Whooping Cough is a highly infectious bacterial infection tends to occur in epidemics every few years. Thick, sticky mucus give rise to a spasmodic cough and the difficulty in inhaling with this gives the characteristic whooping sound.
Whooping Cough is mostly seen in children and in babies it can be serious, so get professional help as soon as possible. Symptoms can linger on for several weeks, so continue to help breathing by the measures listed below.
Home remedies for Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Relief for the condition is most dramatic with steam; either use inhalations or with infants simply hold them near steam, such as a basin filled with piping hot water or near a hot bath (make sure they do not touch very hot water). Very good oils to add to the steam are Cypress , Lavender and Tea Tree.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Whooping Cough
Start to give herbal teas at the first sign of coughing and do not wait for the respiratory distress that can set in with the whoop. Use steam to free the mucus. In young babies, diluted teas should be strong enough and older children may need infusions for cough. Look at these herbs, and use a blend of the most appropriate:
CHAMOMILF. (Chamomilla recutita): helps to calm the person down, reduces catarrh and accompanying nausea.
COLTSFOOT (Tussilago farfara): one of the best cough remedies, helping to ease the spasmodic nature of the cough.
LAVENDER (Lavandula vera): a relaxing expectorant, soothing the cough and breathing and also generally calming.
THYME (Thymus vulgaris): highly antiseptic, soothing the dry cough that may herald the start of the problem.
WHITE HOREHOUND (Marrubium vulgare): good expectorant, loosening the sticky mucus and reducing spasm.
An alternative treatment that can work wonders as whooping cough remedy is to chop or crush two cloves of garlic into 15 ml (1 tbsp) of honey and leave for a couple of hours, or even overnight. Give up to 5 ml (1 tsp) either neat or diluted in a little warm water, 4 times a day.
Homeopathy and Whooping Cough Treatment
Ideally seek qualified advice for this cough, but a remedy often used for the characteristic rapid paroxysmal cough is Drosera. Often the bout of coughing can result in vomiting. If children have been in contact with whooping cough, it can be worth trying this remedy as a prophylactic: give 3 doses of 30c dilution in a 24-hour period.
Naturopathy - Whooping Cough Natural Home Cures
Keep the fluid intake high, especially if there is vomiting with the coughing bouts; also give only small amounts of light food. Avoid dairy products in order to lessen mucus production, and give easily digested foods. For older children, supplementing diet with 500 mg Vitamin C daily for a couple of weeks will help to boost the immune system - reduce or stop if diarrhoea develops.
Try to keep the diet light, wholesome and low in dairy foods for quite a while after the initial symptoms have eased, as any build-up in mucus can cause more problems for several weeks.
Varicose Veins - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Varicose Veins Treatment
Swollen veins most often occur in the lower legs, but can happen elsewhere. The veins in the legs contain one-way valves that allow blood to flow back up towards the heart. If the cell muscles weaken, for example after prolonged standing or the valves start to work less efficiently from other causes such as pregnancy, obesity or poor nutrition then blood collects in the veins and they swell.
Home remedies for Varicose Veins
Aromatherapy - All the natural therapies are likely to recommend both periods of rest, especially with the feet raised above the level of the thigh to let gravity assist venous return, and exercise to improve muscle tone.
Massage above the area of varicose veins in an upwards direction towards the heart, will reduce the congestion. Essential oils of prime use here are Cypress , Chamomile and perhaps Juniper; use diluted at 2 per cent in vegetable oil.
Homeopathy - CARBO VEG: for a sluggish circulation leading to blueness of the skin, cold extremities and painful varicose veins.
HAMAMEUS: for swollen, congested veins with a purplish blotching under the skin and tired, aching legs; may also have piles.
PULSATILEA: for painful veins, blue in colour; may be associated with pregnancy; pains in legs eased with walking about and in cool, fresh air.
Naturopathy - Use hot and cold bathing of legs or spray cool water up the legs at the end of a shower. Walk more: also look at yoga and swimming as good forms of exercise. Reduce alcohol intake; if very overweight try to lose weight steadily.
A supplement of Vitamin E together with Lecithin granules daily can ease the swelling and pains by improving the elasticity of the blood vessels. Another helpful substance is Vitamin C in treating varicose veins. In the long term just take plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and keep fats to a lower level.
Home remedies for Varicose Veins
Aromatherapy - All the natural therapies are likely to recommend both periods of rest, especially with the feet raised above the level of the thigh to let gravity assist venous return, and exercise to improve muscle tone.
Massage above the area of varicose veins in an upwards direction towards the heart, will reduce the congestion. Essential oils of prime use here are Cypress , Chamomile and perhaps Juniper; use diluted at 2 per cent in vegetable oil.
Homeopathy - CARBO VEG: for a sluggish circulation leading to blueness of the skin, cold extremities and painful varicose veins.
HAMAMEUS: for swollen, congested veins with a purplish blotching under the skin and tired, aching legs; may also have piles.
PULSATILEA: for painful veins, blue in colour; may be associated with pregnancy; pains in legs eased with walking about and in cool, fresh air.
Naturopathy - Use hot and cold bathing of legs or spray cool water up the legs at the end of a shower. Walk more: also look at yoga and swimming as good forms of exercise. Reduce alcohol intake; if very overweight try to lose weight steadily.
A supplement of Vitamin E together with Lecithin granules daily can ease the swelling and pains by improving the elasticity of the blood vessels. Another helpful substance is Vitamin C in treating varicose veins. In the long term just take plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and keep fats to a lower level.
Urinary Incontinence Home Remedies and Treatment
Urinary Incontinence is the inability to control the bladder and prevent dribbling of urine, or bed-wetting is something that can affect people at both ends of life in particular. Children may get into problems with involuntary bed-wetting through something simple such as a chill or shock or from a deeper upsetting worry or just because they sleep too deeply.
Home remedies for Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Alongside any self-help measures such as pelvic floor exerciser, an excellent essential oil to use in Urinary Incontinence is Cypress which is astringent, toning up the tissues and encouraging efficient excretion of fluid. Use it in the bath, about 6 drops or make a compress with 2 drops in a small bowl of warm water and wring out a small towel in die liquid, placing it over the low abdomen. For daily use it may be easier to use diluted oil, 2 per cent dilution, and massage a little into the lower abdomen each day. Oil that may help in this way is Pine, but use 1 per cent of this only. In either case do not use daily for more than 10 days at a time.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Urinary Incontinence
Probably the foremost herb for urinary incontinence treatment is Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), which is quite a strong diuretic, but more significantly contains appreciable amounts of silica. This has an astringent and toning effect on the bladder tissues, encouraging it to empty efficiently and regain some of the lost muscle tone. Horsetail is perhaps best taken as the fresh juice, available in some countries, take 10 ml (2 tsp) twice a day, otherwise a decoction may be taken. If emotional upset is a part of the problem, then also taking St John's Wort may help a good deal.
Homeopathy Natural Cure and Remedy for Urinary Incontinence
Several possibilities exist within homeopathy for treating urinary incontinence, some suggestions with a brief snapshot of the symptoms picture for each home remedy are given below.
Argent Nit: with incontinence at night in particular. This remedy is useful for older people who may easily get anxious and hence become incontinent, the urine may burn a little when passed.
PULSATIILA: this remedy is often appropriate for shy, sensitive people who are prone to crying. It is helpful if they experience bed-wetting at night, whether children or older people; there may be an easy tendency to dribble in the daytime too, with difficulty in retaining urine.
Urinary Incontinence Home Remedy in Naturopathy
One of the first things to look in Urinary Incontinence is the muscle tone within the pelvic basin generally. Exercises such as alternately tightening and relaxing the buttocks can help to regain control of the bladder and urethra. Another exercise that may be useful is to try and stop in midstream while actually urinating and hold for a couple of seconds before restarting to pass water. If done regularly, this can be a great aid in tightening and strengthening the muscles of the bladder.
Another approach to treatment of Urinary Incontinence is to employ hot and cold water applications to the lower abdomen and back. This can be via alternating hot/cold compresses, around 3-4 minutes hot and 1 minute cold, repeated once or twice.
A simpler method is to have a fairly warm bath followed by a short splash of cool water around the waist and bladder, or else when finishing a shower turn the temperature down to cool and use on this area for a minute. These methods will help to stimulate pelvic circulation, which in turn will encourage better muscular control and thus helps in treating Urinary Incontinence.
Home remedies for Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Alongside any self-help measures such as pelvic floor exerciser, an excellent essential oil to use in Urinary Incontinence is Cypress which is astringent, toning up the tissues and encouraging efficient excretion of fluid. Use it in the bath, about 6 drops or make a compress with 2 drops in a small bowl of warm water and wring out a small towel in die liquid, placing it over the low abdomen. For daily use it may be easier to use diluted oil, 2 per cent dilution, and massage a little into the lower abdomen each day. Oil that may help in this way is Pine, but use 1 per cent of this only. In either case do not use daily for more than 10 days at a time.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Urinary Incontinence
Probably the foremost herb for urinary incontinence treatment is Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), which is quite a strong diuretic, but more significantly contains appreciable amounts of silica. This has an astringent and toning effect on the bladder tissues, encouraging it to empty efficiently and regain some of the lost muscle tone. Horsetail is perhaps best taken as the fresh juice, available in some countries, take 10 ml (2 tsp) twice a day, otherwise a decoction may be taken. If emotional upset is a part of the problem, then also taking St John's Wort may help a good deal.
Homeopathy Natural Cure and Remedy for Urinary Incontinence
Several possibilities exist within homeopathy for treating urinary incontinence, some suggestions with a brief snapshot of the symptoms picture for each home remedy are given below.
Argent Nit: with incontinence at night in particular. This remedy is useful for older people who may easily get anxious and hence become incontinent, the urine may burn a little when passed.
PULSATIILA: this remedy is often appropriate for shy, sensitive people who are prone to crying. It is helpful if they experience bed-wetting at night, whether children or older people; there may be an easy tendency to dribble in the daytime too, with difficulty in retaining urine.
Urinary Incontinence Home Remedy in Naturopathy
One of the first things to look in Urinary Incontinence is the muscle tone within the pelvic basin generally. Exercises such as alternately tightening and relaxing the buttocks can help to regain control of the bladder and urethra. Another exercise that may be useful is to try and stop in midstream while actually urinating and hold for a couple of seconds before restarting to pass water. If done regularly, this can be a great aid in tightening and strengthening the muscles of the bladder.
Another approach to treatment of Urinary Incontinence is to employ hot and cold water applications to the lower abdomen and back. This can be via alternating hot/cold compresses, around 3-4 minutes hot and 1 minute cold, repeated once or twice.
A simpler method is to have a fairly warm bath followed by a short splash of cool water around the waist and bladder, or else when finishing a shower turn the temperature down to cool and use on this area for a minute. These methods will help to stimulate pelvic circulation, which in turn will encourage better muscular control and thus helps in treating Urinary Incontinence.
Thrush - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Thrush Treatment
Thrush is the common name for a fungal infection of the mucous membranes by the yeast Candida albicans. It can affect the mouth and this is sometimes seen in tiny babies or around the anus or on the penis, but most commonly it is a vaginal infection. A number of things can trigger an attack of thrush. One of the major causes id often a course of antibiotics, which seriously destroy our helpful, defensive bacteria.
Home remedies for Thrush
Aromatherapy - One of the most significant natural anti-fungal agents is essential oil of Tea Tree. This is available in pessary form in some countries, but the oil can be used in the bath or in more concentrated form in a hand- basin of water; use 6 drops in warm water and bathe the vaginal area with it. Although Tea Tree oil is much more soothing than most anti-fungal drugs, do use it well diluted at first in case of any irritation. Other useful oils to use in this way are Lavender and Myrrh, and they could be blended with Tea Tree to help speed up healing.
Herbalism - Herbalists will probably give much of the advice discussed under Naturopathy below, and are equally likely to recommend the above oils for local use; other herbs that have healing, soothing and anti- fungal effects include Marigold (Calendula officinalis) and Cone Flower (Echinacea angustifolia or E. purpurea). These are best used in tincture form; dilute at the rate of 5 ml (1 tsp) to 600 ml of warm water, and use as a local wash. For oral thrush in babies apply a little with a cotton bud and in adults use 5 ml (1 tsp) of the tincture little water as a mouthwash. A powerful anti-fungal remedy for thrush is garlic, and if thrush recurs frequently, taking fresh garlic or garlic capsules daily can help to combat general yeast infection. It can also be used locally, although may irritate the vaginal membranes.
Quite often a vicious circle can be set up by an infection: cystitis - treated by antibiotics - leading to thrush. Other factors can be the contraceptive pill, frequent digestive infections, a diet high in sugars, or generally being over- stressed and run-down. Conventional treatment involves the use of anti- fungal creams, or peccaries; both of these treatments may be irritating to the membranes, and self- help measures can often be the best route to avoid repetition of the infection.
Homeopathy - Treatment will focus on internal remedies, backed up by local self- help measures. Practitioners may even prescribe homeopathic doses of Candida itself, but some other possible remedies are:
MERC SOL: for reddish patches, especially if oral thrush when there may be blisters on the mucous membranes, with thick, slimy discharge and some mould-like odor.
NAT MUR : for white spots, less of a discharge but more painful irritation; in oral thrush there may be painful blisters on the lips or tongue. Drier and more inflamed symptoms make this more suitable as a remedy than Mere sol.
SULPHUR : for an itching and burning sensation, and a thick, white discharge in some odor. In oral thrush, Sulphur may be indicated when there is a foul taste.
Naturopathy - A diet in fresh vegetables and low in refiners sugars, helps to prevent recurrent thrush.
Home remedies for Thrush
Aromatherapy - One of the most significant natural anti-fungal agents is essential oil of Tea Tree. This is available in pessary form in some countries, but the oil can be used in the bath or in more concentrated form in a hand- basin of water; use 6 drops in warm water and bathe the vaginal area with it. Although Tea Tree oil is much more soothing than most anti-fungal drugs, do use it well diluted at first in case of any irritation. Other useful oils to use in this way are Lavender and Myrrh, and they could be blended with Tea Tree to help speed up healing.
Herbalism - Herbalists will probably give much of the advice discussed under Naturopathy below, and are equally likely to recommend the above oils for local use; other herbs that have healing, soothing and anti- fungal effects include Marigold (Calendula officinalis) and Cone Flower (Echinacea angustifolia or E. purpurea). These are best used in tincture form; dilute at the rate of 5 ml (1 tsp) to 600 ml of warm water, and use as a local wash. For oral thrush in babies apply a little with a cotton bud and in adults use 5 ml (1 tsp) of the tincture little water as a mouthwash. A powerful anti-fungal remedy for thrush is garlic, and if thrush recurs frequently, taking fresh garlic or garlic capsules daily can help to combat general yeast infection. It can also be used locally, although may irritate the vaginal membranes.
Quite often a vicious circle can be set up by an infection: cystitis - treated by antibiotics - leading to thrush. Other factors can be the contraceptive pill, frequent digestive infections, a diet high in sugars, or generally being over- stressed and run-down. Conventional treatment involves the use of anti- fungal creams, or peccaries; both of these treatments may be irritating to the membranes, and self- help measures can often be the best route to avoid repetition of the infection.
Homeopathy - Treatment will focus on internal remedies, backed up by local self- help measures. Practitioners may even prescribe homeopathic doses of Candida itself, but some other possible remedies are:
MERC SOL: for reddish patches, especially if oral thrush when there may be blisters on the mucous membranes, with thick, slimy discharge and some mould-like odor.
NAT MUR : for white spots, less of a discharge but more painful irritation; in oral thrush there may be painful blisters on the lips or tongue. Drier and more inflamed symptoms make this more suitable as a remedy than Mere sol.
SULPHUR : for an itching and burning sensation, and a thick, white discharge in some odor. In oral thrush, Sulphur may be indicated when there is a foul taste.
Naturopathy - A diet in fresh vegetables and low in refiners sugars, helps to prevent recurrent thrush.
Tonsillitis Remedies - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Tonsillitis Treatment
Inflammation and infection of the tonsils most often occurs in children or younger adults, it is used to be the fashion to remove the tonsils but unless they become chronically badly infected and act as a focus for other infections, it is now considered better to keep them. They act as an early warning sign of lowered vitality, and if this first line of defence is lost, then more deep-seated conditions can occur in later life.
Home remedies for Tonsillitis
Tonsillitis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Essential oils are not for internal use, unless under qualified treatment, and are rather unpleasant for local treatment. In tonsillitis they are best used as supportive treatment, using steam inhalations of Benzoin, Eucalyptus or Thyme to ease inflammation and fight general infection.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Tonsillitis
All the herbs mentioned under Sore Throats for gargling are excellent here too, especially Myrrh (Commiphora molmol). Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Sage (Salvia officinalis). For repeated bouts of tonsillitis take garlic daily, either capsules or fresh. Another essential herb to use for chronic tonsillitis is Cone Flower (Echinacea angustifolia or E. purpurea); this boosts the immune system and may be taken in tablets or else as a tincture (see page 14), 20 drop twice daily.
Homeopathy and Tonsillitis Treatment
Remedies applicable to tonsillitis include:
ACONITE: for sudden onset of inflammation, with hot, red and burning tonsils and thirst for cold drinks.
HEPAR SULPH: for pain on swallowing, as if something is stuck in the throat, tonsils swollen and discharging yellow pus.
LYCOPODIUM: for chronic swelling of the tonsils, which look as if they are pitted with small white discharging ulcers; cold drinks make the sensation worse.
Naturopathy - Tonsillitis Natural home cures
The tonsils actions, in trapping and removing infective bacteria that would otherwise cause deeper problems, means that they are more easily infected themselves. This can produce an infection of the adenoids too, with nasal congestion.
Where these symptoms occur, it is helpful to cut out dairy projects for a while. In any case, take plenty of fluids, especially fruit juices. Freshly-squeezed lemon juice, with a little honey, is a local antiseptic. Repeated attacks of tonsillitis are often a sign of lowered health in general, and may need professional treatment.
Home remedies for Tonsillitis
Tonsillitis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Essential oils are not for internal use, unless under qualified treatment, and are rather unpleasant for local treatment. In tonsillitis they are best used as supportive treatment, using steam inhalations of Benzoin, Eucalyptus or Thyme to ease inflammation and fight general infection.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Tonsillitis
All the herbs mentioned under Sore Throats for gargling are excellent here too, especially Myrrh (Commiphora molmol). Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Sage (Salvia officinalis). For repeated bouts of tonsillitis take garlic daily, either capsules or fresh. Another essential herb to use for chronic tonsillitis is Cone Flower (Echinacea angustifolia or E. purpurea); this boosts the immune system and may be taken in tablets or else as a tincture (see page 14), 20 drop twice daily.
Homeopathy and Tonsillitis Treatment
Remedies applicable to tonsillitis include:
ACONITE: for sudden onset of inflammation, with hot, red and burning tonsils and thirst for cold drinks.
