While there is no cure for nausea, there are ways to take the edge off that unpleasant feeling. Experiment with a few of these home remedies and find out what works best for you.
Graze. Eat frequent, small meals. You may want to eat five to six times a day rather than having three big meals. Sometimes, hunger pangs bring on the feelings of nausea. That's because acids in the stomach have nothing to digest when there's no food around.
Don't drink and eat at the same time. In other words, drink your fluids between meals, instead of during meals, to avoid too much bulk in the stomach.
Go for a liquid diet. You may find it easier on your stomach to emphasize liquids over solids when morning sickness is at its worst. Get your nutrients from bouillon, juices, and other liquids. (Confirm that this approach is okay with your obstetrician first.)
Stick to bland foods. This isn't the time to try that new Thai restaurant. Spicy foods just don't cut it right now.
Choose complex carbohydrates. Pasta, bread, potatoes -- the foods you think of as starches -- are easier to digest and they're soothing.
Don't sniff. Certain odors often trigger the feelings of nausea, so try to identify any scents that have that effect on you and avoid them as much as possible.
Avoid sudden moves. Don't change your posture quickly, as you do when you get out of bed quickly.
Take a walk. Exercise can sometimes help alleviate symptoms. Plus, it's good for your body. Be sure to check with your doctor before trying anything more strenuous than a walk, however.
Don't forget to brush. If you do succumb to vomiting, take good care of your teeth by brushing afterward (at least rinse your mouth if you can't brush right away). Otherwise, the frequent contact with the harsh acids in your vomit can eat away at tooth enamel.
If morning sickness persists past the third month or you find yourself so ill you're losing weight, see your physician. Watch out, too, for becoming dehydrated; you'll feel dizzy when you stand and/or your urine output will be scant and dark colored.