Mouth ulcers, which can occur on the tongue, gums or the lining of the mouth, are sometimes due to local trauma, for instance biting your cheek or wearing ill-fitting dentures, but often they reflect a state of generally being run-down. Recurrent "crops" of mouth ulcers may therefore need more overall treatment; see Stress as well as anything directed locally.
Home remedies for Nausea Vomitting
Aromatherapy - The essential oil of choice for mouth ulcers is undoubtedly Myrrh. This is not only astringent and healing but also has an anti-fungal property; one of the reasons for mouth ulcers can be fungal infection, for example Candida albicans (the cause of thrush). Myrrh is best used in tincture form (see Herbalism below); you can make your own in small amounts by dissolving the essential oil in alcohol - use 5 drops in 5 ml (1 tsp) of a spirit such as vodka or brandy. This can be applied neat right on to the ulcers, or use 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) in a little water as a mouthwash. You can add 1 drop of oil of Fennel to make it taste better, dissolving it thoroughly.
Herbalism - Local treatment is by means of herbal tinctures, to stimulate healing of ulcers and reduce the inflammation. The strongest, although worst tasting, is Myrrh (Commiphora molmol); others to choose from are Marigold (Calendula officinalis), Sage (Salvia officinalis) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Pay attention to general health, and seek professional treatment if the ulcers are persistent or recurring. Cone Flower (Echinacea angustifolia or E. purpurea) may be a useful herb to take; it boosts the immune system and is widely obtainable in tablet form, or a tincture of the fresh plant is also available - take 10 drops in water 3 time a day.
Homeopathy - Remedies are more likely to be of benefit if they are chosen for the background causes, but some examples of those remedies that are of value for the mouth ulcers are:
BORAX: for painful small ulcers that feel hot in the mouth and may even bleed, when eating for instance.
MERC SOL: when there is an unpleasant, metallic taste in the mouth, with larger, almost greyish ulcers and perhaps bleeding gums; good for oral thrush.
NAT SULPH: for very painfully sensitive ulcers which may look like blisters, the discomfort is relieved by something cold such as an ice cube.
Naturopathy - Recurrent mouth ulcers can often indicate a poor diet, or nutritional deficiencies. Nutrients most likely to be lacking, and consequently of most benefit in treating the problem, are Vitamin B2, Vitamin C and zinc, and supplements of these may be needed in the short term until the diet can be improved to give sufficient amounts - increase green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grain bread (including the wheatgerm) and for non-vegetarians eat some meat and fish.
Mouth ulcers most often occur at times of stress or when the immune system is lowered in some way, so it is generally advisable to look at ways of reducing the impact of stress if ulcers are recurring frequently.
For direct local treatment, try applying pure wheatgerm oil, for example by piercing a natural, oil-based Vitamin E capsule and dabbing a little on to the ulcer. If there are foods, for instance vinegar, that do aggravate the ulcers, obviously leave them out of the diet for a while.