HEPAR SULPH: for pain on swallowing, as if something is stuck in the throat, tonsils swollen and discharging yellow pus.
LYCOPODIUM: for chronic swelling of the tonsils, which look as if they are pitted with small white discharging ulcers; cold drinks make the sensation worse.
Naturopathy - Tonsillitis Natural home cures
The tonsils actions, in trapping and removing infective bacteria that would otherwise cause deeper problems, means that they are more easily infected themselves. This can produce an infection of the adenoids too, with nasal congestion.
Where these symptoms occur, it is helpful to cut out dairy projects for a while. In any case, take plenty of fluids, especially fruit juices. Freshly-squeezed lemon juice, with a little honey, is a local antiseptic. Repeated attacks of tonsillitis are often a sign of lowered health in general, and may need professional treatment.
Sore Throat Remedies - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Sore Throat Treatment
Sore throats are more and more common nowadays, with increased airborne pollution, smoky, dry atmosphere in air-conditioned buildings and so on. The irritation can range from an annoying tickle to a rasping soreness, and may be linked to other infections, where the throat inflammation or pharyngitis, also extends down to the larynx, the voice may be affected.
Home remedies for Sore Throat
Sore Throat Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Use steam inhalations with oils such as Benzoin, Lavender or Thyme. One drop only of essential oil of Lemon on 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) of honey acts as a powerful local antiseptic, as well as being soothing.
Herbalism - Herbal Home remedies for Sore Throat
If possible, use the following herbs as tinctures for gargling; if unavailable then use cooled infusions.
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), Sage (Salvia officinalis), and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) are all astringent, toning up the membranes, the latter two also being quite antiseptic. For a more powerful effect try using a tincture of Myrrh (Commiphora molmol), together with one or more of the others. If making infusions, add two broken liquorice sticks to give a more soothing effect, or else use Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) leaf in equal amounts with the other herb(s).
Sore Throat treatment using Homeopathy
The choice is wide, depending on the causes and the nature of the symptoms. It is advisable to look at other headings in this section too.
APIS MEL: for a red, swollen, burning throat and difficulty in swallowing anything.
KALI BICH: for sharp pains, relieved by swallowing, although there may also be a feeling of a "frog-in-the-throat" which is not relieved. The throat is especially dry and sore first thing in the mornings, with some sticky mucus.
MERC SOL: for a painful and raw throat, with a lot of watery, possibly unpleasant-smelling saliva.
Naturopathy - Natural Home cures for Sore Throat
For adults and older children the diet can be restricted to fruit juices only for a day or two at most; younger children and infants will be unlikely to cope with this, so simply reduce the dairy foods, and give plenty of fruit juices. If the throat is swollen and feels very hot, try a cold compress around it.
In modern offices the dry air leads to frequent sore throats. Sip liquids often, and try to make the air moister if possible, for example with plants.
Treatment for Sore Throats by Home Remedy
The juice of fresh pomegranates is good to gargle with then to drink. This is good easy home remedy for sore throats.
Lemon and honey taken hot at night will do much to cure a sore Colds, Sneezing and Influenza throat and is one of the best remedies.
Dilute 1 teaspoon in half cup of hot water and drink after gargling. There are a great many complex remedies, particularly from abroad, which use figs a great deal for curing a sore throat.
Mix together 1 teaspoon of cayenne, 2 teaspoons of sea salt, 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 300ml (1/2 pint) of warm water and use to gargle. Vinegar and warm water or salt diluted in warm water are old-fashioned gargles which always work well.
Home remedies for Sore Throat
Sore Throat Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Use steam inhalations with oils such as Benzoin, Lavender or Thyme. One drop only of essential oil of Lemon on 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) of honey acts as a powerful local antiseptic, as well as being soothing.
Herbalism - Herbal Home remedies for Sore Throat
If possible, use the following herbs as tinctures for gargling; if unavailable then use cooled infusions.
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), Sage (Salvia officinalis), and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) are all astringent, toning up the membranes, the latter two also being quite antiseptic. For a more powerful effect try using a tincture of Myrrh (Commiphora molmol), together with one or more of the others. If making infusions, add two broken liquorice sticks to give a more soothing effect, or else use Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) leaf in equal amounts with the other herb(s).
Sore Throat treatment using Homeopathy
The choice is wide, depending on the causes and the nature of the symptoms. It is advisable to look at other headings in this section too.
APIS MEL: for a red, swollen, burning throat and difficulty in swallowing anything.
KALI BICH: for sharp pains, relieved by swallowing, although there may also be a feeling of a "frog-in-the-throat" which is not relieved. The throat is especially dry and sore first thing in the mornings, with some sticky mucus.
MERC SOL: for a painful and raw throat, with a lot of watery, possibly unpleasant-smelling saliva.
Naturopathy - Natural Home cures for Sore Throat
For adults and older children the diet can be restricted to fruit juices only for a day or two at most; younger children and infants will be unlikely to cope with this, so simply reduce the dairy foods, and give plenty of fruit juices. If the throat is swollen and feels very hot, try a cold compress around it.
In modern offices the dry air leads to frequent sore throats. Sip liquids often, and try to make the air moister if possible, for example with plants.
Treatment for Sore Throats by Home Remedy
The juice of fresh pomegranates is good to gargle with then to drink. This is good easy home remedy for sore throats.
Lemon and honey taken hot at night will do much to cure a sore Colds, Sneezing and Influenza throat and is one of the best remedies.
Dilute 1 teaspoon in half cup of hot water and drink after gargling. There are a great many complex remedies, particularly from abroad, which use figs a great deal for curing a sore throat.
Mix together 1 teaspoon of cayenne, 2 teaspoons of sea salt, 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 300ml (1/2 pint) of warm water and use to gargle. Vinegar and warm water or salt diluted in warm water are old-fashioned gargles which always work well.
Sinusitis Remedies - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Sinusitis Treatment
The sinus cavities are air spaces in the bones of the skull, behind, above and below the eyes. They act as a kind of sound-box, helping the voice to resonate. Like the nasal passages they are lined with mucous membranes and an infection in the nose or throat can spread to the sinuses, acute sinusitis can be very painful and needs prompt treatment.
Chronic sinusitis may be linked to allergic reactions such as hay fever.
Home remedies for Sinusitis
Sinusitis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Steam inhalations are the best way to work directly on the membranes, loosening thick mucus and fighting infection. Choose from oils of Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, Pine, Thyme or Tea Tree; a combination may be best, or else change around the oils. In acute sinusitis, the inhalations can be taken 4 times a day to ease the pain and relieve the congestion, reducing to once daily as the symptoms ease, until the sinuses have cleared up.
Herbalism - Herbal Home Remedies for Sinusitis
Apart from steam inhalations, using infusions internally can help to reduce the catarrh and inflammation. Look at the following herbs.
CATMINT (Nepeta cataria): reduces nasal congestion and helps to liquefy the thick, sticky mucus.
ELDERTLOWFER (Sambucus nigra): reduces inflammation by improving circulation through the area, clears long-term catarrh, and eases congestion.
GOLDEN SEAL (Hydra stis canademis): has an astringent effect, cooling and toning up swollen, inflamed membranes. As this herb is quite expensive and difficult to find loose, it may be easier to take in tablet form, up to 500 mg a day.
It is also often very valuable to take plenty of garlic, either raw or as garlic perles, to fight any infection.
Sinusitis Treatment using Homeopathy
Try to match the remedy to the symptom pattern - look also at suggestions for Catarrh, Colds or Hay Fever.
HEPAR SULPH: for painful swelling of the nasal cavities, tender to the touch, with infected, yellow mucus discharge.
NAT MUR : a profuse, watery discharge, sneezing and a frontal headache are typical symptoms calling for this remedy.
SILICA: for a dry, blocked nose and a severe headache, perhaps with bouts of sneezing; worse with cold and better with warmth.
Naturopathy - Natural Home cure for Sinusitis
Immediately cut out all dairy products, and restrict white flour, pastries, and cakes and so on. Eat plenty or fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid smoky atmospheres, and do not fly when nasal passages are acutely inflamed or blocked, as the changes in air pressure can given severe pain and could damage the eardrum.
Use alternating hot and cold light compresses or just splashes of water around the nose; start with hot water for about 3 minutes and then cold for no more than 1 minute, repeating 2 or 3 times. This will reduce congestion and inflammation, and thus ease the pains. Using an inhalation can be a helpful back-up to this.
Treatment for Sinusitis (Sinus Infection) by Home Remedy
Take 2 fresh young nettle tops, 1 tablespoon blackberry leaves, 1 sprig fresh peppermint, 1 head meadowsweet 600 ml of boiling water and Infuse all the herbs in the boiling water for 10 minutes, covered. Take this sinusitis remedy in the springtime to clear this painful problem before summer arrives.
A few drops of either in hot water are good to inhale.
Chronic sinusitis may be linked to allergic reactions such as hay fever.
Home remedies for Sinusitis
Sinusitis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Steam inhalations are the best way to work directly on the membranes, loosening thick mucus and fighting infection. Choose from oils of Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, Pine, Thyme or Tea Tree; a combination may be best, or else change around the oils. In acute sinusitis, the inhalations can be taken 4 times a day to ease the pain and relieve the congestion, reducing to once daily as the symptoms ease, until the sinuses have cleared up.
Herbalism - Herbal Home Remedies for Sinusitis
Apart from steam inhalations, using infusions internally can help to reduce the catarrh and inflammation. Look at the following herbs.
CATMINT (Nepeta cataria): reduces nasal congestion and helps to liquefy the thick, sticky mucus.
ELDERTLOWFER (Sambucus nigra): reduces inflammation by improving circulation through the area, clears long-term catarrh, and eases congestion.
GOLDEN SEAL (Hydra stis canademis): has an astringent effect, cooling and toning up swollen, inflamed membranes. As this herb is quite expensive and difficult to find loose, it may be easier to take in tablet form, up to 500 mg a day.
It is also often very valuable to take plenty of garlic, either raw or as garlic perles, to fight any infection.
Sinusitis Treatment using Homeopathy
Try to match the remedy to the symptom pattern - look also at suggestions for Catarrh, Colds or Hay Fever.
HEPAR SULPH: for painful swelling of the nasal cavities, tender to the touch, with infected, yellow mucus discharge.
NAT MUR : a profuse, watery discharge, sneezing and a frontal headache are typical symptoms calling for this remedy.
SILICA: for a dry, blocked nose and a severe headache, perhaps with bouts of sneezing; worse with cold and better with warmth.
Naturopathy - Natural Home cure for Sinusitis
Immediately cut out all dairy products, and restrict white flour, pastries, and cakes and so on. Eat plenty or fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid smoky atmospheres, and do not fly when nasal passages are acutely inflamed or blocked, as the changes in air pressure can given severe pain and could damage the eardrum.
Use alternating hot and cold light compresses or just splashes of water around the nose; start with hot water for about 3 minutes and then cold for no more than 1 minute, repeating 2 or 3 times. This will reduce congestion and inflammation, and thus ease the pains. Using an inhalation can be a helpful back-up to this.
Treatment for Sinusitis (Sinus Infection) by Home Remedy
Take 2 fresh young nettle tops, 1 tablespoon blackberry leaves, 1 sprig fresh peppermint, 1 head meadowsweet 600 ml of boiling water and Infuse all the herbs in the boiling water for 10 minutes, covered. Take this sinusitis remedy in the springtime to clear this painful problem before summer arrives.
A few drops of either in hot water are good to inhale.
Stress - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Stress Treatment
Stress is one of those rather vague terms that is very difficult to define. It is also important to sat that stress is not in itself harmful and a certain amount can be necessary to get us motivated and enjoying life, only when the amount of Stress is too much for our system to cope with does it become a problem. people have a marvelous capacity to adopt to and cope exhaustion sets in, they can become seriously ill.
Symptoms of Stress
Symptoms of stress vary, see also Anxiety and Depression, but if you experience some or all of the following, you may be over-stressed:
Constantly on edge, with a very short fuse and ready to explode from real reason.
Feeling on the verge of tears much of the time.
Difficulty in concentrating, decision-making or with memory. Always tired even after a full night's sleep.
Sleep itself is disturbed and un refreshing.
A feeling of not being able to cope, it's all too much.
Poor appetite, or else nibbling without hunger.
No sense of fun or enjoyment in life.
Mistrustful of everybody, unable to enjoy company.
Always fidgeting or having a nervous habit such as biting your nails or chewing your hair.
Problems in relationships, no interest in sex.
Home remedies for Stress
Aromatherapy - Many oils are of value in helping to reduce the impact of stress. The best way of using them is probably diluted in a vegetable oil and used in massage , but if you do not have a willing, and trained, partner then use them in the bath.
For more uplifting effects choose from Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium or Rosemary, while Lavender or Marjoram are more relaxing. Three luxurious, although expensive, oils which have excellent de-stressing properties land smell wonderful!) are Jasmine, Neroli (or Orange Blossom) and Rose - use sparingly as they are very concentrated. Jasmine is relaxing and almost euphoric, Neroli is an anti- depressant and is refreshing, and Rose is calming and relaxing.
Herbalism - For the more agitated aspects of being stressed, choose relaxing infusions such as Lavender (Lavandula vera), Lime Blossom (Tilia curopaea) or Lemon Balm (Meizssa officinalis), or for acute tensions try Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) — since this tastes disgusting, it may be better to buy it in tablet form. When exhaustion has set in, infusions of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Vervain (Verbena officinalis) or Betony (Stachys hetonica), or a mixture of all three, will act as a tonic. Oats are helpful to add to the diet, as a nourishment for the nervous system.
aconite: for acute anxiety and mental confusion, with thought whizzing round in the head and much restlessness.
Chamomilla: if everything and everybody seems to irritate, and it is
Stress Treatment
The first step to improving the situation is to recognize that you are stressed, and to know what your limits are. Taking active steps to reduce the amount of external stress will of course be helpful, as well as looking at the methods below for easing the effects of the stress on you system. Other steps might include trying a class in relaxation technique: or yoga, T'ai Ch'i and so on, or having professional massage treatments. Getting regular breaks from a stressful lifestyle will help you to cope better and avoid the situation reaching a crisis point.
Naturopathy - A good plan is to look at basics; overhaul the diet, cutting out all the stimulants such as coffee, tea or cola drinks which only serve to leave you more exhausted when their effects wear off. Also reduce alcohol; it may help you to relax in small amounts but it easily becomes a dangerous habit and has a depressant action in any quantity.
Try to get some exercise; this not only helps to use up excess adrenalin but builds up physical and mental stamina. Deeper breathing will also supply more oxygen to the brain, which is the first essential nourishment it needs. It may be useful to add a multi- vitamin and mineral supplement to the diet for a while, as the body uses up nutrients faster when under stress.
Symptoms of Stress
Symptoms of stress vary, see also Anxiety and Depression, but if you experience some or all of the following, you may be over-stressed:
Constantly on edge, with a very short fuse and ready to explode from real reason.
Feeling on the verge of tears much of the time.
Difficulty in concentrating, decision-making or with memory. Always tired even after a full night's sleep.
Sleep itself is disturbed and un refreshing.
A feeling of not being able to cope, it's all too much.
Poor appetite, or else nibbling without hunger.
No sense of fun or enjoyment in life.
Mistrustful of everybody, unable to enjoy company.
Always fidgeting or having a nervous habit such as biting your nails or chewing your hair.
Problems in relationships, no interest in sex.
Home remedies for Stress
Aromatherapy - Many oils are of value in helping to reduce the impact of stress. The best way of using them is probably diluted in a vegetable oil and used in massage , but if you do not have a willing, and trained, partner then use them in the bath.
For more uplifting effects choose from Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium or Rosemary, while Lavender or Marjoram are more relaxing. Three luxurious, although expensive, oils which have excellent de-stressing properties land smell wonderful!) are Jasmine, Neroli (or Orange Blossom) and Rose - use sparingly as they are very concentrated. Jasmine is relaxing and almost euphoric, Neroli is an anti- depressant and is refreshing, and Rose is calming and relaxing.
Herbalism - For the more agitated aspects of being stressed, choose relaxing infusions such as Lavender (Lavandula vera), Lime Blossom (Tilia curopaea) or Lemon Balm (Meizssa officinalis), or for acute tensions try Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) — since this tastes disgusting, it may be better to buy it in tablet form. When exhaustion has set in, infusions of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Vervain (Verbena officinalis) or Betony (Stachys hetonica), or a mixture of all three, will act as a tonic. Oats are helpful to add to the diet, as a nourishment for the nervous system.
aconite: for acute anxiety and mental confusion, with thought whizzing round in the head and much restlessness.
Chamomilla: if everything and everybody seems to irritate, and it is
Stress Treatment
The first step to improving the situation is to recognize that you are stressed, and to know what your limits are. Taking active steps to reduce the amount of external stress will of course be helpful, as well as looking at the methods below for easing the effects of the stress on you system. Other steps might include trying a class in relaxation technique: or yoga, T'ai Ch'i and so on, or having professional massage treatments. Getting regular breaks from a stressful lifestyle will help you to cope better and avoid the situation reaching a crisis point.
Naturopathy - A good plan is to look at basics; overhaul the diet, cutting out all the stimulants such as coffee, tea or cola drinks which only serve to leave you more exhausted when their effects wear off. Also reduce alcohol; it may help you to relax in small amounts but it easily becomes a dangerous habit and has a depressant action in any quantity.
Try to get some exercise; this not only helps to use up excess adrenalin but builds up physical and mental stamina. Deeper breathing will also supply more oxygen to the brain, which is the first essential nourishment it needs. It may be useful to add a multi- vitamin and mineral supplement to the diet for a while, as the body uses up nutrients faster when under stress.
Shingles - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Shingles Treatment
Shingles is a condition brought about by the same virus, herpes zoster that cause chickenpox. It can lie dormant in the body for years before triggering an attack when you are stressed and exhausted. There is usually some pain in the affected area for a day or so before the very painful blisters appear along the pathway of the affected nerves. Sometimes there is considerable pain around the site for weeks, months or even years after the blisters have gone and Shingles can be treated in the same way as neuralgia. Shingles is very unpleasant and requires professional advice at any time but especially if it is on the face because precautions must be taken to protect the eyes.
Home remedies for Shingles
Aromatherapy - A number of essential oils can act locally very powerfully to reduce the pains, dry up the blisters and as direct anti-viral agents. It may be best to use a combination of two or three of these oils; for small areas of blisters paint the oils on neat, once or twice daily, otherwise use them in the bath or diluted in water as a warm compress.
Initially, choose from Bergamot, Eucalyptus or Tea Tree oils; if pains persist, use Lavender for its healing and analgesic properties - good combinations are Bergamot and Tea Tree, Bergamot and Lavender, but all the above are useful.
