Although specialists identify up to 200 divisions of arthritis conditions, it is useful to think of arthritis falling into two categories: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the natural wear and tear of the joints that occur with ageing, as the cartilage surrounding the bones becomes thinner and the surface becomes rougher. This leads to friction and degeneration occurs as the joint gets deformed.
Home remedies for Arthritis
Aromatherapy - The two principles of many natural approaches to arthritis, namely detoxification and improving circulation around the joints, are the main aims of aromatherapy treatment. Essential oils which aid tissue cleansing include Cypress , Juniper and Lemon, and these can be used as bath regularly. Juniper also has an anti-inflammatory and mildly analgesic effect; similar properties are found in Chamomile, Lavender and Rosemary oils. These may all be used either in the bath or diluted in a base oil and gently massaged into the affected areas. If this is painful or difficult to do, they may be used in a hot compress, try combining any two of these oils for greater effect, varying them to avoid overuse of any one oil.
Herbalism - The herbal pharmacopoeia are full of herbs that can be of benefit in treating arthritis; as mentioned above, it is useful to think of treatments in terms of detoxifying and stimulating the circulation, thus removing the need for local inflammation, as much as any simply pain-relieving action. For self- help treatment, apart from the dietary advice discussed below, an initial cleansing program can be adopted. In order to remove acidic toxins, make a tea from Celery Seed which has an alkaline effect on the whole system. Use just 5 ml 1 tsp) of the seed, perhaps lightly crushing the seeds with the back of a spoon before making the tea. Another herb which increases elimination, via the urine, is Parsley add 5 ml of the chopped fresh herb to the above tea for maximum effect. Two cups of this tea daily for a week or two can have considerable benefits.
Causes of Arthritis
Other factors include previous injuries and occupations - high amounts of some sports, or physical jobs such as farming can lead to greater wear on certain joints. Since it is sometimes associated with an excess of acid waste matter in the body accumulating around the joints, diet is important too.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a different problem altogether. It is an inflammatory process that seems to be what is called an auto-immune disorder, meaning the body's defences for some unknown reason start to attack its own cells. In RA, not only are the synovial membranes lining the joints inflamed and thickened, but the bone underneath is steadily destroyed, leading to painful and often badly deformed joints. People are quite likely to feel ill in them as a result of this disorder, and professional treatment is essential to try to deal with the underlying condition.
Homeopathy - As a first treatment of arthritis, try one of these remedies -
Bryonia: this is applicable for hot joints, when the pain is worse with warmth or with movements.
Pulsatilla: if the pain and inflammation seen to move rapidly from one joint ot anotherm with a quick change in symptoms. This home remedy for arthritis seems to suit women better.
Rhus Tox: this is often the first remedy to be thought of in many rheumatic conditions.
Naturopathy - Attention to the diet is an improtant part of treatment.
Treatment of Arthritis by Home Remedy
Taking a bathe daily or as often as is possible will relieve arthritis. Spa treatments, where one can swim and is fasted on natural spring water are considered by many to be far better than any other treatments and can be repeated regularly if circumstances allow, without adverse side effects.
Try a red flannel wrapped gently around painful joint or alternate hot and cold compresses left on overnight as soon as the twinges start.
Mix 2 drops essential oil of cloves, 3 drops essential oil of eucalyptus, 3 drops oil of wintergreen (synthetic), 7 drops oil of camphor B.P., 2 tablespoons olive oil and Shake together thoroughly and use to massage the afflicted joint or arthritis pain point.