Natural Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

While the causes aren't pleasant, the solutions to stopping this rash are straightforward, and can be accomplished with these simple home remedies. You can cure the rash in a few days and, with a little effort, keep baby rash free for the remainder of diaperhood.

Home Remedies from the Cupboard

Baking soda. If baby's bottom is very raw, try giving a sitz bath for 10 minutes, 3 times per day. Add 2 tablespoons baking soda to the tub of warm water.

Cornstarch. A nice patting of cornstarch helps dry up damp areas and reduces friction caused by elastic in diapers. When applying, first shake the cornstarch into your hand far from the baby's face. Avoid store-bought talcum powders, as recent studies have shown that talcum is dangerous for babies to inhale.

Maalox. This medicine does more than treat heartburn and stomach upset in adults. It can prevent diaper rash on babies by cooling irritated skin and neutralizing acid. With a cotton ball, apply a small amount of the liquid to baby's bottom. Allow to dry before diapering.

Oatmeal. Add 1 tablespoon dried oatmeal to your baby's bath. It's soothing and helps protect the skin.

Vinegar. Urine is an extremely alkaline solution and can burn the skin just like an acid. To balance out the equation, try adding 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse water when you wash the baby's diapers. The vinegar helps neutralize the ammonia found in urine, gets rid of any soap buildup, and gets rid of diaper smells. You can also go directly to the source by wiping the baby's bottom with a solution of 8 parts water to 1 part vinegar.

Home Remedies from the Refrigerator

Cranberry juice. When urine soaks the diaper region, the result is a high pH that irritates the skin and promotes diaper rash. A solution for older infants is to give them 2 to 3 ounces of cranberry juice. Constituents in the juice prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder, which also helps prevent infection.