Lavender oil (Lavandula vera), as described above, is excellent for local use; this can be backed up by taking Lavender flowers as an infusion for their relaxing effect. If there are long-standing pains, after the acute attack has gone (known as post herpetic syndrome), then a general nerve tonic like Oatstraw (Avena sativa) is very helpful - either take 20 drops of the tincture twice daily, or simply include plenty of oats in the diet, for instance as porridge. If depression has set in, an infusion of Rosemary (Rosmannus officinalis) works winders; drink a cupful in the morning. At the other end of the day, a cup of Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) tea in the evening can help restful sleep.
Homeopathy - Some possible homeopathy treatments for shingles are given below
APIS MEL: where there is a large amount of blistering, with swelling and a burning sensation. Symptoms are eased by cold applications.
ARSKN ALB: for reddened skin, with the blisters merging together and possibly discharging. Symptoms eased by warm applications.
Naturopathy - In Preventive terms, it is advisable to try to steer clear of someone with chickenpox, especially if you are feeling very run-down yourself. Since in real life you may be the one looking after your child with chickenpox, this is not so easy! Spraying the sick room with essential oils (see Aromatherapy above for choice), using 10-15 drops in a 600 ml plant spray filled with water, can help too.
If you feel the first signs of irritation try rubbing the area with a freshly cut lemon. During an attack of shingles a salt bath may give relief and promote healing and drying of the blisters. Take a Vitamin B complex supplement to nourish the nervous system, and look generally at reducing stress and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Treatment of Shingles by Best Home Remedy
Vitamin E oil will reduce the pain and irritation of the rash and also help to prevent scarring if shingles is on the face.
Try this good shingles remedy - vitamin B complex, a regular bowl of-oats, a fruit juice fast, a daily tablespoon each of orange juice and castor oil, and nettle, sage, camomile, valerian or blackberry leaf tea.
Home remedies for Shingles
Aromatherapy - A number of essential oils can act locally very powerfully to reduce the pains, dry up the blisters and as direct anti-viral agents. It may be best to use a combination of two or three of these oils; for small areas of blisters paint the oils on neat, once or twice daily, otherwise use them in the bath or diluted in water as a warm compress.
Initially, choose from Bergamot, Eucalyptus or Tea Tree oils; if pains persist, use Lavender for its healing and analgesic properties - good combinations are Bergamot and Tea Tree, Bergamot and Lavender, but all the above are useful.
Lavender oil (Lavandula vera), as described above, is excellent for local use; this can be backed up by taking Lavender flowers as an infusion for their relaxing effect. If there are long-standing pains, after the acute attack has gone (known as post herpetic syndrome), then a general nerve tonic like Oatstraw (Avena sativa) is very helpful - either take 20 drops of the tincture twice daily, or simply include plenty of oats in the diet, for instance as porridge. If depression has set in, an infusion of Rosemary (Rosmannus officinalis) works winders; drink a cupful in the morning. At the other end of the day, a cup of Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) tea in the evening can help restful sleep.
Homeopathy - Some possible homeopathy treatments for shingles are given below
APIS MEL: where there is a large amount of blistering, with swelling and a burning sensation. Symptoms are eased by cold applications.
ARSKN ALB: for reddened skin, with the blisters merging together and possibly discharging. Symptoms eased by warm applications.
Naturopathy - In Preventive terms, it is advisable to try to steer clear of someone with chickenpox, especially if you are feeling very run-down yourself. Since in real life you may be the one looking after your child with chickenpox, this is not so easy! Spraying the sick room with essential oils (see Aromatherapy above for choice), using 10-15 drops in a 600 ml plant spray filled with water, can help too.
If you feel the first signs of irritation try rubbing the area with a freshly cut lemon. During an attack of shingles a salt bath may give relief and promote healing and drying of the blisters. Take a Vitamin B complex supplement to nourish the nervous system, and look generally at reducing stress and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Treatment of Shingles by Best Home Remedy
Vitamin E oil will reduce the pain and irritation of the rash and also help to prevent scarring if shingles is on the face.
Try this good shingles remedy - vitamin B complex, a regular bowl of-oats, a fruit juice fast, a daily tablespoon each of orange juice and castor oil, and nettle, sage, camomile, valerian or blackberry leaf tea.
Sciatica - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Sciatica Treatment
Pains along some point of the Sciatic nerves and running from the low back down either leg to the foot are a common form of neuralgia. The pains may come about from an injury and treatment from an osteopath should always be considered as one of the best ways to correct the cause. Poor posture, badly designed chairs or even a full back pocket can all cause pressure and pain in the Sciatic nerve an thus leads to Sciatica.
Home remedies for Sciatica
Aromatherapy - Initially, use cold compresses with either Chamomile or Lavender oils included. When the pains are less acute, or in longer-lasting sciatic discomfort, try warm compresses as suggested for Neuralgia.
These oils are very helpful, diluted 2 cent in a base oil and slowly massaged into the affected area.
Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita)or Lavender (Lavandula vcra) are also two useful herbs to take in infusion to ease muscle spasm and inflammation which add to the pains.
For acute muscle spasms in the thigh or legs,try making a strong decoction of Cramp Bark (European Cranberry Bush) (Viburnum opulus) and using as a warm compress. A small cupful of this may be taken internally as a powerful relaxant.
Improving your posture to Treat Sciatica
Apart from the suggestions listed on this page, you may want to consider help with improving your posture, learning how to move and hold yourself comfortably. The Alexander Technique and the Feldenkrais Technique are two systems that can help here; there are many qualified teachers of both available. Massage is not generally suitable in an acute phase, but in the longer term it is very helpful (see below for self-massage, or find a good massage therapist for best results).
ARSEN ALB: for intermittent pains shooting from the thigh down to the knee or even ankle.
IGNATIA: for sharp pains in the lower back and upper thighs, eased by walking around.
RHUS TOX: for severe pains in the hip, radiating down to the knee and causing limping. Generally these pains are worse in damp weather.
Naturopathy - Hot and cold compresses, as described for Neuralgia , may give relief. Gentle exercise is generally useful, but stop if it becomes too painful. Take a serious look at your posture, how you bend, pick up things and so on. It is important to try keep your back fairly upright, using your legs to bend or to take the weight.
Look carefully at all the chairs you use. Sit well back on a chair, and use cushions if necessary to get you into a more comfortable position. In general, avoid staying in one position for too long, as the muscles begin to tighten and stiffen. For example, try to have regular breaks on a long car journey, or walk about for a while on the train.
To help ease sciatic pain, massage diluted essential oils, as recommended, into the buttock and upper thigh with slow circular movements.
Home remedies for Sciatica
Aromatherapy - Initially, use cold compresses with either Chamomile or Lavender oils included. When the pains are less acute, or in longer-lasting sciatic discomfort, try warm compresses as suggested for Neuralgia.
These oils are very helpful, diluted 2 cent in a base oil and slowly massaged into the affected area.
Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita)or Lavender (Lavandula vcra) are also two useful herbs to take in infusion to ease muscle spasm and inflammation which add to the pains.
For acute muscle spasms in the thigh or legs,try making a strong decoction of Cramp Bark (European Cranberry Bush) (Viburnum opulus) and using as a warm compress. A small cupful of this may be taken internally as a powerful relaxant.
Improving your posture to Treat Sciatica
Apart from the suggestions listed on this page, you may want to consider help with improving your posture, learning how to move and hold yourself comfortably. The Alexander Technique and the Feldenkrais Technique are two systems that can help here; there are many qualified teachers of both available. Massage is not generally suitable in an acute phase, but in the longer term it is very helpful (see below for self-massage, or find a good massage therapist for best results).
ARSEN ALB: for intermittent pains shooting from the thigh down to the knee or even ankle.
IGNATIA: for sharp pains in the lower back and upper thighs, eased by walking around.
RHUS TOX: for severe pains in the hip, radiating down to the knee and causing limping. Generally these pains are worse in damp weather.
Naturopathy - Hot and cold compresses, as described for Neuralgia , may give relief. Gentle exercise is generally useful, but stop if it becomes too painful. Take a serious look at your posture, how you bend, pick up things and so on. It is important to try keep your back fairly upright, using your legs to bend or to take the weight.
Look carefully at all the chairs you use. Sit well back on a chair, and use cushions if necessary to get you into a more comfortable position. In general, avoid staying in one position for too long, as the muscles begin to tighten and stiffen. For example, try to have regular breaks on a long car journey, or walk about for a while on the train.
To help ease sciatic pain, massage diluted essential oils, as recommended, into the buttock and upper thigh with slow circular movements.
Rheumatism - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Rheumatism Treatment
Rheumatism is a general term which covers any inflammatory process in the muscles or joints. Here its meaning will be limited to muscular rheumatism as arthritis has already been covered. Much of the advice for fibrositis is also relevant as this is sometimes simply placed under the healing of rheumatism.
Home remedies for Rheumatism
Aromatherapy - To aid the cleansing of the tissues, essential oils are probably best used in the bath; appropriate oils are Cypress , Juniper, Pine and Rosemary, while Lavender may be added for greater muscle relaxation. Lavender and Rosemary are in addition quite analgesic in effect, giving some welcome relief from the pains and stiffness. If not too uncomfortable, massaging in a choice from these two, or else Juniper or Marjoram, diluted to 2 per cent in a base vegetable oil, speeds up the removal of toxins and improves blood supply to the affected muscles, and can be done regularly.
Home Treatment for Rheumatism
As a rule, the emphasis of natural treatments is placed even more on detoxifying the system than is the case with joint problems, removing waste matter that congests and irritates the muscles to allow greater freedom of movement. A combination of dietary changes, exercise within limits of comfort, and other natural methods outlined in this section can dramatically improve rheumatic disorders over time. Improves blood supply to the affected muscles, and can be done regularly.
Herbalism - Elimination of irritant waste materials can be encouraged very effectively by herbal remedies. Try Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a first choice for home use; the leaf is more diuretic, increasing output from the kidneys, while the root is a gentle liver tonic and mild laxative.
For maximum benefit, make the leaf as an infusion and the root as a decoction, and take each for a week. They can be combined with an herb such as Nettle (Urtica dioica), which is not only rich in various minerals but acts as a "blood cleanser", helping to provide the means for tissue repair and renewal. If pain is a significant factor, a remedy like Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) can be very useful. These last two herbs can be used as infusions for a couple of weeks; for persistent discomfort get professional treatment.
If the circulation is definitely restricted, and the aching and stiffness are made worse by damp, cold weather, add a small amount of fresh Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) to any infusion. Ginger root is a strong circulatory stimulant and has a large part to play in treating many rheumatic/arthritic disorders.
Homeopathy - Here are a few potentially helpful remedies; also compare with the suggestions for other conditions in this section which may be appropriate.
ACTAEA RAG: particularly good for painful, stiff muscles in the back and neck; also good for aching muscles after exercise or for neuralgic pains.
ARNICA: for general aching of limbs, with a feeling of being bruised.
BRYONIA: for stiffness and swelling, for instance of the hands and arms; it the joints feel uncomfortable and "crack" with movement, this remedy may well be very useful too.
Naturopathy - It is important to keep active as far as possible, so exercise is to be encourages within individual limits of ability. Diet should be aimed at reducing acid waste matter, with plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit (with the probable exception of oranges) and very little refined carbohydrates or sugary foods. A supplement may be useful: take a multi-vitamin and mineral tablet once a day or else initially just takes Vitamin B supplement. In winter, especially in cooler climates, taking a fish oil supplement such as cod liver oil capsules may ease stiffness.
Home remedies for Rheumatism
Aromatherapy - To aid the cleansing of the tissues, essential oils are probably best used in the bath; appropriate oils are Cypress , Juniper, Pine and Rosemary, while Lavender may be added for greater muscle relaxation. Lavender and Rosemary are in addition quite analgesic in effect, giving some welcome relief from the pains and stiffness. If not too uncomfortable, massaging in a choice from these two, or else Juniper or Marjoram, diluted to 2 per cent in a base vegetable oil, speeds up the removal of toxins and improves blood supply to the affected muscles, and can be done regularly.
Home Treatment for Rheumatism
As a rule, the emphasis of natural treatments is placed even more on detoxifying the system than is the case with joint problems, removing waste matter that congests and irritates the muscles to allow greater freedom of movement. A combination of dietary changes, exercise within limits of comfort, and other natural methods outlined in this section can dramatically improve rheumatic disorders over time. Improves blood supply to the affected muscles, and can be done regularly.
Herbalism - Elimination of irritant waste materials can be encouraged very effectively by herbal remedies. Try Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a first choice for home use; the leaf is more diuretic, increasing output from the kidneys, while the root is a gentle liver tonic and mild laxative.
For maximum benefit, make the leaf as an infusion and the root as a decoction, and take each for a week. They can be combined with an herb such as Nettle (Urtica dioica), which is not only rich in various minerals but acts as a "blood cleanser", helping to provide the means for tissue repair and renewal. If pain is a significant factor, a remedy like Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) can be very useful. These last two herbs can be used as infusions for a couple of weeks; for persistent discomfort get professional treatment.
If the circulation is definitely restricted, and the aching and stiffness are made worse by damp, cold weather, add a small amount of fresh Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) to any infusion. Ginger root is a strong circulatory stimulant and has a large part to play in treating many rheumatic/arthritic disorders.
Homeopathy - Here are a few potentially helpful remedies; also compare with the suggestions for other conditions in this section which may be appropriate.
ACTAEA RAG: particularly good for painful, stiff muscles in the back and neck; also good for aching muscles after exercise or for neuralgic pains.
ARNICA: for general aching of limbs, with a feeling of being bruised.
BRYONIA: for stiffness and swelling, for instance of the hands and arms; it the joints feel uncomfortable and "crack" with movement, this remedy may well be very useful too.
Naturopathy - It is important to keep active as far as possible, so exercise is to be encourages within individual limits of ability. Diet should be aimed at reducing acid waste matter, with plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit (with the probable exception of oranges) and very little refined carbohydrates or sugary foods. A supplement may be useful: take a multi-vitamin and mineral tablet once a day or else initially just takes Vitamin B supplement. In winter, especially in cooler climates, taking a fish oil supplement such as cod liver oil capsules may ease stiffness.
Psoriasis Remedies - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis is a skin disease where the skin cells start to grow too rapidly, the immature cells over-produce but fail to mature into proper keratin. The new cells grow rapidly than the old dead layers can be shed and so thick, reddened patches form which are covered with a silvery scale.
Psoriasis can appear in patches almost anywhere, often on the outer surfaces of the elbow or knees, and in severe cases it can occur on the whole body. Psoriasis may be caused by using detergents and in some cases it is the result of an allergic reaction.
Home remedies for Psoriasis
Psoriasis can run in families, and is a very complex condition with no simple treatment. It is frequently aggravated by stress and by being run-down, and seems to be an example of an auto-immune disorder, that is, when the body's immune system fails to recognize its own cells and starts to react against itself. In nearly every case exposure to sunlight is helpful, and often the condition will disappear on a summer holiday, when sun and relaxation are combined.
Psoriasis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
To get relief from psoriasis choose from Chamomile, Bergamot, Lavender, Neroli or Rose Essential oils.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedy for Psoriasis
Topically, the thickened skin can be encouraged to slough off by rubbing with moistened fine oatmeal. Marigold (Calendula officinalis) can be used in a cream or ointment to reduce the inflammation, or else Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) may be tried in similar fashion.
If stress is an obvious factor, taking teas of gentle relaxants such as Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Lavender (Lavandula vera), Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) or Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) over a period of time may help to restore balance
Homeopathy - Some short-term remedies are:
ARSEN ALB: for roughened, scaly skin that may have a burning sensation, although often cold to the touch. The skin is exceptionally dry.
GRAPHITES: for when the skin dries out and cracks, producing a thick, sticky discharge. The cracked areas may also bleed, and the skin itches considerably.
SHEPHUR: for hot, dry and itchy skin which is made worse by heat (although not necessarily the sun). Scratching gives very temporary relief, but then causes soreness and burning.
Naturopathy - Natural cure Remedy for Psoriasis
Much of the dietary advice echoes that given under Eczema, there may be a case for looking at wheat as a source of food intolerance too; try eliminating
Other Treatment for Psoriasis By Home Remedy
A diet of raw foods was recommended including whey milk for breakfast and slippery elm and honey at night.
Take Wheat germ oil and castor oil and then Mix 1 teaspoon each of wheat germ oil and castor oil into 1 eggcup of sunflower oil. Rub gently into the psoriasis affected area.
Dried burdock seed and dried camomile flowers are also good remedy for psoriasis.
Try adding 1 or 2 drops of calendula (marigold) oil and 1 drop of oregano oil to I small cup of olive oil. Rub into the area. You will definitely get rid of psoriasis.
One cannot really say that psoriasis can be cured, but natural treatments can greatly improve the condition for long periods of time. As psoriasis sufferers often have a tendency towards tense, insular personalities, the following Bach However Remedies can sometimes help: Acrimony, Crab Apple, Water Violet or Willow Whatever treatment is used, patience is required as visible improvement can take a while to show through.
Due to the complexity of factors involved, psoriasis is not easily treated with self-help, and professional treatment may be the best course of action.
Psoriasis can appear in patches almost anywhere, often on the outer surfaces of the elbow or knees, and in severe cases it can occur on the whole body. Psoriasis may be caused by using detergents and in some cases it is the result of an allergic reaction.
Home remedies for Psoriasis
Psoriasis can run in families, and is a very complex condition with no simple treatment. It is frequently aggravated by stress and by being run-down, and seems to be an example of an auto-immune disorder, that is, when the body's immune system fails to recognize its own cells and starts to react against itself. In nearly every case exposure to sunlight is helpful, and often the condition will disappear on a summer holiday, when sun and relaxation are combined.
Psoriasis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
To get relief from psoriasis choose from Chamomile, Bergamot, Lavender, Neroli or Rose Essential oils.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedy for Psoriasis
Topically, the thickened skin can be encouraged to slough off by rubbing with moistened fine oatmeal. Marigold (Calendula officinalis) can be used in a cream or ointment to reduce the inflammation, or else Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) may be tried in similar fashion.
If stress is an obvious factor, taking teas of gentle relaxants such as Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Lavender (Lavandula vera), Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) or Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) over a period of time may help to restore balance
Homeopathy - Some short-term remedies are:
ARSEN ALB: for roughened, scaly skin that may have a burning sensation, although often cold to the touch. The skin is exceptionally dry.
GRAPHITES: for when the skin dries out and cracks, producing a thick, sticky discharge. The cracked areas may also bleed, and the skin itches considerably.
SHEPHUR: for hot, dry and itchy skin which is made worse by heat (although not necessarily the sun). Scratching gives very temporary relief, but then causes soreness and burning.
Naturopathy - Natural cure Remedy for Psoriasis
Much of the dietary advice echoes that given under Eczema, there may be a case for looking at wheat as a source of food intolerance too; try eliminating
Other Treatment for Psoriasis By Home Remedy
A diet of raw foods was recommended including whey milk for breakfast and slippery elm and honey at night.
Take Wheat germ oil and castor oil and then Mix 1 teaspoon each of wheat germ oil and castor oil into 1 eggcup of sunflower oil. Rub gently into the psoriasis affected area.
