Home Remedies Menopausal Body Image Issues

One of the most dreaded and inevitable changes with menopause is a change in body shape. An average woman will gain 10 to 15 pounds with menopause, usually around the midriff. This weight gain is due to a decrease in the metabolic rate of the body (your calorie-burning capacity) coupled with the fact that people become more sedentary and lose muscle mass as they get older. Traditional dieting slows the metabolic rate in an attempt to conserve calories, leading to fatigue and easier weight gain.

Midlife women must often make systematic lifestyle changes to keep themselves at a healthy weight. Exercise, exercise, exercise to increase your metabolic rate and build muscle mass. Then, eat a calorie appropriate, nutritious diet with lots of fiber. Your main goal should be feeling good about your healthy body; a woman who feels good about herself will look her best at any weight.

Take Extra Care of Your Skin

Take good care of yourself, and your skin will look better, too. For many women, wrinkles, age spots, and crow's feet in the corners of the eyes start appearing around midlife. Your skin will only be as healthy looking as you are. By following a healthy diet, drinking enough water, getting enough rest, staying out of the sun, and avoiding smoking you can actually prevent some of the years' wear and tear from showing on your face.

Dryness, particularly on the face, seems to come with age. Use moisturizers. Put a moisturizer under your makeup. Use a heavier moisturizer after you wash your face for the night. Keep the skin on your arms and legs smooth by using lotions. If you live in a climate with low indoor humidity during the winter, keep a humidifier going.

Many women who smoke notice more facial wrinkles than women who do not. If you are a smoker, stop smoking for your health's sake and also for your appearance!

If you have sun-damaged skin from earlier years of sunbathing, you can't easily undo that damage. However, you can prevent further damage by applying a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) when you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors in the sunshine. Be sure to reapply the sunscreen if you perspire a great deal or go swimming. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep your face shielded from direct sunlight.

Many women who are affected by hormonal changes notice unwanted facial hair. If the amount is sudden and dramatic, seek medical advice. There are several prescription drugs available that can counteract unusual hair growth. If it is not due to any medical problems, consider electrolysis or laser hair removal as an option for getting rid of it.

Take a careful look at the type of makeup you use. If you are doing your makeup the same way you have for many years, consider having a professional makeup consultation. Many department stores offer makeup consultations at no charge in the cosmetic sections. You may learn a few new ideas to incorporate into your daily routine.

Keep Your Hair Healthy

Your hair is like your skin: It is a mirror of your health. Healthy women usually have healthy hair. By following a good diet, drinking plenty of liquids, getting enough rest, and avoiding smoking, you may actually improve the quality of your hair.

Some women notice hair loss around menopause. Hair loss can be caused by a medical condition, such as low thyroid or anemia, or simple bad habits, such as overusing irritating chemicals in hair dyes or repeatedly pulling hair into tight buns or ponytails. But the vast majority of hair loss in women is caused by genetics. The same genes that cause male pattern baldness also cause gradually thinning hair in women, especially during menopause.

Talk with your doctor about the hair loss to determine is there is an underlying medical condition or if prescription or over-the-counter medication would be appropriate to treat hair loss. Discuss hair and scalp care with a knowledgeable beautician. Fortunately, a good hair cut and style can usually disguise thinning hair.

Color Your Hair for a Change

While streaks of gray are not directly related to menopause, feeling good about your appearance can be a real boon when dealing with other effects of estrogen loss. There are many types of products on the market -- temporary, semipermanent, and permanent. If you'd like to see what a new color might do for you, experiment with one that washes out, or try a coloring agent that washes out in four or five shampoos. While it is helpful to have a professional colorist for both types of temporary colors, the pro is especially important if you're going to use a permanent color. A good thing to keep in mind is that as you age, your complexion changes as well, and the deep, dark hair color or bleached blonde of your youth may not work as well right now. Your hairdresser can be enormously helpful in guiding you to the right shade (or shades) that will work for your skin tone. If you've been thinking about a fabulous new look, you couldn't have chosen a better time.

Keep Your Nails Healthy

It's not just your skin and hair that need special attention at menopause. Your changing estrogen levels also affect your nails. You may notice that your fingernails are not as easy to keep beautiful. They may seem more brittle than before and may break a little more easily. Don't despair; with a little extra care, you shouldn't have a problem.

Keep your hands clean and protect your nails. Wear gloves when you do the dishes or come in contact with any strong cleansers. You should also wear gloves for tasks such as gardening. Keep hand lotion on your nightstand, next to your sink, at your desk, and in your purse. Remember to moisturize your nails and cuticles often, and avoid applying and removing polishes over and over again. Why not make a manicure or pedicure part of your hygiene routine? Manicures and pedicures can be very relaxing, and with all the pressures that midlife can bring, you could use some pampering.