again in the morning before re-applying makeup.
Don't share eye makeup or applicators. You wouldn't share your toothbrush, would you? Using a friend's or family member's eye makeup could pass infection to others, or vice versa.
When to See a Doctor
About a Sty
Anytime a child has a swollen eyelid for more than 24 hours, it's time to see the doctor. Likewise, if an adult with a sty fails to see any improvement after applying warm compresses for two to three days, it's time to get medical attention.
Furthermore, if you're suffering from recurring styes or you have any sort of bump on the lid that remains for weeks or months, you need to see your doctor. You may have a chalazion instead of a sty. A chalazion is also a blocked gland -- but it affects a different gland than the one at the root of an eyelash. Warm compresses are the first line of treatment for a chalazion, as well. And if it doesn't clear up eventually, or is unsightly, a physician can drain it. But as with a sty, you should not try to drain it on your own.