Dried burdock seed and dried camomile flowers are also good remedy for psoriasis.
Try adding 1 or 2 drops of calendula (marigold) oil and 1 drop of oregano oil to I small cup of olive oil. Rub into the area. You will definitely get rid of psoriasis.
One cannot really say that psoriasis can be cured, but natural treatments can greatly improve the condition for long periods of time. As psoriasis sufferers often have a tendency towards tense, insular personalities, the following Bach However Remedies can sometimes help: Acrimony, Crab Apple, Water Violet or Willow Whatever treatment is used, patience is required as visible improvement can take a while to show through.
Due to the complexity of factors involved, psoriasis is not easily treated with self-help, and professional treatment may be the best course of action.
Poor Circulation - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Poor Circulation Treatment
Poor circulation to the extremities is quite common in cooler climates and particularly in elderly people or those who do very little exercise. Poor circulation can lead on to more serious conditions such as phlebitis or thrombosis so it should not be neglected and professional medical help should be sought if in any doubt.
Home remedies for Poor Circulation
Aromatherapy - Massage the hands or feet with diluted oils such as Black Pepper, Lavender, Marjoram or Rosemary improves circulation. These can be added to a warm footbath for a stronger short-term treatment. Use a maximum of 10 drops in total, and try a blend of 2 or 3 of these oils. Avoid if skin is broken, get advice first.
Herbalism - Take hot herbal teas regularly to aid peripheral circulation; choose from Elderflower (Sambucus nigra), Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea), Nettle (Urtica dioica) or Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Daily intake of garlic stimulates blood flow too, and cayenne pepper is the strongest circulatory stimulant, perhaps simply use in cooking for this effect as well as its flavour.
Homeopathy - To improve circulation, the following home remedies may help in the short term, but if symptoms persist and the fingers and toes become numb, then seek professional medical advice:
SECALE: For cold hands and feet with a burning sensation. The rest of the body also feels cold and the fingers and toes can become quite blue or white. Take 6c every 30 minutes for up to 10 doses.
CARBO VEG: For cold hands and feet with a mottling of the skin. The skin feels icy cold to the touch and appears blue, with prominent veins. Skin can also appear blotchy.
Hand Massage for poor circulation
1. Place some base oil in a bowl, with essential oils added as recommended. Massage into palms of hands with a steady circular movement.
2. Squeeze down the fingers to stretch and loosen them, pushing towards the palm. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times.
Foot Massage for poor circulation
1. To stretch the feet, place hands with thumbs on top of the foot, keeping a firm grip with both of the hands.
2. Move thumbs outward, as if breaking a piece of bread (be gentle with your partner!); repeat movement several times.
Naturopathy - Various substances constrict the peripheral blood vessels, most notably caffeine and nicotine, so reducing or cutting out coffee and tobacco will help greatly. Exercise is another essential, wherever possible, and in colder weather keep the wrists and ankles warm as well as the hands and feet themselves. Additional amounts of Vitamin C (up to 500 mg per day) and Vitamin E (up to 400 iu per day) can boost circulation and aid the elasticity of the blood-vessel walls.
Exercise is the best way to help yourself in improving circulation. Regular activities stimulate blood/low, and keep the heart and lung in good condition. Skipping has become more popular as an exercise, and is an excellent way to keep warm.
Home remedies for Poor Circulation
Aromatherapy - Massage the hands or feet with diluted oils such as Black Pepper, Lavender, Marjoram or Rosemary improves circulation. These can be added to a warm footbath for a stronger short-term treatment. Use a maximum of 10 drops in total, and try a blend of 2 or 3 of these oils. Avoid if skin is broken, get advice first.
Herbalism - Take hot herbal teas regularly to aid peripheral circulation; choose from Elderflower (Sambucus nigra), Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea), Nettle (Urtica dioica) or Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Daily intake of garlic stimulates blood flow too, and cayenne pepper is the strongest circulatory stimulant, perhaps simply use in cooking for this effect as well as its flavour.
Homeopathy - To improve circulation, the following home remedies may help in the short term, but if symptoms persist and the fingers and toes become numb, then seek professional medical advice:
SECALE: For cold hands and feet with a burning sensation. The rest of the body also feels cold and the fingers and toes can become quite blue or white. Take 6c every 30 minutes for up to 10 doses.
CARBO VEG: For cold hands and feet with a mottling of the skin. The skin feels icy cold to the touch and appears blue, with prominent veins. Skin can also appear blotchy.
Hand Massage for poor circulation
1. Place some base oil in a bowl, with essential oils added as recommended. Massage into palms of hands with a steady circular movement.
2. Squeeze down the fingers to stretch and loosen them, pushing towards the palm. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times.
Foot Massage for poor circulation
1. To stretch the feet, place hands with thumbs on top of the foot, keeping a firm grip with both of the hands.
2. Move thumbs outward, as if breaking a piece of bread (be gentle with your partner!); repeat movement several times.
Naturopathy - Various substances constrict the peripheral blood vessels, most notably caffeine and nicotine, so reducing or cutting out coffee and tobacco will help greatly. Exercise is another essential, wherever possible, and in colder weather keep the wrists and ankles warm as well as the hands and feet themselves. Additional amounts of Vitamin C (up to 500 mg per day) and Vitamin E (up to 400 iu per day) can boost circulation and aid the elasticity of the blood-vessel walls.
Exercise is the best way to help yourself in improving circulation. Regular activities stimulate blood/low, and keep the heart and lung in good condition. Skipping has become more popular as an exercise, and is an excellent way to keep warm.
Prostate Problems - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Prostate Problems Treatment
The prostate gland is situated at the base of bladder and produces part of the seminal fluid. It surrounds the urethra, but normally causes no problems for urine flow. It is roughly the size of a walnut, but a common condition as men get older is a benign enlargement. This leads the prostate to compress the urethra and perhaps even the bladder and urine flow becomes slower to start or stop with some dribbling.
Home remedies for Prostate Problems
Aromatherapy - To be used only as an adjunct to seeking professional treatment. Where there is benign prostate enlargement causing some difficulty in passing urine, placing a licit compress using a few drops of oils of Chamomile, Juniper or Pine over the low abdomen can quickly ease the pressure and get the urine to flow better. If the prostate is inflamed, oil of Chamomile should be included due to its anti-inflammatory effect.
Herbalism - For an enlarged prostate, an infusion of one or both of the following remedies can help a good deal:
HORSETAIL: a strong diuretic, increasing urine flow and Helping the bladder to empty itself completely - failure to do so can lead to cystitis. It is also astringent and anti- inflammatory, toning the swollen membranes.
White Deadnettle: another astringent remedy, which seems to have a regulatory effect on blood flow through the pelvic area.
Homeopathy - Some possible remedies are:
APIS MEL: when there is inflammation, probably with some enlargement, so that there is a frequent desire to pass water, but with only small amounts of stinging, burning urine.
BELLADONNA: when urination is also painful and difficult; the pressure causes some involuntary dribbling of urine when standing or moving around.
PULSATILLA: for frequent, urgent need to pass water, slight dribbling, or incontinence with any movement such as coughing, laughing or sneezing.
Naturopathy - Stick to a varied whole food diet, with plenty of fluids during the day to keep urine moving through the bladder, but reduce coffee, tea or alcohol which can all irritate. Zinc is of special benefit to the prostate. Pumpkin seeds are a good food source and a supplement (up to 20 mg) may be needed daily for a while if symptoms of enlarged prostate develop.
Hydrotherapy treatment is a valuable aid: use alternating hot and cold water for the low abdomen (3 minutes hot and maximum 1 minute cold), either using a shower or splashes in the bath. The ideal method is using Sitz baths, as in hydrotherapy spa clinics.
Home remedies for Prostate Problems
Aromatherapy - To be used only as an adjunct to seeking professional treatment. Where there is benign prostate enlargement causing some difficulty in passing urine, placing a licit compress using a few drops of oils of Chamomile, Juniper or Pine over the low abdomen can quickly ease the pressure and get the urine to flow better. If the prostate is inflamed, oil of Chamomile should be included due to its anti-inflammatory effect.
Herbalism - For an enlarged prostate, an infusion of one or both of the following remedies can help a good deal:
HORSETAIL: a strong diuretic, increasing urine flow and Helping the bladder to empty itself completely - failure to do so can lead to cystitis. It is also astringent and anti- inflammatory, toning the swollen membranes.
White Deadnettle: another astringent remedy, which seems to have a regulatory effect on blood flow through the pelvic area.
Homeopathy - Some possible remedies are:
APIS MEL: when there is inflammation, probably with some enlargement, so that there is a frequent desire to pass water, but with only small amounts of stinging, burning urine.
BELLADONNA: when urination is also painful and difficult; the pressure causes some involuntary dribbling of urine when standing or moving around.
PULSATILLA: for frequent, urgent need to pass water, slight dribbling, or incontinence with any movement such as coughing, laughing or sneezing.
Naturopathy - Stick to a varied whole food diet, with plenty of fluids during the day to keep urine moving through the bladder, but reduce coffee, tea or alcohol which can all irritate. Zinc is of special benefit to the prostate. Pumpkin seeds are a good food source and a supplement (up to 20 mg) may be needed daily for a while if symptoms of enlarged prostate develop.
Hydrotherapy treatment is a valuable aid: use alternating hot and cold water for the low abdomen (3 minutes hot and maximum 1 minute cold), either using a shower or splashes in the bath. The ideal method is using Sitz baths, as in hydrotherapy spa clinics.
Pre Menstrual Symptoms - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Pre Menstrual Symptoms Treatment
There are a number of symptoms that can occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, that is leading up to a period, due mostly to imbalances in hormone production. These symptoms tend to be lumped together by the medical profession into pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), but not all women experience them in the same combination or in the same way.
Home remedies for Pre Menstrual Symptoms
Aromatherapy - Essential oils can be helpful in reducing fluid retention; this is most effectively done by using them with lymphatic drainage massage so do see a professional aroma therapist if this is a major part of your symptoms. Using oils such as Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper or Rosemary in the bath, and also doing skin-brushing, frequently stroking your limbs up from the extremities towards the heart, are good methods of self-help.
Common Pre Menstrual Symptoms (PMS)
Symptoms include mood changes, with irritability and/or weepiness, headaches and sometimes migraines, fluid retention, tender breasts, and deep aching in the low abdomen or thighs before and at the start of the period, This half of the cycle can also be when creativity and energy, including sexual energy, can be higher so do not automatically assume that the pre- period phase has to be awful.
Herbalism - Probably the most valuable herb for disturbances of the second half of the menstrual cycle is Chaste Tree. The berries are used, and they help to normalize hormone function, particularly in lifting progesterone levels - lowered progesterone is most often the trigger for the symptoms. They can be obtained in tablet form. In very large amounts Chaste Tree can give an irritating sensation under the skin; if this occurs simply stop taking it.
Herbs which have diuretic effects may be useful in giving some relief; try infusions of either Cleavers or Couch Grass - yes, this scourge of gardeners does have important medicinal properties! Two other helpful herbs are Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), both as a diuretic and gentle relaxant, and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) which eases the emotional swings may happen. Any improvement in PMS may take 3-6 months to appear.
Homeopathy - Some possible home remedies are:
Calc Carb: for overweight people who feel the cold easily if only during this phase.
Calc Phos: for cold but drier extremities, pain and cramping with pre menstrual bloating.
Women for whom wither of the above remedies are suited will probably get relief from pre menstrual discomfort by taking a warm bath or using hot water bottle.
Naturopathy - Both diet and exercise can help tremendously in minimizing pre-menstrual problems. Cut down alcohol and coffee during this part of cycle at least.
Regular exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming and running can help reduce the pelvic congestion that may accompany PMS.
Home remedies for Pre Menstrual Symptoms
Aromatherapy - Essential oils can be helpful in reducing fluid retention; this is most effectively done by using them with lymphatic drainage massage so do see a professional aroma therapist if this is a major part of your symptoms. Using oils such as Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper or Rosemary in the bath, and also doing skin-brushing, frequently stroking your limbs up from the extremities towards the heart, are good methods of self-help.
Common Pre Menstrual Symptoms (PMS)
Symptoms include mood changes, with irritability and/or weepiness, headaches and sometimes migraines, fluid retention, tender breasts, and deep aching in the low abdomen or thighs before and at the start of the period, This half of the cycle can also be when creativity and energy, including sexual energy, can be higher so do not automatically assume that the pre- period phase has to be awful.
Herbalism - Probably the most valuable herb for disturbances of the second half of the menstrual cycle is Chaste Tree. The berries are used, and they help to normalize hormone function, particularly in lifting progesterone levels - lowered progesterone is most often the trigger for the symptoms. They can be obtained in tablet form. In very large amounts Chaste Tree can give an irritating sensation under the skin; if this occurs simply stop taking it.
Herbs which have diuretic effects may be useful in giving some relief; try infusions of either Cleavers or Couch Grass - yes, this scourge of gardeners does have important medicinal properties! Two other helpful herbs are Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), both as a diuretic and gentle relaxant, and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) which eases the emotional swings may happen. Any improvement in PMS may take 3-6 months to appear.
Homeopathy - Some possible home remedies are:
Calc Carb: for overweight people who feel the cold easily if only during this phase.
Calc Phos: for cold but drier extremities, pain and cramping with pre menstrual bloating.
Women for whom wither of the above remedies are suited will probably get relief from pre menstrual discomfort by taking a warm bath or using hot water bottle.
Naturopathy - Both diet and exercise can help tremendously in minimizing pre-menstrual problems. Cut down alcohol and coffee during this part of cycle at least.
Regular exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming and running can help reduce the pelvic congestion that may accompany PMS.
Nausea Vomitting - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Nausea Vomitting Treatment
There are a great many reasons for feelings of nausea, or actual vomiting. Often this is a temporary reaction, for example to over-eating or drinking, food poisoning, a gastric infection, violent coughing, travel sickness, or associated with a migraine; if nausea or vomiting is persistent, then professional help is essential. Children in particular can easily become dehydrated from repeatedly vomiting.
Home remedies for Nausea Vomitting
Aromatherapy - Warm compresses over the stomach may be of help. Choose from oils of Chamomile, Lavender or Peppermint, up to 5 drops in a small bowl of water. Taking 1 drop only of oil of Cloves or Peppermint, on a sugar lump, may help to directly settle the stomach. A useful oil to spray around the sick room is Lemon, this is not only helpful to allay feelings of nausea but also is much fresher smelling and less sickly than some oils, so will be generally appreciated by the household!
Herbalism - The remedy of first choice is probably Ginger (Zingiber officinalis); either takes frequent sips of a weak tea, or of 10 drops of tincture in a little water, or chew a small piece of fresh ginger. Another possibility - say, for travel sickness - is to chew a little crystallized ginger, or drink flat ginger ale. Other potentially useful herbs to settle the stomach are Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita); try weakish herb teas. All these herbs aid digestion generally, and ease flatulence, so can help to sort out the causes of nausea as well as the symptoms themselves.
Causes of Nausea or Vomiting
Nausea or vomiting can usually be linked to a specific situation - eating too much rich food, or drinking too much alcohol, anxiety or travel are common triggers. Continual feelings of nausea indicate a greater disturbance; again this may be obvious as in morning sickness of pregnancy. Where the cause is not obvious, and if symptoms are not quickly cleared up with self-help, get medical advice as soon as possible.
Homeopathy - As ever, try to establish the causes and the overall pattern. In the meantime, useful remedies include:
ARSENICUM ALBUM: for severe nausea, perhaps associated with diarrhoea, and a great thirst but unable to take more than a few sips at a time.
IPECACUANHA: for sudden and persistent nausea or vomiting, with much watery saliva and frequent belching, symptoms are made worse by cold drinks.
Naturopathy - Obviously keep off solids in the short term, but do keep up fluid intake, either warm depending on preference. When the sickness has subsided, re-introduce light, easily assimilates foods such as clear soup, then slightly more solid dishes like plain whole grain toast, boiled brown rice and cooked vegetables. Gradually return to your normal diet over a couple of days. Smaller meals will be helpful. If anxiety is producing the nausea, then relaxation exercises will help; see Anxiety and Stress.
Treatment for Nausea / Voming By Home Remedy
Mix these Chamomiles, elder and lime flower tea in equal proportion make an excellent, delicately flavoured floral tea which children love and which also induces a gentle perspiration. To give relief to a troublesome night-time tickle make the tea with an infusion of liquorice root and honey water which should be strained and brought to the boil again before pouring over the herbs. This Home remedy has been rated best in getting relief from Nausea or vomiting.
Home remedies for Nausea Vomitting
Aromatherapy - Warm compresses over the stomach may be of help. Choose from oils of Chamomile, Lavender or Peppermint, up to 5 drops in a small bowl of water. Taking 1 drop only of oil of Cloves or Peppermint, on a sugar lump, may help to directly settle the stomach. A useful oil to spray around the sick room is Lemon, this is not only helpful to allay feelings of nausea but also is much fresher smelling and less sickly than some oils, so will be generally appreciated by the household!
Herbalism - The remedy of first choice is probably Ginger (Zingiber officinalis); either takes frequent sips of a weak tea, or of 10 drops of tincture in a little water, or chew a small piece of fresh ginger. Another possibility - say, for travel sickness - is to chew a little crystallized ginger, or drink flat ginger ale. Other potentially useful herbs to settle the stomach are Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita); try weakish herb teas. All these herbs aid digestion generally, and ease flatulence, so can help to sort out the causes of nausea as well as the symptoms themselves.
Causes of Nausea or Vomiting
Nausea or vomiting can usually be linked to a specific situation - eating too much rich food, or drinking too much alcohol, anxiety or travel are common triggers. Continual feelings of nausea indicate a greater disturbance; again this may be obvious as in morning sickness of pregnancy. Where the cause is not obvious, and if symptoms are not quickly cleared up with self-help, get medical advice as soon as possible.
Homeopathy - As ever, try to establish the causes and the overall pattern. In the meantime, useful remedies include:
ARSENICUM ALBUM: for severe nausea, perhaps associated with diarrhoea, and a great thirst but unable to take more than a few sips at a time.
IPECACUANHA: for sudden and persistent nausea or vomiting, with much watery saliva and frequent belching, symptoms are made worse by cold drinks.
Naturopathy - Obviously keep off solids in the short term, but do keep up fluid intake, either warm depending on preference. When the sickness has subsided, re-introduce light, easily assimilates foods such as clear soup, then slightly more solid dishes like plain whole grain toast, boiled brown rice and cooked vegetables. Gradually return to your normal diet over a couple of days. Smaller meals will be helpful. If anxiety is producing the nausea, then relaxation exercises will help; see Anxiety and Stress.
Treatment for Nausea / Voming By Home Remedy
Mix these Chamomiles, elder and lime flower tea in equal proportion make an excellent, delicately flavoured floral tea which children love and which also induces a gentle perspiration. To give relief to a troublesome night-time tickle make the tea with an infusion of liquorice root and honey water which should be strained and brought to the boil again before pouring over the herbs. This Home remedy has been rated best in getting relief from Nausea or vomiting.
