Nosebleeds can run the gamut from a tiny trickle to a big gush. But while it may be disturbing to see blood drip from your otherwise placid nose, there is usually no need to worry. There are many effective home remedies for nosebleeds, and nosebleeds are typically harmless annoyances. While it may look like you're losing lots of blood, the amount is usually insignificant.
The inner nose is one of the more sensitive parts of the body. Lined with hundreds of blood vessels that reside close to the surface, the nostrils don't take kindly to being harassed and will bleed with little provocation.
Provocation can come from a number of sources. These are the main reasons your nose might bleed:
Trauma, such as a fall or a sports-related injury
Dry air
High altitudes
Nose picking
Nose blowing
Rubbing the nose
Upper respiratory infection
Age (Older people have more nosebleeds because the body's tissues have shrunken and are more dry.)
Nosebleeds can also be caused by tumors, but this is a rare occurrence.
There are many home remedies you can try to staunch a nosebleed. The main way to stop a nosebleed is to firmly but gently pinch your nostrils closed, holding them tightly together for at least ten minutes. Lean forward to prevent blood from running down the throat. In addition to this first line of treatment, there are other means to help stop a nosebleed as well as prevent one.
Home Remedies from the Cupboard
Baking soda. Used for nasal irrigation.
Cotton. Some folk remedies require you to place various objects on different parts of your head to cure nosebleed; one such folk cure that seems to work involves a simple piece of cotton. Place it inside your upper lip against the gum during a nosebleed. What's the secret behind this cure? Location, location, location. A major blood vessel that supplies the interior of the nose runs right through the upper lip. The slight pressure of the cotton wad can help stop bleeding.
Vinegar. Take a cloth or cotton ball and wet it with white vinegar. Plug it in the nostril that's bleeding. Vinegar helps seal up the blood vessel wall.
Whole-wheat bread. Zinc is a nutrient known to help maintain the body's blood vessels. Eat whole-wheat bread and brown rice, two foods high in zinc. Or, for a snack, try some popcorn, which also contains zinc.
Home Remedies from the Freezer
Ice. Ice is nice for stopping bleeding, constricting the blood vessels, and reducing inflammation (if the nose is injured). Place crushed iced into a plastic zipper-type bag and cover with a towel. (A bag of frozen vegetables works fine, too.) Place the compress on the bridge of the nose and hold until well after the bleeding stops.
Home Remedies from the Refrigerator
Dark-green leafy vegetables. These are high in vitamin K, which is essential for proper blood clotting.
Oranges and orange juice. Keeping those blood vessels in top form is one way to prevent them from breaking so easily. Vitamin C is necessary to the formation of collagen, which helps create a moist lining in your nose. So drink and eat vitamin C-rich foods to help stave off nosebleeds.
Home Remedies from the Sink
Water. Dry winter air and mountain air can dry out the nose in no time. Being well hydrated helps. Always drink 8 glasses of water a day, but have a few more during the driest times and in the driest places.
Home Remedies from the Spice Rack
Salt. Nasal irrigation, commonly used by allergy sufferers to rid the nasal passages of mucus, dust, and other gunk, also helps soothe and moisturize irritated nasal membranes. You'll need 1 to 11/2 cups lukewarm water (do not use softened water), a bulb (ear) syringe (typically found with baby products in the pharmacy), 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Mix the salt and baking soda into the water, and test the temperature. To administer, suck in the water using the bulb, and squirt the saline solution into one nostril while holding the other closed. Lower your head over the sink and gently blow out the water. Repeat this, alternating nostrils until the water is gone.
Home Remedies from the Stove
Steam. Take every opportunity to breathe steam, whether it's from your morning tea or from a mini steam bath. To do the latter, boil 1/2 pot water and put on a sturdy surface. Place a towel over your head, lean forward, and breathe gently. Don't lean in too far, or you'll burn your sniffer! Try a mini steam bath twice a day.
Home Remedies from the Supplement Shelf
Vitamin E. Keep your nasal membranes moisturized by applying vitamin E several times a day. Break open a capsule and coat your pinky finger or a cotton swab and gently wipe it just inside your nostrils. This is especially good to do at night before going to sleep.
Do's and Don'ts
DO be nice to your nose. Resist the urge to blow it or touch it after a nosebleed.
DO pick flowers, not your nose. Fingers only irritate the nose. Use a soft tissue or nasal irrigation if you need to remove debris.
DO blow gently, one nostril at a time, and only when necessary.
DON'T smoke. Smoking irritates and dries out nasal passages. Stay out of smoky environments, too, as secondhand smoke is just as damaging.
DO treat your allergies. Constant sneezing and blowing the nose due to hay fever is tough on those delicate nasal membranes. Stop sniffling, and see your physician about allergy remedies.
While nosebleeds can be an annoyance, they're usually harmless. These home remedies should help you keep nosebleeds under control.