Neuralgia - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Neuralgia Treatment
Neuralgia is a sharp pain originating along the course of one or more nerves and may come about from a variety of causes. Both sciatica and shingles give rise to forms of Neuralgic pain. Facial Neuralgia affecting one of the trigeminal nerves in the face which can give intense pain and may relate to stress, migraines or dental problems.
Home remedies for Neuralgia
Using warm compresses, including analgesic oils, over the affected areas can give much relief. Choose from Chamomile, Lavender, Marjoram or Rosemary oils - alternate the oil used for recurrent pains, or blend them together for greater effect.
An infusion of Lavender (Lavandula vera) flowers, Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) and Rosemary (Rosmannus officinalis) leaves can be very helpful, not only to ease the pains but to ease tension and tone the nervous system. This mixture can also be used as a warm compress directly over the area.
VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis): a relaxant and nervous tonic, very helpful when neuralgia is related to being generally run-down and exhausted.
Homeopathy In the short term, try the following:
ACTAEA RAC: for facial neuralgia with pains into the cheekbone and as if piercing the eyeball. Pains ease at night.
BELLADONNA: for a hot. burning and flushed face, with morly right-sided neuralgic pains and twitching muscles.
Gelsemium: for pains radiating from the neck into the face, possibly with some nausea; migraine-related neuralgia.
Naturopathy - Simply using alternating hot and cold compresses, 3-4 minutes hot and a maximum 1 minute cold, repeated a few times, can ease the pains. For chronic sufferers a Vitamin B complex supplement can help to nourish the nervous system. In addition, look at ways of reducing stress such as relaxation or yoga classes.
Home remedies for Neuralgia
Using warm compresses, including analgesic oils, over the affected areas can give much relief. Choose from Chamomile, Lavender, Marjoram or Rosemary oils - alternate the oil used for recurrent pains, or blend them together for greater effect.
An infusion of Lavender (Lavandula vera) flowers, Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) and Rosemary (Rosmannus officinalis) leaves can be very helpful, not only to ease the pains but to ease tension and tone the nervous system. This mixture can also be used as a warm compress directly over the area.
VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis): a relaxant and nervous tonic, very helpful when neuralgia is related to being generally run-down and exhausted.
Homeopathy In the short term, try the following:
ACTAEA RAC: for facial neuralgia with pains into the cheekbone and as if piercing the eyeball. Pains ease at night.
BELLADONNA: for a hot. burning and flushed face, with morly right-sided neuralgic pains and twitching muscles.
Gelsemium: for pains radiating from the neck into the face, possibly with some nausea; migraine-related neuralgia.
Naturopathy - Simply using alternating hot and cold compresses, 3-4 minutes hot and a maximum 1 minute cold, repeated a few times, can ease the pains. For chronic sufferers a Vitamin B complex supplement can help to nourish the nervous system. In addition, look at ways of reducing stress such as relaxation or yoga classes.
Mouth Ulcer - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Mouth Ulcer Treatment
Mouth ulcers, which can occur on the tongue, gums or the lining of the mouth, are sometimes due to local trauma, for instance biting your cheek or wearing ill-fitting dentures, but often they reflect a state of generally being run-down. Recurrent "crops" of mouth ulcers may therefore need more overall treatment; see Stress as well as anything directed locally.
Home remedies for Nausea Vomitting
Aromatherapy - The essential oil of choice for mouth ulcers is undoubtedly Myrrh. This is not only astringent and healing but also has an anti-fungal property; one of the reasons for mouth ulcers can be fungal infection, for example Candida albicans (the cause of thrush). Myrrh is best used in tincture form (see Herbalism below); you can make your own in small amounts by dissolving the essential oil in alcohol - use 5 drops in 5 ml (1 tsp) of a spirit such as vodka or brandy. This can be applied neat right on to the ulcers, or use 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) in a little water as a mouthwash. You can add 1 drop of oil of Fennel to make it taste better, dissolving it thoroughly.
Herbalism - Local treatment is by means of herbal tinctures, to stimulate healing of ulcers and reduce the inflammation. The strongest, although worst tasting, is Myrrh (Commiphora molmol); others to choose from are Marigold (Calendula officinalis), Sage (Salvia officinalis) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Pay attention to general health, and seek professional treatment if the ulcers are persistent or recurring. Cone Flower (Echinacea angustifolia or E. purpurea) may be a useful herb to take; it boosts the immune system and is widely obtainable in tablet form, or a tincture of the fresh plant is also available - take 10 drops in water 3 time a day.
Homeopathy - Remedies are more likely to be of benefit if they are chosen for the background causes, but some examples of those remedies that are of value for the mouth ulcers are:
BORAX: for painful small ulcers that feel hot in the mouth and may even bleed, when eating for instance.
MERC SOL: when there is an unpleasant, metallic taste in the mouth, with larger, almost greyish ulcers and perhaps bleeding gums; good for oral thrush.
NAT SULPH: for very painfully sensitive ulcers which may look like blisters, the discomfort is relieved by something cold such as an ice cube.
Naturopathy - Recurrent mouth ulcers can often indicate a poor diet, or nutritional deficiencies. Nutrients most likely to be lacking, and consequently of most benefit in treating the problem, are Vitamin B2, Vitamin C and zinc, and supplements of these may be needed in the short term until the diet can be improved to give sufficient amounts - increase green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grain bread (including the wheatgerm) and for non-vegetarians eat some meat and fish.
Mouth ulcers most often occur at times of stress or when the immune system is lowered in some way, so it is generally advisable to look at ways of reducing the impact of stress if ulcers are recurring frequently.
For direct local treatment, try applying pure wheatgerm oil, for example by piercing a natural, oil-based Vitamin E capsule and dabbing a little on to the ulcer. If there are foods, for instance vinegar, that do aggravate the ulcers, obviously leave them out of the diet for a while.
Home remedies for Nausea Vomitting
Aromatherapy - The essential oil of choice for mouth ulcers is undoubtedly Myrrh. This is not only astringent and healing but also has an anti-fungal property; one of the reasons for mouth ulcers can be fungal infection, for example Candida albicans (the cause of thrush). Myrrh is best used in tincture form (see Herbalism below); you can make your own in small amounts by dissolving the essential oil in alcohol - use 5 drops in 5 ml (1 tsp) of a spirit such as vodka or brandy. This can be applied neat right on to the ulcers, or use 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) in a little water as a mouthwash. You can add 1 drop of oil of Fennel to make it taste better, dissolving it thoroughly.
Herbalism - Local treatment is by means of herbal tinctures, to stimulate healing of ulcers and reduce the inflammation. The strongest, although worst tasting, is Myrrh (Commiphora molmol); others to choose from are Marigold (Calendula officinalis), Sage (Salvia officinalis) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Pay attention to general health, and seek professional treatment if the ulcers are persistent or recurring. Cone Flower (Echinacea angustifolia or E. purpurea) may be a useful herb to take; it boosts the immune system and is widely obtainable in tablet form, or a tincture of the fresh plant is also available - take 10 drops in water 3 time a day.
Homeopathy - Remedies are more likely to be of benefit if they are chosen for the background causes, but some examples of those remedies that are of value for the mouth ulcers are:
BORAX: for painful small ulcers that feel hot in the mouth and may even bleed, when eating for instance.
MERC SOL: when there is an unpleasant, metallic taste in the mouth, with larger, almost greyish ulcers and perhaps bleeding gums; good for oral thrush.
NAT SULPH: for very painfully sensitive ulcers which may look like blisters, the discomfort is relieved by something cold such as an ice cube.
Naturopathy - Recurrent mouth ulcers can often indicate a poor diet, or nutritional deficiencies. Nutrients most likely to be lacking, and consequently of most benefit in treating the problem, are Vitamin B2, Vitamin C and zinc, and supplements of these may be needed in the short term until the diet can be improved to give sufficient amounts - increase green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grain bread (including the wheatgerm) and for non-vegetarians eat some meat and fish.
Mouth ulcers most often occur at times of stress or when the immune system is lowered in some way, so it is generally advisable to look at ways of reducing the impact of stress if ulcers are recurring frequently.
For direct local treatment, try applying pure wheatgerm oil, for example by piercing a natural, oil-based Vitamin E capsule and dabbing a little on to the ulcer. If there are foods, for instance vinegar, that do aggravate the ulcers, obviously leave them out of the diet for a while.
Morning Sickness - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Morning Sickness Treatment
At least half of all pregnant women experience nausea or vomiting during the first 12 weeks or so of their pregnancy. Only in rare circumstances does this become severe as to warrant drugs or hospital treatment. There seems to be good reason to link the sickness, which may actually occur at any time of day or night, with a lowered blood sugar level and it is often very useful to eat regularly to maintain a more even state.
Home remedies for Morning Sickness
Aromatherapy - Essential Oils can be of some use in morning sickness. Oils concentration and powerful effects, however, mean that caution is needed during pregnancy with all oils. For nausea simply try smelling a drop of ginger or peppermint oil on a paper tissue.
Herbalism - The prime remedy for nausea, including morning sickness, is Ginger. This can be taken in various ways; try chewing a piece of crystallized ginger or making ginger tea. A very useful method is to eat biscuits made with fresh ginger. Other useful herbs are Chamomile and Peppermint taken as teas. As a practitioner I have found that in pregnancy the smell of the former often seems to be more off-putting than any benefit from the herb, but see for yourself.
Homeopathy - There are several remedies in which nausea or vomiting are major indications. Try one of these home remedies for a few days to see if they give any relief -
IPECACUANHA: for continual nausea and frequent vomiting, this does not give much relief. The tongue generally seems quite clean in appearance.
Nux VOMICA: for nausea and a lot of retching; it may be more difficult to vomit but it does help ease the nausea. The tongue is coated and may look almost brown.
SEPIA: mostly just for nausea, especially associated with smelling food or getting chilled, or when the symptom is relieved with warm drinks or possibly a warm application to the stomach.
Naturopathy - The fact that early morning is a particularly bad time for getting the nausea confirms the importance of the blood-sugar levels; try keeping some whole grain biscuits by the bed to nibble if you feel empty and nauseous on waking. In general avoid greasy or fatty foods and cut down on cotter and alcohol. A diet with plenty of whole grains, pulses and vegetables will help to keep blood sugar levels more constant, as will eating at regular times during the day.
Home remedies for Morning Sickness
Aromatherapy - Essential Oils can be of some use in morning sickness. Oils concentration and powerful effects, however, mean that caution is needed during pregnancy with all oils. For nausea simply try smelling a drop of ginger or peppermint oil on a paper tissue.
Herbalism - The prime remedy for nausea, including morning sickness, is Ginger. This can be taken in various ways; try chewing a piece of crystallized ginger or making ginger tea. A very useful method is to eat biscuits made with fresh ginger. Other useful herbs are Chamomile and Peppermint taken as teas. As a practitioner I have found that in pregnancy the smell of the former often seems to be more off-putting than any benefit from the herb, but see for yourself.
Homeopathy - There are several remedies in which nausea or vomiting are major indications. Try one of these home remedies for a few days to see if they give any relief -
IPECACUANHA: for continual nausea and frequent vomiting, this does not give much relief. The tongue generally seems quite clean in appearance.
Nux VOMICA: for nausea and a lot of retching; it may be more difficult to vomit but it does help ease the nausea. The tongue is coated and may look almost brown.
SEPIA: mostly just for nausea, especially associated with smelling food or getting chilled, or when the symptom is relieved with warm drinks or possibly a warm application to the stomach.
Naturopathy - The fact that early morning is a particularly bad time for getting the nausea confirms the importance of the blood-sugar levels; try keeping some whole grain biscuits by the bed to nibble if you feel empty and nauseous on waking. In general avoid greasy or fatty foods and cut down on cotter and alcohol. A diet with plenty of whole grains, pulses and vegetables will help to keep blood sugar levels more constant, as will eating at regular times during the day.
Menopausal Problems - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Menopausal Problems Treatment
The change of life, when periods cease, can be a tremendously variable experiences. For some women there is very little disturbance to their lives, except for the relief of no longer having monthly bleeding. For others, symptoms, such as hot flushes, anxiety, insomnia, heavy periods, depression or severe vaginal dryness make their lives thoroughly miserable for a long time. Each person is different, do not hesitate to get advice.
Home remedies for Menopausal Problems
Aromatherapy - During the pre or peri-menopausal phase, which may last for years leading up to the point when ovulation finally stops, the periods may become quite erratic (see also Menstrual Problems. Useful oils to think of include Geranium and Rose, both of which seem to have a regulating, balancing effect on the female hormone cycle. Also, uplifting oils such as Bergamot, Neroli or Jasmine can help a at deal with the emotional swings that may occur - other life changes, such as children growing up and leaving home for the first time can often coincide at this time, so there may be a general sense of upheaval and loss.
For all these oils, either use a few drops in the bath, or dilute to 1 per cent in a base oil and massage into the skin. Try ringing the changes with the oils too, so that you do not use one exclusively for more than a couple of weeks. While it may not seem scientific, if you are drawn towards the scent of a particular essential oil, then it is most often what you need at the time!
Conventional treatment has now focused on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and while this has helped ease the symptoms for a lot of women, others react badly to it and it is very clearly not suitable for everybody. There are other ways of helping the process, some of which are described below.
Herbalism - Many herbs have quite powerful hormonal effects - the contraceptive pill itself was originally derived from a species of Mexican Yam - and professional treatment may be needed here. A common herb which can often improve many problems such as hot sweats, depression and irritability, is Sage. Not only is this a tonic for the nervous system, and reduces excess sweating, but it has oestrogenic activity and can ease the dramatic drop in hormone levels that upset the whole system. Take 2 small cupfuls of an infusion for a month to see if it is helping.
Another herb with hormonal effects is Chaste Tree. The berries are used, and act via the pituitary gland to encourage the ovaries, and seem to have a more progesterogenic effect (see also Pre- menstrual Symptoms). This herb may be taken as a tea or in tablet form (up to 300 mg per day); do not overdo the dosage as this can induce an itching sensation on the skin, and as always if there is no improvement, then seek professional advice. Simple relaxants like Chamomile and Lime Blossom may help to reduce some of the emotional swings that may happen during the menopause.
Homeopathy - The emphasis of all these natural therapies and remedies is to assist the normal changes that occur with the stopping of menstruation, without trying to interfere to any great extent. Homeopathic treatments will similarly aim to encourage the physiological and mental adjustments. On a self help basis, you may find some relief from excessive symptoms with remedies such as the following:
PULSATILLA: for hot flushes with a lot of sweating, perhaps giving a musty odour. If cold drinks generally ease symptoms, then this may be a suitable remedy. SEPIA: for sudden hot flushes, with a feeling of faintness, reddened face and probably some sweating. Warmth may actually help to ease the discomfort and may be inclined towards anxiety or irritability.
Naturopathy - Keeping to a healthy diet can do wonders for overall vitality and this in turns helps to give you greater resilience against any problems during the menopause.
It is essential to continue to do some exercise, such as walking, cycling or even jogging which also helps to maintain calcium levels as well as strengthening the heart and lungs.
Home remedies for Menopausal Problems
Aromatherapy - During the pre or peri-menopausal phase, which may last for years leading up to the point when ovulation finally stops, the periods may become quite erratic (see also Menstrual Problems. Useful oils to think of include Geranium and Rose, both of which seem to have a regulating, balancing effect on the female hormone cycle. Also, uplifting oils such as Bergamot, Neroli or Jasmine can help a at deal with the emotional swings that may occur - other life changes, such as children growing up and leaving home for the first time can often coincide at this time, so there may be a general sense of upheaval and loss.
For all these oils, either use a few drops in the bath, or dilute to 1 per cent in a base oil and massage into the skin. Try ringing the changes with the oils too, so that you do not use one exclusively for more than a couple of weeks. While it may not seem scientific, if you are drawn towards the scent of a particular essential oil, then it is most often what you need at the time!
Conventional treatment has now focused on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and while this has helped ease the symptoms for a lot of women, others react badly to it and it is very clearly not suitable for everybody. There are other ways of helping the process, some of which are described below.
Herbalism - Many herbs have quite powerful hormonal effects - the contraceptive pill itself was originally derived from a species of Mexican Yam - and professional treatment may be needed here. A common herb which can often improve many problems such as hot sweats, depression and irritability, is Sage. Not only is this a tonic for the nervous system, and reduces excess sweating, but it has oestrogenic activity and can ease the dramatic drop in hormone levels that upset the whole system. Take 2 small cupfuls of an infusion for a month to see if it is helping.
Another herb with hormonal effects is Chaste Tree. The berries are used, and act via the pituitary gland to encourage the ovaries, and seem to have a more progesterogenic effect (see also Pre- menstrual Symptoms). This herb may be taken as a tea or in tablet form (up to 300 mg per day); do not overdo the dosage as this can induce an itching sensation on the skin, and as always if there is no improvement, then seek professional advice. Simple relaxants like Chamomile and Lime Blossom may help to reduce some of the emotional swings that may happen during the menopause.
Homeopathy - The emphasis of all these natural therapies and remedies is to assist the normal changes that occur with the stopping of menstruation, without trying to interfere to any great extent. Homeopathic treatments will similarly aim to encourage the physiological and mental adjustments. On a self help basis, you may find some relief from excessive symptoms with remedies such as the following:
PULSATILLA: for hot flushes with a lot of sweating, perhaps giving a musty odour. If cold drinks generally ease symptoms, then this may be a suitable remedy. SEPIA: for sudden hot flushes, with a feeling of faintness, reddened face and probably some sweating. Warmth may actually help to ease the discomfort and may be inclined towards anxiety or irritability.
Naturopathy - Keeping to a healthy diet can do wonders for overall vitality and this in turns helps to give you greater resilience against any problems during the menopause.
It is essential to continue to do some exercise, such as walking, cycling or even jogging which also helps to maintain calcium levels as well as strengthening the heart and lungs.
Migraine - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Migraine Treatment
Anyone who has experienced a migraine will know that it is more than a severe headache. Migraines generally involve acute pains, often over eye and perhaps disturbed vision or flashing lights. There may also be nausea or vomiting and sensitivity to bright light.
Causes of Migraine
A migraine can be triggered by all sorts of factors: hormone changes, stress, stuffy atmospheres, noises, smells and certain foods are well known triggers. Repeated attacks call for professional help; self-help treatments should be largely used as preventive measures.
Home remedies for Migraine
Aromatherapy - Since the sense of smell is altered and often heightened during a migraine, aromatherapy is definitely used between attacks; use at the earliest stage of a migraine only if the smell is well tolerated.
A central feature of the natural approach to migraines is to distinguish between a "hot" migraine, where the blood vessels are dilated, and a "cold" migraine, where there is excessive contradiction of the blood vessels. In the first type, a cold or perhaps just cool compress (see page 15) across the forehead will give relief and oils of Peppermint or Lavender can be used.
For "cold" types of migraine, a hot compress on the forehead or back of the neck may help using Marjoram.
Herbalism - Catching the migraine early gives the best chance of success (otherwise try to use these infusions regularly, as a preventive). Choose from the following:
CHAMOMILE (Chamomilla recutita): for dull, throbbing headache with a feeling of queasiness - add a little Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) to relieve more severe nausea.
FEVERFEW (Chrysanthemum parthenium): an excellent remedy taken daily to prevent the "cold" type of migraine, where there is a sense of a tight band around the head. This is widely available in tablet form as well.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): good where stress is a trigger for migraines, and where local warmth gives relief.
Homeopathy - During an attack try one of these:
KALI BTCH: for an intense headache, preceded by a loss of vision and nausea, made worse in hot weather.
NATRUM MURIATICUM: for a severe, pounding headache with zigzags in front of the eyes, nausea and a pale face. The migraine may also be triggered by menstruation.
SILICA: for pains spreading from the back of the neck over to the eyes, usually right-sided, and often vomiting.
Naturopathy - Diet needs to be looked at carefully; try to avoid tea, coffee, alcohol especially red wine, red meat, cheese, chocolate, tomatoes and eggs. Eat plenty of fresh, raw salads and drink lots of fluid, as dehydration can be a factor. Try taking a Vitamin B supplement daily and see if this helps to reduce attacks. In between attacks, exercises to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders can be useful, and also massage of these areas.
Causes of Migraine
A migraine can be triggered by all sorts of factors: hormone changes, stress, stuffy atmospheres, noises, smells and certain foods are well known triggers. Repeated attacks call for professional help; self-help treatments should be largely used as preventive measures.
Home remedies for Migraine
Aromatherapy - Since the sense of smell is altered and often heightened during a migraine, aromatherapy is definitely used between attacks; use at the earliest stage of a migraine only if the smell is well tolerated.
A central feature of the natural approach to migraines is to distinguish between a "hot" migraine, where the blood vessels are dilated, and a "cold" migraine, where there is excessive contradiction of the blood vessels. In the first type, a cold or perhaps just cool compress (see page 15) across the forehead will give relief and oils of Peppermint or Lavender can be used.
For "cold" types of migraine, a hot compress on the forehead or back of the neck may help using Marjoram.
Herbalism - Catching the migraine early gives the best chance of success (otherwise try to use these infusions regularly, as a preventive). Choose from the following:
CHAMOMILE (Chamomilla recutita): for dull, throbbing headache with a feeling of queasiness - add a little Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) to relieve more severe nausea.
FEVERFEW (Chrysanthemum parthenium): an excellent remedy taken daily to prevent the "cold" type of migraine, where there is a sense of a tight band around the head. This is widely available in tablet form as well.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): good where stress is a trigger for migraines, and where local warmth gives relief.
Homeopathy - During an attack try one of these:
KALI BTCH: for an intense headache, preceded by a loss of vision and nausea, made worse in hot weather.
NATRUM MURIATICUM: for a severe, pounding headache with zigzags in front of the eyes, nausea and a pale face. The migraine may also be triggered by menstruation.
SILICA: for pains spreading from the back of the neck over to the eyes, usually right-sided, and often vomiting.
Naturopathy - Diet needs to be looked at carefully; try to avoid tea, coffee, alcohol especially red wine, red meat, cheese, chocolate, tomatoes and eggs. Eat plenty of fresh, raw salads and drink lots of fluid, as dehydration can be a factor. Try taking a Vitamin B supplement daily and see if this helps to reduce attacks. In between attacks, exercises to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders can be useful, and also massage of these areas.
Laryngitis Remedies - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Laryngitis Treatment
Laryngitis is an acute inflammation of the larynx and vocal chords, leading to a very sore throat, hoarseness and even loss of voice. Laryngitis may follow on from a cold or other infection or be due to overstraining the voice by shouting, severe coughing or irritations such as smoke or dust.
Home remedies for Laryngitis
Laryngitis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
The best method for treatment is undoubtedly steam inhalation; the natural choice of oil is probably Benzoin, but you could also use sandalwood or Thyme. As the oils vaporize with the steam, they soothe the dry, inflamed membranes and ease the breathing as well as being highly antiseptic.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Laryngitis
Local treatment is by gargle; there are a number of useful herbs for this, they are most effective as tinctures, otherwise use cooled infusions. Choose from these astringent herbs: Sage, Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) or Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus), which will help to tone up the puffy membranes. For a very soothing effect, add Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) to the gargle, or take 10 ml (2 tsp) of a decoction of the root 3 or 4 times a day.
Homeopathy and Laryngitis Treatment
One of these remedies should be suitable in the short term:
ACONITE: for sudden laryngitis following exposure to cold, dry winds, with a high temperature and a dry cough.
Naturopathy - Natural home cures for Laryngitis
Cut out dairy produce to reduce excess catarrh, and take plenty of fruit juices. Try placing a cold compress around the throat, if the problem has been around for a while, it may be an idea to use a hot compress followed by a cold one.
Home remedies for Laryngitis
Laryngitis Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
The best method for treatment is undoubtedly steam inhalation; the natural choice of oil is probably Benzoin, but you could also use sandalwood or Thyme. As the oils vaporize with the steam, they soothe the dry, inflamed membranes and ease the breathing as well as being highly antiseptic.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Laryngitis
Local treatment is by gargle; there are a number of useful herbs for this, they are most effective as tinctures, otherwise use cooled infusions. Choose from these astringent herbs: Sage, Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) or Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus), which will help to tone up the puffy membranes. For a very soothing effect, add Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) to the gargle, or take 10 ml (2 tsp) of a decoction of the root 3 or 4 times a day.
Homeopathy and Laryngitis Treatment
One of these remedies should be suitable in the short term:
ACONITE: for sudden laryngitis following exposure to cold, dry winds, with a high temperature and a dry cough.
Naturopathy - Natural home cures for Laryngitis
Cut out dairy produce to reduce excess catarrh, and take plenty of fruit juices. Try placing a cold compress around the throat, if the problem has been around for a while, it may be an idea to use a hot compress followed by a cold one.
Indigestion - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Indigestion Treatment
Indigestion is a general term for discomfort, often accompanied by bloating, acidity, heartburn, and nausea or bowel disturbances. Usually Indigestion is a temporary problem, brought about by eating too much or the wrong kind of food, excess alcohol or from stress. Longer-term digestive pains may be caused among other reasons by taking aspirin-related drugs, by heavy smoking or other digestive ailments.
Home remedies for Indigestion
Aromatherapy - A warm compress including Chamomile or Lavender oils may give some relief, or try gently massaging a 2 per cent dilution of one of them into the abdomen if indigestion is milder.
Herbalism - Herbal teas in the first place may well sort out the immediate indigestion, choose from:
CHAMOMILE (Chamomilla recutita): for the effects of over-eating, also if in a stressed state.
LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis): for nervous indigestion; related to meals or not, settles a churning stomach.
MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula ulmaria): for acid indigestion, especially if accompanied by some looseness in the bowels.
PEPPERMINT (Mentha pipenta): for indigestion with plenty of flatulence and bloated abdomen, or even nausea. Also think of taking Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) if indigestion pains are persistent, either 5 ml (1 tsp) of the powder blended in a cupful of water, or the pure tablets, with one or more meals, to soothe the stomach.
Homeopathy - For an occasional bout of indigestion, try a couple of doses of:
ARGENT NIT: where there is a lot of wind, with belching and possibly heartburn, cravings for sweet or fatty foods which tend to upset the digestion and give diarrhoea.
LYCOPODIUM: for pains and wind: if hungry but can only take small amounts of food, worse with cold foods or drink.
Nux VOMICA: useful for the effects of eating and drinking too much causing pain, heartburn and even vomiting.
Naturopathy - If indigestion is quite bad, cut out solid food for 24 hours if possible taking only herb teas or fruit juices (particularly pineapple which contains digestive enzymes), and reintroduce foods gently, starting with something light like soup or pureed apple.
If indigestion is repetitive, try taking a Vitamin B complex supplement as a digestive stimulant, or else look at a digestive enzyme supplement such as Pepsin in short term. Avoid drinking lots of fluid at mealtimes, as this will dilute your natural digestive juices.
Chamomile tea is a relaxing aid to the digestive system.
Home remedies for Indigestion
Aromatherapy - A warm compress including Chamomile or Lavender oils may give some relief, or try gently massaging a 2 per cent dilution of one of them into the abdomen if indigestion is milder.
Herbalism - Herbal teas in the first place may well sort out the immediate indigestion, choose from:
CHAMOMILE (Chamomilla recutita): for the effects of over-eating, also if in a stressed state.
LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis): for nervous indigestion; related to meals or not, settles a churning stomach.
MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula ulmaria): for acid indigestion, especially if accompanied by some looseness in the bowels.
PEPPERMINT (Mentha pipenta): for indigestion with plenty of flatulence and bloated abdomen, or even nausea. Also think of taking Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) if indigestion pains are persistent, either 5 ml (1 tsp) of the powder blended in a cupful of water, or the pure tablets, with one or more meals, to soothe the stomach.
Homeopathy - For an occasional bout of indigestion, try a couple of doses of:
ARGENT NIT: where there is a lot of wind, with belching and possibly heartburn, cravings for sweet or fatty foods which tend to upset the digestion and give diarrhoea.
LYCOPODIUM: for pains and wind: if hungry but can only take small amounts of food, worse with cold foods or drink.
Nux VOMICA: useful for the effects of eating and drinking too much causing pain, heartburn and even vomiting.
Naturopathy - If indigestion is quite bad, cut out solid food for 24 hours if possible taking only herb teas or fruit juices (particularly pineapple which contains digestive enzymes), and reintroduce foods gently, starting with something light like soup or pureed apple.
If indigestion is repetitive, try taking a Vitamin B complex supplement as a digestive stimulant, or else look at a digestive enzyme supplement such as Pepsin in short term. Avoid drinking lots of fluid at mealtimes, as this will dilute your natural digestive juices.
Chamomile tea is a relaxing aid to the digestive system.
Haemorrhoids - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Haemorrhoids Treatment
Haemorrhoids or piles are swollen veins in the rectum due to a restricted local blood supply and congestion in the pelvic cavity. Occasionally they may protrude externally, and can give rise to bleeding especially with a bowel movement. Piles can occur during pregnancy due to the increased pressure, but are often associated with chronic constipation when frequent straining to empty the bowels causes extra pressure on the veins.
Home remedies for Haemorrhoids
Aromatherapy - Using aromatherapy oils in Haemorrhoids such as Cypress or Juniper in the bath can help to stimulate pelvic circulation; also adding a couple of drops of either to a bowl of cool water and then using this for a compress may help too. Massage of the abdomen with a 2 per cent dilution of oils of Marjoram or Rosemary can help ease constipation and relieve haemorrhoids.
Herbalism - Local treatment can help to astringe and tone the swollen veins. Use commercial creams made with extract of Pilewort (Ranunculus ficaria), Horse Chestnut (Aesculus bippocastanum) or Marigold (Calendula officinalis), or use a compress of distilled Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana); the tincture is much more astringent, if available use this diluted at the rate of 15 ml (1 tbsp) to a small bowl of warm water.
Prolong bleeding from piles can eventually lead to anaemia. Drinking Nettle (Vrtica dioica) tea may relieve this, but take steps to avoid constipation too.
Homeopathy - Some possible remedies are:
AESCULUS: for a dry itching and stinging sensation, and a tendency for the veins to prolapsed and protrude externally.
HAMAMELIS: for a burning soreness, often with bleeding.
SULPHUR : for hot, burning and itching in the anus; the pains are made worse by standing and better when lying.
Naturopathy - Practitioners in all of the therapies are likely to give dietary advice, and it is sensible to ensure you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit to give adequate fibre and ease constipation, see also Constipation.
Hot and cold compresses or even hot/cold baths will improve local circulation and reduce congestion; ice packs may be useful to reduce swelling at times. Exercise is also helpful to get the circulation going; ideally get individual advice. Avoid long periods of standing.
Home remedies for Haemorrhoids
Aromatherapy - Using aromatherapy oils in Haemorrhoids such as Cypress or Juniper in the bath can help to stimulate pelvic circulation; also adding a couple of drops of either to a bowl of cool water and then using this for a compress may help too. Massage of the abdomen with a 2 per cent dilution of oils of Marjoram or Rosemary can help ease constipation and relieve haemorrhoids.
Herbalism - Local treatment can help to astringe and tone the swollen veins. Use commercial creams made with extract of Pilewort (Ranunculus ficaria), Horse Chestnut (Aesculus bippocastanum) or Marigold (Calendula officinalis), or use a compress of distilled Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana); the tincture is much more astringent, if available use this diluted at the rate of 15 ml (1 tbsp) to a small bowl of warm water.
Prolong bleeding from piles can eventually lead to anaemia. Drinking Nettle (Vrtica dioica) tea may relieve this, but take steps to avoid constipation too.
Homeopathy - Some possible remedies are:
AESCULUS: for a dry itching and stinging sensation, and a tendency for the veins to prolapsed and protrude externally.
HAMAMELIS: for a burning soreness, often with bleeding.
SULPHUR : for hot, burning and itching in the anus; the pains are made worse by standing and better when lying.
Naturopathy - Practitioners in all of the therapies are likely to give dietary advice, and it is sensible to ensure you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit to give adequate fibre and ease constipation, see also Constipation.
Hot and cold compresses or even hot/cold baths will improve local circulation and reduce congestion; ice packs may be useful to reduce swelling at times. Exercise is also helpful to get the circulation going; ideally get individual advice. Avoid long periods of standing.
Impotence - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Impotence Treatment
Impotence is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection is a condition that most often results from mental or emotional problem, perhaps anxiety in general or about a particular relationship or sexual situation. The whole area of sex drive is a major subject in its own. There are often physical causes of persistent infertility, but libido can be improved in many ways.
Home remedies for Impotence
Aromatherapy - Due to the subtle yet profound impact that aromatic essential oils can have on our moods and emotions, they can play a very positive part in reducing the effects of stress on libido. One obvious way to use them is in the bath; another may be to get your partner to give you a massage with diluted essential oils (2.5 per cent dilution in a carrier oil), this should be with the aim of creating close contact without the pressure of needing to "perform" - if making love does result that's fine, just don't make it a condition of the massage!
Suitable oils to consider include Sandalwood (which is often liked by men as well as women), Jasmine, Neroli and Ylang Ylang. These are all likely to have a relaxing and uplifting effect. One factor in choosing an oil is because you like the smell; this may seem desirable generally but in this kind of problem it is obviously essential.
Herbalism - The herbal approach should be to look at boosting vitality and better health. Many herbs that may help with problems of impotence are thus tonics; they may have other actions over time, and so only use the suggested herbs for a short period, say 3 weeks, before taking a break or seeking professional advice.
Where tension is a major factor, try using Oat straw (Avena sativa) in tablets or up to 2.5 ml of the tincture twice daily. If exhaustion or depressions are more significant, then take teas of either Damiana (Turnera diffusa) or Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): these are both tonics and Damiana in particular is valuable in toning the male hormonal system. Another possibility is Ginseng, which helps our systems adapt better to excess stress. This is available in tablet or liquid form - there are really three kinds, with varying effects: Asiatic (Panax schinseng) which is more stimulating, American (P. quinquefolium) which is more relaxing, and Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus) which is an unrelated plant with similar tonic properties.
Ginseng remedies should generally be avoided by people with very high blood pressure, without first seeking professional herbal advice.
Homeopathy - The best results will be found by seeing a professional homeopath, since there are so many factors which will determine the best home remedy for impotence. Some examples are -
Argent Nit: a good remedy for impotence where there is a lot of apprehension or fear, in this case about a relationship or sexual situation.
Sepia: remedy for loss of sex drive and lowered interest in your partner and the relationship. Good for slightly older people.
Naturopathy - Vitamins E, B and C are beneficial.
Exercise and also adequate rest are both important and splashing warm and cold water around the pelvic area will stimulate circulation.
Home remedies for Impotence
Aromatherapy - Due to the subtle yet profound impact that aromatic essential oils can have on our moods and emotions, they can play a very positive part in reducing the effects of stress on libido. One obvious way to use them is in the bath; another may be to get your partner to give you a massage with diluted essential oils (2.5 per cent dilution in a carrier oil), this should be with the aim of creating close contact without the pressure of needing to "perform" - if making love does result that's fine, just don't make it a condition of the massage!
Suitable oils to consider include Sandalwood (which is often liked by men as well as women), Jasmine, Neroli and Ylang Ylang. These are all likely to have a relaxing and uplifting effect. One factor in choosing an oil is because you like the smell; this may seem desirable generally but in this kind of problem it is obviously essential.
Herbalism - The herbal approach should be to look at boosting vitality and better health. Many herbs that may help with problems of impotence are thus tonics; they may have other actions over time, and so only use the suggested herbs for a short period, say 3 weeks, before taking a break or seeking professional advice.
Where tension is a major factor, try using Oat straw (Avena sativa) in tablets or up to 2.5 ml of the tincture twice daily. If exhaustion or depressions are more significant, then take teas of either Damiana (Turnera diffusa) or Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): these are both tonics and Damiana in particular is valuable in toning the male hormonal system. Another possibility is Ginseng, which helps our systems adapt better to excess stress. This is available in tablet or liquid form - there are really three kinds, with varying effects: Asiatic (Panax schinseng) which is more stimulating, American (P. quinquefolium) which is more relaxing, and Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus) which is an unrelated plant with similar tonic properties.
Ginseng remedies should generally be avoided by people with very high blood pressure, without first seeking professional herbal advice.
Homeopathy - The best results will be found by seeing a professional homeopath, since there are so many factors which will determine the best home remedy for impotence. Some examples are -
Argent Nit: a good remedy for impotence where there is a lot of apprehension or fear, in this case about a relationship or sexual situation.
Sepia: remedy for loss of sex drive and lowered interest in your partner and the relationship. Good for slightly older people.
Naturopathy - Vitamins E, B and C are beneficial.
Exercise and also adequate rest are both important and splashing warm and cold water around the pelvic area will stimulate circulation.
Influenza Home Remedies and Treatment
Anyone who has had influenza will know that it is a more serious complaint than simply having a bad cold. Different viral strains produce differing symptoms for Influenza, but generally there is fever, aching muscles, headache and general weakness. Sometimes there may also be a harsh cough is present as influenza symptoms. In older, frail people it can seriously debilitate.
Home remedies for Influenza
Influenza Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Several oils have considerable anti-viral activity and help to boost the immune system. It is important though to use them at the earliest sign of influenza for maximum benefit. Either use them in the bath or as steam inhalations, it may also be a good idea to fumigate the house with oils at the same time, to help prevent everyone else getting the influenza infection. This is best done by either putting 2-3 drops on a radiator to evaporate or else adding around 10 drops to a small plant spray filled with water, frequently spraying the room.
Influenza Strains
Influenza occurs in bouts of epidemic proportions with periodic changes in the viral strains responsible. This makes vaccination program more difficult and less effective. Influenza can be a real killer and attention to good health to prevent the onset of serious symptoms is essential, especially for older people in winter.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Influenza
In the early stages of a chilled feeling, use a warming tea such as Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) - break a stick into a teapot, perhaps with 2.5 ml of Cayenne (Capsicum minimum) or ground Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) added. When feeling more feverish in influenza, you can provoke sweating by taking infusions of Catmint (Nepeta cataria) or Elderflower (Sambucus nigra). The deep muscular aching can be relieved by using an infusion of Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), either on its own or mixed with either of the above.
To stimulate the immune system and also ward off complications such as bronchitis, take plenty of garlic (preferably raw), hot garlic bread or toast is a nice way to take it for all the family.
Influenza Treatment using Homeopathy
Choose from these helpful natural remedies for influenza if not able to get professional treatment:
BRYONIA: if feeling very hot and dry, thirsty for cold drinks, aching all over, headache made worse by movement.
GELSEMUJM: for a hot head and face but with chills that go up and down the back, burning headache but without any real sense of thirst.
Nux VOMICA: for thoroughly chilled feelings, cannot get warm at all, limbs and back is aching, stomach upset.
Naturopathy - Natural Home cures for Influenza
At an early stage of influenza try having a hot bath to which you add 30-60 ml (2-4 tbsp) of Epsom Salts then go straight to bed.
Generally restrict the diet, drinking fruit juices until the feverish period has passed, and then starting on fruit, vegetables and whole grains at first. If very hot and sweaty, try applying a cool compress to the chest and trunk.
Immediately when the symptoms of influenza start, it is advisable to take high levels of Vitamin C to boost the immune system, around 3,000 to 4,000 mg to start with and reducing over 3-4 days to 500 mg until completely better.
Home remedies for Influenza
Influenza Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Several oils have considerable anti-viral activity and help to boost the immune system. It is important though to use them at the earliest sign of influenza for maximum benefit. Either use them in the bath or as steam inhalations, it may also be a good idea to fumigate the house with oils at the same time, to help prevent everyone else getting the influenza infection. This is best done by either putting 2-3 drops on a radiator to evaporate or else adding around 10 drops to a small plant spray filled with water, frequently spraying the room.
Influenza Strains
Influenza occurs in bouts of epidemic proportions with periodic changes in the viral strains responsible. This makes vaccination program more difficult and less effective. Influenza can be a real killer and attention to good health to prevent the onset of serious symptoms is essential, especially for older people in winter.
Herbalism - Herbal Remedies for Influenza
In the early stages of a chilled feeling, use a warming tea such as Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) - break a stick into a teapot, perhaps with 2.5 ml of Cayenne (Capsicum minimum) or ground Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) added. When feeling more feverish in influenza, you can provoke sweating by taking infusions of Catmint (Nepeta cataria) or Elderflower (Sambucus nigra). The deep muscular aching can be relieved by using an infusion of Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), either on its own or mixed with either of the above.
To stimulate the immune system and also ward off complications such as bronchitis, take plenty of garlic (preferably raw), hot garlic bread or toast is a nice way to take it for all the family.
Influenza Treatment using Homeopathy
Choose from these helpful natural remedies for influenza if not able to get professional treatment:
BRYONIA: if feeling very hot and dry, thirsty for cold drinks, aching all over, headache made worse by movement.
GELSEMUJM: for a hot head and face but with chills that go up and down the back, burning headache but without any real sense of thirst.
Nux VOMICA: for thoroughly chilled feelings, cannot get warm at all, limbs and back is aching, stomach upset.
Naturopathy - Natural Home cures for Influenza
At an early stage of influenza try having a hot bath to which you add 30-60 ml (2-4 tbsp) of Epsom Salts then go straight to bed.
Generally restrict the diet, drinking fruit juices until the feverish period has passed, and then starting on fruit, vegetables and whole grains at first. If very hot and sweaty, try applying a cool compress to the chest and trunk.
Immediately when the symptoms of influenza start, it is advisable to take high levels of Vitamin C to boost the immune system, around 3,000 to 4,000 mg to start with and reducing over 3-4 days to 500 mg until completely better.
Insomnia - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Insomnia Treatment
Insomnia is a sleeping problem. It is important to distinguish between habitual sleeplessness, repeated night after night and a temporary problem due perhaps to some worry or anxiety. It is also important not to become obsessed with trying to get a certain amount of sleep. People generally need less sleep as they get older and this is perfectly normal.
Home remedies for Insomnia
Essential oils are a very pleasant and effective means of unwinding and aiding restful sleep - try using them in the bath - or else putting 2-5 drops on to a paper tissue under the pillow at night. Choose from the following, either using a single oil or a blend; do not use the same oil for more than 2 weeks or you will find it becomes less effective.
Chamomile: calming and relaxing in its effects, it is good where indigestion contributes to broken sleep.
clary sage: this has a sedating and almost euphoric action, but do not use if you have had alcohol as you can quickly get drunk, and have nightmares or a hangover feeling later on.
lavender: not only very soothing, but also analgesic, so if any aches or pains contribute to insomnia, this oil is probably the best remedy.
marjoram: relaxing and warming, in large amounts it is quite sedating but can leave you feeling a bit thick-headed the next morning, so do not overdo it.
An infusion of one or more of these relaxing herbs can help a return to a natural sleep pattern if stress has disturbed it. Other ways of using herbs include herb-filled pillows; traditionally hops were used as they are sedating (but not very pleasant- smelling !). Fill a small muslin bag loosely with the appropriate herb and place under your normal pillow.
Another old favourite remedy for insomnia was cowslip wine; this not only tastes better than the infusion but is certainly very relaxing.
chamomile: (Chamomilla recutita): calms the stomach and the brain, settling the digestion and helping sleep.
hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis): a gentle relaxant; also helps to ease nasal congestion and colds, which can cause insomnia.
lemon baem (Melissa officinalis): this helps to restore balance to the nervous system, and can be used safely on children. The fresh herb tastes much nicer, and can be drunk as a tea anytime.
lime blossom (Tilia europaea): mildly analgesic as well as calming; can soothe headache or other pains.
passion flower (Passiflora incarnata): a strong relaxant or sedative, but without any ill-effects. Many commercial herbal tablets for insomnia contain this herb.
Homeopathy - In the short term, look at these remedies.
aconite: for restlessness associated with sudden upset or fear, and resulting in tossing and turning in bed.
coffee: if the mind is completely awake and the brain will not turn off- just as if you had drunk strong coffee.
Naturopathy - In order to get the proper rhythm of energy through the day, it is useful to get plenty of exercise and get fresh air in the daytime. It may help to get up fairly early in the morning as well to restore this balance.
Do not sleep in a stuffy room or drink coffee, tea or cola at night.
Home remedies for Insomnia
Essential oils are a very pleasant and effective means of unwinding and aiding restful sleep - try using them in the bath - or else putting 2-5 drops on to a paper tissue under the pillow at night. Choose from the following, either using a single oil or a blend; do not use the same oil for more than 2 weeks or you will find it becomes less effective.
Chamomile: calming and relaxing in its effects, it is good where indigestion contributes to broken sleep.
clary sage: this has a sedating and almost euphoric action, but do not use if you have had alcohol as you can quickly get drunk, and have nightmares or a hangover feeling later on.
lavender: not only very soothing, but also analgesic, so if any aches or pains contribute to insomnia, this oil is probably the best remedy.
marjoram: relaxing and warming, in large amounts it is quite sedating but can leave you feeling a bit thick-headed the next morning, so do not overdo it.
An infusion of one or more of these relaxing herbs can help a return to a natural sleep pattern if stress has disturbed it. Other ways of using herbs include herb-filled pillows; traditionally hops were used as they are sedating (but not very pleasant- smelling !). Fill a small muslin bag loosely with the appropriate herb and place under your normal pillow.
Another old favourite remedy for insomnia was cowslip wine; this not only tastes better than the infusion but is certainly very relaxing.
chamomile: (Chamomilla recutita): calms the stomach and the brain, settling the digestion and helping sleep.
hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis): a gentle relaxant; also helps to ease nasal congestion and colds, which can cause insomnia.
lemon baem (Melissa officinalis): this helps to restore balance to the nervous system, and can be used safely on children. The fresh herb tastes much nicer, and can be drunk as a tea anytime.
lime blossom (Tilia europaea): mildly analgesic as well as calming; can soothe headache or other pains.
passion flower (Passiflora incarnata): a strong relaxant or sedative, but without any ill-effects. Many commercial herbal tablets for insomnia contain this herb.
Homeopathy - In the short term, look at these remedies.
aconite: for restlessness associated with sudden upset or fear, and resulting in tossing and turning in bed.
coffee: if the mind is completely awake and the brain will not turn off- just as if you had drunk strong coffee.
Naturopathy - In order to get the proper rhythm of energy through the day, it is useful to get plenty of exercise and get fresh air in the daytime. It may help to get up fairly early in the morning as well to restore this balance.
Do not sleep in a stuffy room or drink coffee, tea or cola at night.
Hay Fever Home Remedies and Treatment
Hay fever is an allergic reaction which can be triggered just by grass pollens but in some people it can triggered by various flower or tree pollens too. Hay Fever is often seen together with other allergic reactions such as asthma or eczema and if it is not relieved by the suggested home remedies approaches then seek qualified treatment. Practitioners may well start to act preventively before the hay fever season.
Home Remedies for Hay Fever
Hay Fever Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Simply sniffing a drop or two of an essential oil may be the best method to get relief in Hay Fever. Steam inhalations can be used but might be too hot for some people. You may well need to vary the oils used through the hay fever season, as they can become less effective if used for too long. Choose from Chamomile, Tea Tree, Pine, Melissa or Eucalyptus.
Herbal Remedies for Hay Fever
Two herbs are very helpful in reducing the symptoms of hay fever such as Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) and Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis).
Hay fever Symptoms
The membranes lining the nose are most often affected with congestion or else a streaming nose and sneezing; frequently the eyes or throat become inflamed too. An all-year-round allergic reaction, or allergic rhinitis can be set up with symptoms triggered by mould spores, house dust, fur and car exhaust fumes.
Hay Fever Treatment using Homeopathy
Sometimes it can be worth using Mixed Pollens themselves in homeopathic dilution before symptoms have started. Otherwise choose from these listed options for Hay Fever treatment:
ALLIUM CEPA: for a burning nasal discharge and when the eyes will run too (think of your reaction to cutting up onions!).
ARSEN AIB: if the eyes are burning with tears that feels hot, if the nose runs that too will feel burning, sneezing gives no relief to the irritation.
EUPHRASIA: if the nose runs profusely with lots of watery mucus, although it may block at night, the eyes feel sore and gritty with burning tears.
Naturopathy - Natural home cures for Hay Fever
Reduce mucus production by cutting out dairy products (also see Catarrh), and when the Hay Fever symptoms are severe, take high levels of Vitamin C (up to 2,000 mg per day, unless diarrhea occurs) to act as a natural anti-histamine.
Another effective cure for Hay Fever is to rinse out the eyes with an eyebath using cool distilled water or a proprietary eyewash to give temporary relief. You can also ease the nose by sniffing up distilled water to wash out the pollens.
Home Remedies for Hay Fever
Hay Fever Treatment using Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Simply sniffing a drop or two of an essential oil may be the best method to get relief in Hay Fever. Steam inhalations can be used but might be too hot for some people. You may well need to vary the oils used through the hay fever season, as they can become less effective if used for too long. Choose from Chamomile, Tea Tree, Pine, Melissa or Eucalyptus.
Herbal Remedies for Hay Fever
Two herbs are very helpful in reducing the symptoms of hay fever such as Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) and Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis).
Hay fever Symptoms
The membranes lining the nose are most often affected with congestion or else a streaming nose and sneezing; frequently the eyes or throat become inflamed too. An all-year-round allergic reaction, or allergic rhinitis can be set up with symptoms triggered by mould spores, house dust, fur and car exhaust fumes.
Hay Fever Treatment using Homeopathy
Sometimes it can be worth using Mixed Pollens themselves in homeopathic dilution before symptoms have started. Otherwise choose from these listed options for Hay Fever treatment:
ALLIUM CEPA: for a burning nasal discharge and when the eyes will run too (think of your reaction to cutting up onions!).
ARSEN AIB: if the eyes are burning with tears that feels hot, if the nose runs that too will feel burning, sneezing gives no relief to the irritation.
EUPHRASIA: if the nose runs profusely with lots of watery mucus, although it may block at night, the eyes feel sore and gritty with burning tears.
Naturopathy - Natural home cures for Hay Fever
Reduce mucus production by cutting out dairy products (also see Catarrh), and when the Hay Fever symptoms are severe, take high levels of Vitamin C (up to 2,000 mg per day, unless diarrhea occurs) to act as a natural anti-histamine.
Another effective cure for Hay Fever is to rinse out the eyes with an eyebath using cool distilled water or a proprietary eyewash to give temporary relief. You can also ease the nose by sniffing up distilled water to wash out the pollens.
Headache - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Headaches Treatment
Headaches can develop for a number of reasons. Usually Headaches can be related to some obvious cause such as nasal congestion or sinusitis, eyestrain, fatigue or tension. The majority of Headaches are due to stress or worries, with muscle spasms in the neck leading to head pains. These can be made worse by poor posture and many jobs create special problems - for example, computer operators often get eyestrain and stiff, aching shoulders or neck muscles and consequent Headaches.
Home remedies for Headaches
Aromatherapy -
Many essential oils have some analgesic properties. A useful way of employing the following for headaches is a cold compress applied to the temples and forehead.
Use 5 drops in a small bowl of cold water, wring out a flannel or something similar and place on the area of headache. Alternatively, gentle massage a couple of drops directly into the temples.
Lavender is relaxing, warming and analgesic, one of the gentlest of oils. Where there is neck tension, apply a hot compress to the neck and upper back at same time to treat headache
Peppermint is very cooling in its effect and is also very useful for relieving catarrh and nasal congestion
Rosemary is even stimulating to the central nervous systems and is excellent for headaches
Herbalism -
At the earliest signs of headache taking a herbal tea from the choice below can stop headache.
Chamomile is good for bilious headaches, stemming from over-eating or indigestion, where there is dull throbbing pain on top of the head
Lime blossom soothes the nerves and is very helpful for tension headaches.
Peppermint works well for digestive or sinus headaches
Homeopathy -
Belladonna can be used for a burning, violent headache with a hot head when the symptoms are worse with any haring movement of the head or loud noises
Bryonia is used for a sever, splitting headache, only relieved by lying still or with firm cool pressure
Nux Vomica is used for sharp headache either on walking or after food, with nausea or bilious feeling from over-eating
Naturopathy -
Naturopathy approach is to look at prevention of headache by changing lifestyle to reduce reasons for headaches. Eating a varied whole food diet, reducing alcohol, coffee, tea and getting more exercise and fresh air are all likely to help lower the frequency of headaches for regular sufferers. Drink plenty of fluids, as dehydration could be a factor
Treatment of Headache by Home Remedy
Two table spoons of rose petal vinegar added to 1 liter (1.75 pints) of water has a fragrant, refreshing smell which is very soothing and give quick relief from headaches.
A headache pillow remedy - Mix together 50g(2oz) each of lavender marjoram, rose petals, betony and rose leaf and 15g(!oz) of cloves. Sew them into a cotton case and keep it beneath your pillow.
Massage to the back of the neck on either side of the spinal column, the temples and the scalp will ease tension tremendously but one of the best ways of curing a thumping headache is to massage your feet or get someone else to do it for you.
For the best results in curing headaches massage with one of the following essential oils in a dilution of almond oil: peppermint, rosemary, cloves, aniseed, marigold oil for the temples; wintergreen for the back of the neck. Tiger balm can be popped into a handbag or pocket and taken anywhere for any emergency.
Home remedies for Headaches
Aromatherapy -
Many essential oils have some analgesic properties. A useful way of employing the following for headaches is a cold compress applied to the temples and forehead.
Use 5 drops in a small bowl of cold water, wring out a flannel or something similar and place on the area of headache. Alternatively, gentle massage a couple of drops directly into the temples.
Lavender is relaxing, warming and analgesic, one of the gentlest of oils. Where there is neck tension, apply a hot compress to the neck and upper back at same time to treat headache
Peppermint is very cooling in its effect and is also very useful for relieving catarrh and nasal congestion
Rosemary is even stimulating to the central nervous systems and is excellent for headaches
Herbalism -
At the earliest signs of headache taking a herbal tea from the choice below can stop headache.
Chamomile is good for bilious headaches, stemming from over-eating or indigestion, where there is dull throbbing pain on top of the head
Lime blossom soothes the nerves and is very helpful for tension headaches.
Peppermint works well for digestive or sinus headaches
Homeopathy -
Belladonna can be used for a burning, violent headache with a hot head when the symptoms are worse with any haring movement of the head or loud noises
Bryonia is used for a sever, splitting headache, only relieved by lying still or with firm cool pressure
Nux Vomica is used for sharp headache either on walking or after food, with nausea or bilious feeling from over-eating
Naturopathy -
Naturopathy approach is to look at prevention of headache by changing lifestyle to reduce reasons for headaches. Eating a varied whole food diet, reducing alcohol, coffee, tea and getting more exercise and fresh air are all likely to help lower the frequency of headaches for regular sufferers. Drink plenty of fluids, as dehydration could be a factor
Treatment of Headache by Home Remedy
Two table spoons of rose petal vinegar added to 1 liter (1.75 pints) of water has a fragrant, refreshing smell which is very soothing and give quick relief from headaches.
A headache pillow remedy - Mix together 50g(2oz) each of lavender marjoram, rose petals, betony and rose leaf and 15g(!oz) of cloves. Sew them into a cotton case and keep it beneath your pillow.
Massage to the back of the neck on either side of the spinal column, the temples and the scalp will ease tension tremendously but one of the best ways of curing a thumping headache is to massage your feet or get someone else to do it for you.
For the best results in curing headaches massage with one of the following essential oils in a dilution of almond oil: peppermint, rosemary, cloves, aniseed, marigold oil for the temples; wintergreen for the back of the neck. Tiger balm can be popped into a handbag or pocket and taken anywhere for any emergency.
Gall Bladder Problem - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Gall Bladder Problem Treatment
Gallstones may steadily grow in size or number with very few symptoms for a long time, except perhaps increased indigestion or flatulence, but may cause acute colic if the gall-bladder gets inflamed. Gallstones need professional treatment, and sometimes surgery, but there is much that can be done to ease the discomfort alongside qualified medical help.
Home remedies for Gall Bladder Problem
Aromatherapy - Not really a first-choice discipline, but warm compresses over the right side of the abdomen, using diluted oils of Lavender, Marjoram or Rosemary, may relieve spasm and colic.
Start with the gentlest herbs. If gallstones are definitely present, a scan is needed to establish their size before any treatment is prescribed.
CHAMOMILE (Chamomilla recutita) tea is both anti-inflammatory and anti- spasmodic, and gently stimulates the whole digestive process.
DANDELION ROOT (Taraxacum officinale) is an excellent mild liver tonic; ideally make a decoction and take a small cupful twice a day. Look also at the herbs listed for Colic and for Flatulence; they are likely in most cases to aid digestion and relieve congestion in the liver and gall-bladder.
As a short-term measure, try a few doses of either of these before consulting a qualified practitioner:
BRYONIA: where food lie heavily in the stomach, there may be nausea, biliousness and headache.
Nux VOMICA: for feeling; of nausea in the mornings if brought on by rich meals.
Disturbances in the gall-bladder, with or without gallstones, will affect how well fats are digested, so the first step is to restrict animal fats and dairy produce, while increasing vegetables and fruit. To encourage bile production and flow, eat vegetables such as artichokes and bitter salads such as endive and chicory, as well as taking plenty of garlic and fruit to reduce cholesterol (lemon juice is powerful in this respect). Use smaller amounts of light oils such as Olive, Sunflower and Safflower in dressings.
Home remedies for Gall Bladder Problem
Aromatherapy - Not really a first-choice discipline, but warm compresses over the right side of the abdomen, using diluted oils of Lavender, Marjoram or Rosemary, may relieve spasm and colic.
Start with the gentlest herbs. If gallstones are definitely present, a scan is needed to establish their size before any treatment is prescribed.
CHAMOMILE (Chamomilla recutita) tea is both anti-inflammatory and anti- spasmodic, and gently stimulates the whole digestive process.
DANDELION ROOT (Taraxacum officinale) is an excellent mild liver tonic; ideally make a decoction and take a small cupful twice a day. Look also at the herbs listed for Colic and for Flatulence; they are likely in most cases to aid digestion and relieve congestion in the liver and gall-bladder.
As a short-term measure, try a few doses of either of these before consulting a qualified practitioner:
BRYONIA: where food lie heavily in the stomach, there may be nausea, biliousness and headache.
Nux VOMICA: for feeling; of nausea in the mornings if brought on by rich meals.
Disturbances in the gall-bladder, with or without gallstones, will affect how well fats are digested, so the first step is to restrict animal fats and dairy produce, while increasing vegetables and fruit. To encourage bile production and flow, eat vegetables such as artichokes and bitter salads such as endive and chicory, as well as taking plenty of garlic and fruit to reduce cholesterol (lemon juice is powerful in this respect). Use smaller amounts of light oils such as Olive, Sunflower and Safflower in dressings.
Gout - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Gout Treatment
Gout occurs when there is an excess of uric acid in the body and the kidneys cannot get rid of it effectively. The acid crystallizes into tiny sharp deposits like miniature needles. These collect in joints in the toes or feet but sometimes elsewhere such as earlobes, causing intense pain and inflammation. The first sign of an attack may in fact be a feverish feeling, before the joint swells. People who suffer from gout are, understandably, extremely bad tempered and undoubtedly resent the sniggers it causes. Pleasant Soothing herbal teas, a light diet and any entertainment guaranteed to keep the blood pressure down are the best answers although there are alternatives.
Home remedies for Gout
Aromatherapy - In an acute attack it is definitely not appropriate to massage the affected area - there is too much inflammation, Instead, use oils in cool or cold compresses to reduce the discomfort. For a detoxifying effect, try Cypress Fennel, Juniper, Lemon or Pine oils. These may also be used in the bath. As the swelling and inflammation reduce, perhaps switch to oils such as Lavender or Rosemary for inducing local warmth and flushing toxins out of the joints.
Herbalism - Take Celery Seed 2 to 3 cupfuls a day for acute attacks of gout and to encourage strongly the excretion of uric acid.
Home Treatment for Gout
Uric acid may accumulate within the kidneys themselves, leading to kidney stones, which may have to be surgically removed. Generally speaking, all the advice for Arthritis will be applicable to gout.
An acute attack of gout is extremely painful and may require medical treatment. Try reducing food to a minimum but make sure to drink plenty of water, which will encourage removal of uric acid from the body.
Homeopathy - A couple of home remedies that often give some relief are -
Arnica: for repeated attacks of gout, especially affecting the big toe with hot, painful and very tender joints.
Rhus Tox: a versatile remedy for most rheumatic or arthritic problems.
Naturopathy - Use cold compresses to reduce the swelling, switching to hot/cold applications in the longer term to encourage better circulation around the joint. Increase vegetable intake, especially raw or juiced, for a more alkaline intake, and cut out cheese, red wine (in the short term all alcohol), red meats, coffee and strong tea. When the swelling and inflammation has subsided, increase exercise to maintain joint mobility.
Drink plenty of mineral or spring water to encourage kidney action. Pain can be eased with some of the herbs discussed above.
Treatment for Gout By Home Remedy
The best and most devious remedy for gout that I have heard of to date is that of advising the patient to get undressed in the early evening hours, swathe him or herself in blankets and sit in hot water up to the knees prior to retiring to bed before 10 o'clock.
Bran and vinegar poultice or tallow and garlic shared equal popularity with a thick covering of treacle or honey applied on a flannel cloth. However, the most highly prized infusion with which to bathe a gouty toe was made from meadow saffron which, in the language of flowers, means my best days are over - a message hardly conducive to improving the Gout patient's spirits.
Home remedies for Gout
Aromatherapy - In an acute attack it is definitely not appropriate to massage the affected area - there is too much inflammation, Instead, use oils in cool or cold compresses to reduce the discomfort. For a detoxifying effect, try Cypress Fennel, Juniper, Lemon or Pine oils. These may also be used in the bath. As the swelling and inflammation reduce, perhaps switch to oils such as Lavender or Rosemary for inducing local warmth and flushing toxins out of the joints.
Herbalism - Take Celery Seed 2 to 3 cupfuls a day for acute attacks of gout and to encourage strongly the excretion of uric acid.
Home Treatment for Gout
Uric acid may accumulate within the kidneys themselves, leading to kidney stones, which may have to be surgically removed. Generally speaking, all the advice for Arthritis will be applicable to gout.
An acute attack of gout is extremely painful and may require medical treatment. Try reducing food to a minimum but make sure to drink plenty of water, which will encourage removal of uric acid from the body.
Homeopathy - A couple of home remedies that often give some relief are -
Arnica: for repeated attacks of gout, especially affecting the big toe with hot, painful and very tender joints.
Rhus Tox: a versatile remedy for most rheumatic or arthritic problems.
Naturopathy - Use cold compresses to reduce the swelling, switching to hot/cold applications in the longer term to encourage better circulation around the joint. Increase vegetable intake, especially raw or juiced, for a more alkaline intake, and cut out cheese, red wine (in the short term all alcohol), red meats, coffee and strong tea. When the swelling and inflammation has subsided, increase exercise to maintain joint mobility.
Drink plenty of mineral or spring water to encourage kidney action. Pain can be eased with some of the herbs discussed above.
Treatment for Gout By Home Remedy
The best and most devious remedy for gout that I have heard of to date is that of advising the patient to get undressed in the early evening hours, swathe him or herself in blankets and sit in hot water up to the knees prior to retiring to bed before 10 o'clock.
Bran and vinegar poultice or tallow and garlic shared equal popularity with a thick covering of treacle or honey applied on a flannel cloth. However, the most highly prized infusion with which to bathe a gouty toe was made from meadow saffron which, in the language of flowers, means my best days are over - a message hardly conducive to improving the Gout patient's spirits.
Flatulence - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Flatulence Treatment
Flatulence is a common digestive problem. The accumulation of gas in the stomach or intestines can occur as an isolated event, for instance after a meal containing particularly wind-producing foods, or can be a constant, chronic sign of a digestive problem. In the latter case, it may indicate a condition such as diverticulitis or irritable bowel syndrome, and these will need to be addressed in order to sort out the causes of the flatulence.
Home remedies for Flatulence
Many essential oils have a carminative action, which means that they help to shift gas out of the digestive system (up or down, depending where it is!) and also reduce bloating and spasm that can go with the wind. It may be most appropriate, however, to use the aromatic herbs from which the oils are extracted. Oils such as Caraway, Chamomile, Fennel, Majoram and Peppermint could also be used as a warm compress over the abdomen to help relieve the symptoms; use up to 5 drops in a small bowl of warm water.
A number of herbal teas are excellent at relieving flatulence, but do remember that if this is a major problem to get professional herbal treatment. Choose from Catmint, Chamomile, Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) or Peppermint (Mentha piperita) if the problem is in the stomach; any of these plus Dill (Anetbum graveolens) or Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) if the small intestines seem to be affected, and Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) or Peppermint (Mentha piperita) for bowel flatulence, although there are several others that may be useful depending on the problem (see other remedy in this section).
Several remedies featured elsewhere in this section may help try to look beyond the flatulence to deeper causes and seek the remedy for those. Initially, pick from Chamomilla, Carbo Veg, Nux Vomica for flatulence brought on by eating too rich or too big a meal.
Often flatulence can be caused by eating too heavy a mixture of foods - consider reducing the fat content of your diet, and restricting the combinations of proteins and carbohydrates you eat. It this helps a lot, and then you might want to consider exploring the Hay system of eating.
One reason for flatulence can be after administration of antibiotics, as the intestinal bacteria have been decimated; these can be encouraged to multiply by taking plain "live yoghurt, or possibly more concentrated supplements such as acidophilns tablets/powders. Some flatulence is quite natural, if not exactly sociable. It is often better to change the diet more gradually to ease the problem.
Eating Habits and Flatulence
A useful starting point for self- treatment of flatulence is to look at eating habits; are you eating very quickly, while tense, or grabbing a bite to eat "on the run"? This is likely to lead to swallowing gas with the food; inadequate digestive enzymes may be produced and the meal can ferment in the intestines rather than be properly digested. This leads to more gas being created and flatulence gets worse. Also, take care not to do a lot of bending, or sitting curled up on a low sofa, immediately after a meal, as this encourages a gas build-up with bloating and colicky pains.
Home remedies for Flatulence
Many essential oils have a carminative action, which means that they help to shift gas out of the digestive system (up or down, depending where it is!) and also reduce bloating and spasm that can go with the wind. It may be most appropriate, however, to use the aromatic herbs from which the oils are extracted. Oils such as Caraway, Chamomile, Fennel, Majoram and Peppermint could also be used as a warm compress over the abdomen to help relieve the symptoms; use up to 5 drops in a small bowl of warm water.
A number of herbal teas are excellent at relieving flatulence, but do remember that if this is a major problem to get professional herbal treatment. Choose from Catmint, Chamomile, Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) or Peppermint (Mentha piperita) if the problem is in the stomach; any of these plus Dill (Anetbum graveolens) or Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) if the small intestines seem to be affected, and Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) or Peppermint (Mentha piperita) for bowel flatulence, although there are several others that may be useful depending on the problem (see other remedy in this section).
Several remedies featured elsewhere in this section may help try to look beyond the flatulence to deeper causes and seek the remedy for those. Initially, pick from Chamomilla, Carbo Veg, Nux Vomica for flatulence brought on by eating too rich or too big a meal.
Often flatulence can be caused by eating too heavy a mixture of foods - consider reducing the fat content of your diet, and restricting the combinations of proteins and carbohydrates you eat. It this helps a lot, and then you might want to consider exploring the Hay system of eating.
One reason for flatulence can be after administration of antibiotics, as the intestinal bacteria have been decimated; these can be encouraged to multiply by taking plain "live yoghurt, or possibly more concentrated supplements such as acidophilns tablets/powders. Some flatulence is quite natural, if not exactly sociable. It is often better to change the diet more gradually to ease the problem.
Eating Habits and Flatulence
A useful starting point for self- treatment of flatulence is to look at eating habits; are you eating very quickly, while tense, or grabbing a bite to eat "on the run"? This is likely to lead to swallowing gas with the food; inadequate digestive enzymes may be produced and the meal can ferment in the intestines rather than be properly digested. This leads to more gas being created and flatulence gets worse. Also, take care not to do a lot of bending, or sitting curled up on a low sofa, immediately after a meal, as this encourages a gas build-up with bloating and colicky pains.
Fever - Natural Herbal Home Remedy for Fever Treatment
The raising of the body temperature usually in response to an infection is something that natural medicines see as generally a positive healing attempt by the body. Most of our vital processes are stimulated by the higher temperature and conversely many infective organisms cannot survive as well. So the fever response is one that can be aided rather than instantly suppressed.
Home remedies for Fever
Aromatherapy - In order to encourage sweating at the stage of resolving the fever, a warm bath with a maximum of 10 drops of one of these oils may help - if bathing is not appropriate, use them at 1 per cent dilution in a little vegetable oil and massage the back or chest.
Chamomiles, Cypress , Lavender or Tea Tree are good choices. For a more cooling effect use 5 drops of oils of Eucalyptus, Lavender or Peppermint in a small bowl of tepid water and sponge the upper back, neck and chest.
Herbalism - If at the early, shivery stage of an infection, use a tea with Ginger - 2.5 ml, ground ginger, or peel and grate a small piece of fresh root - and Cinnamon or half a cinnamon stick.
When the fever makes you hot and restless, sweating can be provoked by taking a hot infusion of Elderflower (Sambucus nigra) (At normal temperatures this will not make you sweat). Other suitable infusions to relieve the symptoms are: Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), Catmint (Nepeta cataria), Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), while Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) can be added to aid the dilation of the blood vessels and assist general relaxation. Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is another excellent herb to calm the system; a tea may be taken frequently while symptoms prevail.
Checking the Temerature in Fever
By taking the temperature, and checking on feelings of heat or cold, the stages of the fever can be noted and treatment given. Initially, our internal thermostat is turned up, making us feel cold and shivery; as circulation is boosted and we reach the higher levels, we can feel more comfortable, although with a raised temperature. If the process goes too high, or the infection is not controlled, the thermostat is reset back to normal and we feel feverish and hot. Sweating reduces the temperature. Body temperatures around 38°C (100-101°F) often give the best results in fighting infection. Children's temperatures often go higher, and so may an adult's; if left for too long this can make us feel very unwell and cooling may then be needed, either by inducing sweating or through sponging with tepid water. If in doubt get professional help.
Homeopathy - As with herbalism, there are many homeopathic remedies available for fever and the cause/exact reaction needs to be sorted out first. A few to choose from, in mild feverish states are:
ACONITE: for dry, burning skin and great restlessness and agitation; symptoms may come on quickly.
BELLADONNA: for a high temperature, with a hot, very red face and a racing pulse. In extreme fever cases the person may also be delirious and highly excitable.
EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM: for an influenza-type of fever, with chills followed on by heat, aching muscles and maybe sweating.
FERRUM PHOS: for milder fevers, with less obvious causes; a hot, throbbing head and frequent sweating.
Naturopathy - Avoid active exercise; take plenty of rest but do not swaddle in heavy bedclothes; keep the room aired.
Herbs can help combat a fever by either provoking sweating, or by aiding the dilation of the blood vessels.
Drink fruit juices, herb teas or water, and restrict food until the temperature has returned to normal. Sponge the face and chest with tepid water if the temperature is too hot. A cold pack or compress around the trunk will also reduce excessive heat; use something large like a towel wrung out in cold water and wrapped around the body and then wrap in a larger, dry towel or blanket.
Feverish conditions used to be much more common, and traditional practitioners such as herbalists developed quite sophisticated techniques to deal with them. They have become rarer nowadays, but natural measures remain very important in helping to cope with a fever. If the temperature rises to the point where someone becomes delirious or even has a convulsion, get urgent medical aid. Young children can be quite prone to convulsions, but this is rarer as we get older.
Home remedies for Fever
Aromatherapy - In order to encourage sweating at the stage of resolving the fever, a warm bath with a maximum of 10 drops of one of these oils may help - if bathing is not appropriate, use them at 1 per cent dilution in a little vegetable oil and massage the back or chest.
Chamomiles, Cypress , Lavender or Tea Tree are good choices. For a more cooling effect use 5 drops of oils of Eucalyptus, Lavender or Peppermint in a small bowl of tepid water and sponge the upper back, neck and chest.
Herbalism - If at the early, shivery stage of an infection, use a tea with Ginger - 2.5 ml, ground ginger, or peel and grate a small piece of fresh root - and Cinnamon or half a cinnamon stick.
When the fever makes you hot and restless, sweating can be provoked by taking a hot infusion of Elderflower (Sambucus nigra) (At normal temperatures this will not make you sweat). Other suitable infusions to relieve the symptoms are: Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), Catmint (Nepeta cataria), Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), while Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea) can be added to aid the dilation of the blood vessels and assist general relaxation. Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is another excellent herb to calm the system; a tea may be taken frequently while symptoms prevail.
Checking the Temerature in Fever
By taking the temperature, and checking on feelings of heat or cold, the stages of the fever can be noted and treatment given. Initially, our internal thermostat is turned up, making us feel cold and shivery; as circulation is boosted and we reach the higher levels, we can feel more comfortable, although with a raised temperature. If the process goes too high, or the infection is not controlled, the thermostat is reset back to normal and we feel feverish and hot. Sweating reduces the temperature. Body temperatures around 38°C (100-101°F) often give the best results in fighting infection. Children's temperatures often go higher, and so may an adult's; if left for too long this can make us feel very unwell and cooling may then be needed, either by inducing sweating or through sponging with tepid water. If in doubt get professional help.
Homeopathy - As with herbalism, there are many homeopathic remedies available for fever and the cause/exact reaction needs to be sorted out first. A few to choose from, in mild feverish states are:
ACONITE: for dry, burning skin and great restlessness and agitation; symptoms may come on quickly.
BELLADONNA: for a high temperature, with a hot, very red face and a racing pulse. In extreme fever cases the person may also be delirious and highly excitable.
EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM: for an influenza-type of fever, with chills followed on by heat, aching muscles and maybe sweating.
FERRUM PHOS: for milder fevers, with less obvious causes; a hot, throbbing head and frequent sweating.
Naturopathy - Avoid active exercise; take plenty of rest but do not swaddle in heavy bedclothes; keep the room aired.
Herbs can help combat a fever by either provoking sweating, or by aiding the dilation of the blood vessels.
Drink fruit juices, herb teas or water, and restrict food until the temperature has returned to normal. Sponge the face and chest with tepid water if the temperature is too hot. A cold pack or compress around the trunk will also reduce excessive heat; use something large like a towel wrung out in cold water and wrapped around the body and then wrap in a larger, dry towel or blanket.
Feverish conditions used to be much more common, and traditional practitioners such as herbalists developed quite sophisticated techniques to deal with them. They have become rarer nowadays, but natural measures remain very important in helping to cope with a fever. If the temperature rises to the point where someone becomes delirious or even has a convulsion, get urgent medical aid. Young children can be quite prone to convulsions, but this is rarer as we get older.
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